God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Exodus 3:4-6

Exodus 3:4-6

We need to find our strength and confidence from God! We cannot rely on our own strength! Some things we do we may do well and God has given us a talent in a certain area. The challenge is to always depend on God even when we think we can do it on our own!

At one time in Moses life he was rich, a man of authority, in many ways he was royalty. He was put in charge of many things in Egypt and now 40years later he finds himself in the desert with little to nothing. Moses is at a point in his life where he does not have the strength and confidence he once had.

God is forcing Moses to reply on him. The calling is not watered down or made easy. The standard and challenge for Moses is the same. God wants us to accept his calling by trusting in him and getting our strength from Him! It was no different for Moses.

Exodus 4:10-16

Even when Moses had no faith and no security in bing able to do anything that God was calling Him to do, God provided a way through Aaron! It angered God that Moses did not trust and believe in Him. It angers God when we do not accept Gods calling out of fear or insecurity. Romans 8:31 if God is for us who can be against us!!

Moses felt incapable in performing the task that God was calling him to do. God did not suggest and use Aaron to let Moses out of doing what he needed to do. He provided Aaron to help Moses accomplish what God wanted him to accomplish.

Moses felt incapable because he was relying his own strength and his own abilities! God loves to chose people like Moses to show His power in our lives!

God would not accept any of Moses excuses. Chapter 5 shows Aaron speaking to Pharaoh and by chapter 8 Moses was speaking to Pharaoh and honoring the calling that God has given him!

Galatians 2:20-21; 5:22-26

We can do all things through Christ because we are a new person in Christ. Through the cross we can live by the spirit and our lives will show the fruits of the spirit.



The inheritance for God's people was much more than just about getting a new piece of land. The promise land was broken down into sections that were given to every man. It was important to God that they posses the land. All of the land. The boundaries that were created were viewed as ownership in Gods land. This ownership gave them a physical relationship with God and confirmed that they were Gods people.

The inheritance was not given them without challenges. They had to cross the Jordan river and they had a to face Jericho and the many nations that were occupying the land that God was giving them. For the Israelites the thought of this new land brought with it opportunity not only to prosper financially but rather to have a closer relationship with God. This land would forever be known as the nation of Gods people!

The story of Joshua is story about trusting God. Several times Joshua calls his people to be "strong and courageous" and to trust God. Whether they were crossing a huge river or facing another hostile nation they were all called to be strong and courageous. God knew that taking over this land was going to be terrifying. God never intended it to be easy!

The same is true with us. We are called to be strong and courageous! We have to trust God every day in every situation. Life was not meant to be easy and having a relationship with God does not come without trials. When things are hard and we have are uncertain of what will happen in our lives. When life becomes terrifying and we do not know how we are going to get through our struggles or trials, God is there and wants us to rely and trust in him.

Marriage Workshop Part 1

Marriage Workshop Part 1

Genesis 2:18-25

God brought Adam every animal for him to name and inspect. All of Gods other creations were not enough to be a suitable helper for him. God created woman so that man would have a suitable helper. To have a partner that would be compatible and that they could become one!

Marriage is such a mystery to the world in many ways. The world makes fun of marriage in every sitcom on tv and in the movies. There is no commitment in marriage. Infidelity is normal and there is no exclusive relationships. There is no unity.

Marriage is a glorious thing. there is nothing else like it on earth and God created marriage for a purpose. Marriage is something that we must protect. Marriage was designed by God for a specific purpose!

"What God has joined together let no man separate." 2 Thessalonians 3:5 -- we are called to persevere like Jesus in our marriage. It is a long term commitment and not a commitment that should be viewed lightly.

God uses our marriages to help us grow spiritually. We may have many trials in our marriage and we need to view those trials and difficulties as God teaching and molding us. Romans 14:19

Marriage has to take priority in our lives. We need to view our marriages with the same value that God does. If there is something that is testing your marriage or causing harm to your marriage, you need to sacrifice it. Whether it is a job, hobby, friends...etc. Nothing should come before your marriage.

Our spouses need to fill honored! They need to fill that they are the most important thing in our lives after our relationship with God! In what ways can I honor my spouse? How patient am I with my spouse? How much grace do I give my spouse? How often do I uplift my spouse?

God made them "Male and female". Go made us differently and for a purpose. Together we create the full image and personality of God. When we work through our differences and unify our strengths we become the full image of God.

