God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, February 16, 2015

Finding Strength and Confidence in God!

Finding Strength and Confidence in God!

Exodus 3:4-6

We need to find our strength and confidence from God! We cannot rely on our own strength! Some things we do we may do well and God has given us a talent in a certain area. The challenge is to always depend on God even when we think we can do it on our own!

At one time in Moses life he was rich, a man of authority, in many ways he was royalty. He was put in charge of many things in Egypt and now 40years later he finds himself in the desert with little to nothing. Moses is at a point in his life where he does not have the strength and confidence he once had.

God is forcing Moses to reply on him. The calling is not watered down or made easy. The standard and challenge for Moses is the same. God wants us to accept his calling by trusting in him and getting our strength from Him! It was no different for Moses.

Exodus 4:10-16

Even when Moses had no faith and no security in bing able to do anything that God was calling Him to do, God provided a way through Aaron! It angered God that Moses did not trust and believe in Him. It angers God when we do not accept Gods calling out of fear or insecurity. Romans 8:31 if God is for us who can be against us!!

Moses felt incapable in performing the task that God was calling him to do. God did not suggest and use Aaron to let Moses out of doing what he needed to do. He provided Aaron to help Moses accomplish what God wanted him to accomplish.

Moses felt incapable because he was relying his own strength and his own abilities! God loves to chose people like Moses to show His power in our lives!

God would not accept any of Moses excuses. Chapter 5 shows Aaron speaking to Pharaoh and by chapter 8 Moses was speaking to Pharaoh and honoring the calling that God has given him!

Galatians 2:20-21; 5:22-26

We can do all things through Christ because we are a new person in Christ. Through the cross we can live by the spirit and our lives will show the fruits of the spirit.

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