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Sunday, February 15, 2015

When God Calls Your Name

When God Calls Your Name

Genesis 12:1-7

Notice that Abram was minding his own business and God just showed up. That is the way God works sometimes. When we least expect it God shows up. God called Abram to pack up everything and go to another land. Abram had no idea where he was going but God would lead him. No wonder Abraham is a father of faith.

Our lives are a lot like Abrahams life. God calls us and we have no idea where we are going but God knows! And God has already been there! God is already there! There is no reason to not trust.

When God calls your name you have got to answer! We were each given a name for a reason. So that when someone calls your name you can answer. God knows your name and everyone of us is being called by God. We can either answer the calling now or later. Later maybe too late!

Abraham was not perfect. God did not call Abraham because he was perfect. God is not looking at a specific point in our lives. He knows we are going to mess up and that we are not perfect. God is looking at the totality of our lives. He sees what our lives stand for. He see's the total picture of who we are. As long as we repent and continue to follow, that is what God is looking at!

Jeremiah 1:4-5

God knows me! He set me a part! God knows me by name!

God answers our prayers in 4 different ways.
1.) HE says NO.
2.) HE says YES.
3.) HE says WAIT.

Everyday we have faith and don't even think about. We have faith in very little things through out the day. Every week we work with the faith that our employer will pay us at the end of that two weeks. We have faith that our cars will start in the morning....etc. We have faith in so many things without even thinking about it.

When God calls you to Go you just need to trust and go!

Psalm 139:16

God has a plan for our lives!

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