God intends for us to be complete in our differences and Satan intends to use our differences against us. Satan's purpose is to divide our marriage and he wants us to be critical of our differences. We need to be thankful for the differences that our spouses have. They are a benefit and not hindrance. Part of honoring our spouse is embracing our differences.

Marriage Workshop Part 2

Marriage Workshop Part 2

Our cultures definition of what it takes for a marriage to last a life time is different than what God would define it. Marriage today in our world is more of a legal contract that is seeing as a financial benefit than as a matter of love. God said, "it is not good for man to be alone." God created a helper but it has a different meaning that just someone who helps. The same word is used to describe Jesus.

It was not Adam who felt alone and asked God for a helper. It was God who saw man's need and ordained that it was not good for man to be alone! It takes God to make a marriage meaningful and useful. On of the greatest failures in marriage is seeking advice from the world instead of seeking spiritual Godly advice.

God said, "I hate divorce!" Divorce should not be an option except for extreme circumstances involving infidelity. The world views divorce as a legal way to end the marriage commitment. God never intended it to be this way.

1 Peter 3:1-7 Wives are called to not give into fear and the husbands are called to be considerate to their wives. Our spiritual lives can be hindered if we are not treating our spouses the way God intended us too. Couples don't fall out of love so easily, they fall out of repentance instead! Sin will always separate you from your spouse. No relationship brings out our own faults like the relationship with our spouses and we need to embrace repentance so we can grow in our characters.

God uses the troubles and issues in our marriage with our spouses to refine and purify our hearts and characters. When we are completely humble and gentle with each other there is room for growth. We become more intimate and vulnerable with each other. We are able to be who we really are.

Your marriage needs accountability and discipleship. We need to be open with other people where we are at in our marriages. Open about our struggles...etc. "The heart is deceitful above all things" and we are not able to objectively see our own situations and short comings. We need other people in our lives. God can use godly people around us to speak to us and challenge us to be more like God.

Marriage is a divine reality that takes work! it is not easy! It takes a lot of grace and mercy given and received! Communication is key. We need to be open about our feelings and open to hear the areas we need to change in. We need to grow as listeners to be able to understand what our spouses need.

Communication is a big part of intimacy. It really matters how we speak to each other. We need to be quick to listen and slow to speak in all situations. Listening is more important than speaking! Communication can help you stop issues before they become bigger problems.

Divorce should not be a discussion. It should be viewed as a four letter word and not a back door. You should never use the word divorce period!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Marriage Workshop 02/15

Marriage Workshop

Genesis 2:18-25

God brought Adam every animal for him to name and inspect. All of Gods other creations were not enough to be a suitable helper for him. God created woman so that man would have a suitable helper. To have a partner that would be compatible and that they could become one!

Marriage is such a mystery to the world in many ways. The world makes fun of marriage in every sitcom on tv and in the movies. There is no commitment in marriage. Infidelity is normal and there is no exclusive relationships. There is no unity.

Marriage is a glorious thing. there is nothing else like it on earth and God created marriage for a purpose. Marriage is something that we must protect. Marriage was designed by God for a specific purpose!

"What God has joined together let no man separate." 2 Thessalonians 3:5 -- we are called to persevere like Jesus in our marriage. It is a long term commitment and not a commitment that should be viewed lightly.

God uses our marriages to help us grow spiritually. We may have many trials in our marriage and we need to view those trials and difficulties as God teaching and molding us. Romans 14:19

Marriage has to take priority in our lives. We need to view our marriages with the same value that God does. If there is something that is testing your marriage or causing harm to your marriage, you need to sacrifice it. Whether it is a job, hobby, friends...etc. Nothing should come before your marriage.

Our spouses need to fill honored! They need to fill that they are the most important thing in our lives after our relationship with God! In what ways can I honor my spouse? How patient am I with my spouse? How much grace do I give my spouse? How often do I uplift my spouse?

God made them "Male and female". Go made us differently and for a purpose. Together we create the full image and personality of God. When we work through our differences and unify our strengths we become the full image of God.

God intends for us to be complete in our differences and Satan intends to use our differences against us. Satan's purpose is to divide our marriage and he wants us to be critical of our differences. We need to be thankful for the differences that our spouses have. They are a benefit and not hindrance. Part of honoring our spouse is embracing our differences.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Finding Strength and Confidence in God!

Finding Strength and Confidence in God!

Exodus 3:4-6

We need to find our strength and confidence from God! We cannot rely on our own strength! Some things we do we may do well and God has given us a talent in a certain area. The challenge is to always depend on God even when we think we can do it on our own!

