God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, May 11, 2022



Opening question: What are you full of? What does full mean? How do we use that word?

1. He has a full life…
2. You're full of it…
3. I'm full…

We all want…
1. A full tank of gas.
2. A full bank account.
3. A full stomach

The opposite of full is empty, right?

What are you filled with?


"I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it."
Psalms 81:10 NIV

God wants to fill us! He wants to be the source of our fulfillment!

What does that mean?

What does God want to fill us with?
Galatians 5:22
• Filled with the spirit
• Filled with joy
• Filled with love
• Filled with peace
• Filled with kindness
• Filled with gentleness
• Filled with self control

What does the world want to fill is with?
Galatians 5:19
• Immorality, impurity, anger, envy…

All those things leave you filling empty!

Share about being full of angry

What are you filled with?

It's our choice what we are going to be filled with! "Open wide your mouth"

How do we open our mouths wide to God?
• Prayer, Gods word, faith and deeds, seeking his will, etc…
• Full with no room for anything else!

Why do you think that God started the verse by pointing back to Egypt? What was/is God trying to communicate to them and us?


What are you filled with today?
What will you be filled with tomorrow?
Make a decision to open your mouths wide to God and let him fill you up!

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