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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Wrestling with God

Wrestling with God

We like smooth roads. No bumps in the road.We like things to go the way we plan and when we want them. We like to be in control; however, life has a way of creating bumps, breaking plans, and causing us to loose control!

James 1:2-4 God did not promise us an easy life. Testing and hardship will come! Onlu through God can we view these things with great joy and be confident to get through them!

Genesis 32:22-32

Jacob has been away for 20years. He lied to his father and stole his brothers birth right. He manipulated his whole family. He was a liar, deceiver and manipulator. He is on his way home back to Israel and fears that his brother is going to kill him. He was full of fear, uncertainty and had no control over what was going to happen.

Here Jacob is on the threshold of the promise land and he is wrestling with someone he does not know. He is wrestling with him all alone.

Sometimes when we are alone it is self inflicted. No one knows me. We want a pity party and sympathy....etc. We get frustrated with the hardships of life.

Jacob never gave up and continued to keep fighting and wrestling with the angel of God until God agreed to bless him. Because Jacob never gave up God changed his name. No longer was Jacob going to be known as a liar and manipulator.

Jacob was no longer able to control and manipulate the situation. The angle used the super natural to immobilize Jacob and reduce all of his talents and abilities to nothing. Everything that Jacob thought brought him security was taken away and he was left exposed before God.

To Jacobs credit he would not let go! He was crippled and blessed at the same time. He took a new direction in his life and God gave him a new name and new purpose in life.

God gave Jacob the name that means "God fights". God fights for you or against you? If your prideful, arrogant, and full of sin, God fights against you; however, if you are humble, selfless, and close to God he will fight for you! Jacob's name had a double meaning.

Sometimes you have to wrestle even when you don't want to. When you want to grow spiritually and grow closer to God, sometimes you have to wrestle through your hardships and pain.

Jacob was able to go back to Israel and face his brother because God told him to go and God told him he would be blessed. Jacob trusted in Gods word and had faith that God would deliver him from his brothers hand. Wrestling with God changed Jacobs purpose and view on his life. If you are not willing to wrestle then you will not be able to change who you are.

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