At one time in Moses life he was rich, a man of authority, in many ways he was royalty. He was put in charge of many things in Egypt and now 40years later he finds himself in the desert with little to nothing. Moses is at a point in his life where he does not have the strength and confidence he once had.

God is forcing Moses to reply on him. The calling is not watered down or made easy. The standard and challenge for Moses is the same. God wants us to accept his calling by trusting in him and getting our strength from Him! It was no different for Moses.

Exodus 4:10-16

Even when Moses had no faith and no security in bing able to do anything that God was calling Him to do, God provided a way through Aaron! It angered God that Moses did not trust and believe in Him. It angers God when we do not accept Gods calling out of fear or insecurity. Romans 8:31 if God is for us who can be against us!!

Moses felt incapable in performing the task that God was calling him to do. God did not suggest and use Aaron to let Moses out of doing what he needed to do. He provided Aaron to help Moses accomplish what God wanted him to accomplish.

Moses felt incapable because he was relying his own strength and his own abilities! God loves to chose people like Moses to show His power in our lives!

God would not accept any of Moses excuses. Chapter 5 shows Aaron speaking to Pharaoh and by chapter 8 Moses was speaking to Pharaoh and honoring the calling that God has given him!

Galatians 2:20-21; 5:22-26

We can do all things through Christ because we are a new person in Christ. Through the cross we can live by the spirit and our lives will show the fruits of the spirit.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

When God Calls Your Name

When God Calls Your Name

Genesis 12:1-7

Notice that Abram was minding his own business and God just showed up. That is the way God works sometimes. When we least expect it God shows up. God called Abram to pack up everything and go to another land. Abram had no idea where he was going but God would lead him. No wonder Abraham is a father of faith.

Our lives are a lot like Abrahams life. God calls us and we have no idea where we are going but God knows! And God has already been there! God is already there! There is no reason to not trust.

When God calls your name you have got to answer! We were each given a name for a reason. So that when someone calls your name you can answer. God knows your name and everyone of us is being called by God. We can either answer the calling now or later. Later maybe too late!

Abraham was not perfect. God did not call Abraham because he was perfect. God is not looking at a specific point in our lives. He knows we are going to mess up and that we are not perfect. God is looking at the totality of our lives. He sees what our lives stand for. He see's the total picture of who we are. As long as we repent and continue to follow, that is what God is looking at!

Jeremiah 1:4-5

God knows me! He set me a part! God knows me by name!

God answers our prayers in 4 different ways.
1.) HE says NO.
2.) HE says YES.
3.) HE says WAIT.

Everyday we have faith and don't even think about. We have faith in very little things through out the day. Every week we work with the faith that our employer will pay us at the end of that two weeks. We have faith that our cars will start in the morning....etc. We have faith in so many things without even thinking about it.

When God calls you to Go you just need to trust and go!

Psalm 139:16

God has a plan for our lives!

Wrestling with God

Wrestling with God

We like smooth roads. No bumps in the road.We like things to go the way we plan and when we want them. We like to be in control; however, life has a way of creating bumps, breaking plans, and causing us to loose control!

James 1:2-4 God did not promise us an easy life. Testing and hardship will come! Onlu through God can we view these things with great joy and be confident to get through them!

Genesis 32:22-32

Jacob has been away for 20years. He lied to his father and stole his brothers birth right. He manipulated his whole family. He was a liar, deceiver and manipulator. He is on his way home back to Israel and fears that his brother is going to kill him. He was full of fear, uncertainty and had no control over what was going to happen.

Here Jacob is on the threshold of the promise land and he is wrestling with someone he does not know. He is wrestling with him all alone.

Sometimes when we are alone it is self inflicted. No one knows me. We want a pity party and sympathy....etc. We get frustrated with the hardships of life.

Jacob never gave up and continued to keep fighting and wrestling with the angel of God until God agreed to bless him. Because Jacob never gave up God changed his name. No longer was Jacob going to be known as a liar and manipulator.

Jacob was no longer able to control and manipulate the situation. The angle used the super natural to immobilize Jacob and reduce all of his talents and abilities to nothing. Everything that Jacob thought brought him security was taken away and he was left exposed before God.

To Jacobs credit he would not let go! He was crippled and blessed at the same time. He took a new direction in his life and God gave him a new name and new purpose in life.

God gave Jacob the name that means "God fights". God fights for you or against you? If your prideful, arrogant, and full of sin, God fights against you; however, if you are humble, selfless, and close to God he will fight for you! Jacob's name had a double meaning.

