God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, July 25, 2020



Chp 6
  1. Vs 8 — Job still wants an end to his pain and suffering. Its hard to live in the moment when bad things happen. You just want an end.
  2. Job desires death over life and does not understand eternity — chp 7:9-11
  3. Vs 13 — Job has lost everything and yet his primary concern is success. Why is wealth and status so important?

Chp 7
  1. The world is a tough place to live. In the Garden with God was paradise. Man's sin changed all of that.
  2. Vs 17 — talking about God, Job wonders why God would even concern himself with mankind. We are so insignificant as beings in comparison to the universes.
  3. Vs 21 — there was no forgiveness of sin in the Old Testament that did not require sacrifice. Sin required a penalty. For us Jesus was a sacrifice once for all!

Chp 8
  1. God does uphold the blameless and protect the righteous!
  2. Job's position was not that he was absolutely sinless. Job's argument was that he did not do anything that deserved what he was going through.

Chp 9
  1. Vs 1-3 what is true? God is just! God is fare! How can man plead his case with God. Job wanted a direct relationship and conversation with God!
  2. Vs 33 Job longed for a mediator. Someone who could stand between him and God. Job knew a mere man could not stand before God alone. He longed for the day that we now are blessed with! Jesus is our mediator! 1 Timothy 2:5
  3. Only in Christianity do you have God reaching down to man. John 3:16
  4. Only when you are stripped of everything (share about your own life) and know that you need God do you look for a savior. I cried out to God in desperation!

Chp 10
  1. Vs 13-16 Is Job in sin by the way he is speaking? He has not cursed God but he is accusing God of many things. What is he accusing God of?

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