Sometimes you have to wrestle even when you don't want to. When you want to grow spiritually and grow closer to God, sometimes you have to wrestle through your hardships and pain.

Jacob was able to go back to Israel and face his brother because God told him to go and God told him he would be blessed. Jacob trusted in Gods word and had faith that God would deliver him from his brothers hand. Wrestling with God changed Jacobs purpose and view on his life. If you are not willing to wrestle then you will not be able to change who you are.

How do you build a strong church?

How do you build a strong church?

The only way to build Gods church is through Jesus. You have to build the way Jesus built his ministry. Jesus lived his life as an example of how to build ministry and grow his church.

As disciples we are called to embrace the ministry of Jesus. When people come to church they want to see the heart of Jesus. They want to see and fell Gods love. The brother hood that is created through true christianity.

Matthew 4:23-25; John 6:38-40

One of the reason came to earth was to keep the saved, saved. Part of our mission is to help each other get to heaven. When our church represents who Jesus is then people will take notice and want to follow the way they followed Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:16 Every disciple is capable to teach one another. We have to be humble in allowing our brothers to teach us and hold us accountable. Part of helping each other making it to heaven has to do with teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training each other in righteousness.

Jesus impacted what ever community he was in. He created new communities. Jesus also came to call sinners and he was comfortable in doing so. Am I judgmental or do I call people higher with out making them feel judged.

Jesus life created buzz that caused people to share the "come and see" approach. Come and see what God is doing. Come and see the lives that are being changed. Come and see the miracles that God is doing...etc.

It can be easy to share "come and see" but we need to honor God in being the example that people will be able to come and see God through our lives. We must set the example!

Jesus came not to be served but to serve. Everyone in Gods church needs to serve in some capacity. How can you serve? Serving also has to do with being out of your self and giving to others through relationships. Serving emotionally by being there for people that need relationships.

Following Jesus in creating his church is all about lordship. If we are subject to Jesus and his authority, then our lives should show it. When Jesus speaks we should react and it should be evident in our lives! What is Jesus calling me to do that I am not willing to do?

Living HIStory

Living HIStory

Exodus 1:6-12

Joseph was not sent to Egypt because he had done anything wrong. Joseph and all his family ended up in Egypt as a result of a famine. This was all apart of God plan to raise up a nation and a people of His own. The jews became a great nation within Egypt and were forced to be their slaves.

The Israelites had done nothing wrong and yet they were going through this hardship. Even though the conditions were hard, God was protecting them. He saved Moses and raised him up to deliver them from this hardship.

Before Moses can become the man that God needs to do his will, Moses must go through several years of refining! God had a dream for Moses and for his people Israel.

God has a dream for you!

Exodus 3:1-10

This is the calling and dream that God has given Moses. Sometimes God give us dreams at very awkward moments. Not all ways at the time when we think we a ready for it.

Moses fled to the desert and God blessed him with a family. For the first time in Moses life he has a place where he belongs. In Egypt h was never high enough to be Egyptian and never low enough to be a Jew. In the desert Moses has security with his family and yet God calls him to go back to Egypt where there would be no security.

Even though Moses is being called to do Gods will and God is with him there are challenges. Moses mission is not going to be easy and God never intended it to be easy.

God has a dream for you and the reality is that you're not good enough for that dream. Exodus 3:11 but God is good enough! God is enough to help us do anything that he calls us to do. To be used by God and follow him you have to trust and faith that God is enough!

Exodus 4:13-18 We come up with these excuses of why we cannot do what God calls us to do and Gods answer is "I made you". For Moses God mad the mouth that Moses complained was not good enough. God made us and has equipped us with everything we need to for fill his will.

No matter what our excuse is. God says "I AM". God is enough for us. God is enough in every situation in our lives!

Moses obeyed. Moses goes with fear, baggage and everything else that could hinder him. but he obeyed. Obeying is the first step.

God always dreams big for us. God always test the limits of our faith and love for him. The dream can change. The excuses that we use can change but one thing remains! "I AM!" Where ever you are in your life, God has a dream for you and a purpose for you life!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Spiritual Biography

In Deuteronomy 26, Moses is giving his final instructions to the Israelites and he commands every family to do something to remember who they are and where they came from.

Deuteronomy 26:2-11 Then go to the place the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his Name and say to the priest in office at the time, "I declare today to the Lord your God that I have come to the land the Lord swore to our ancestors to give us." The priest shall take the basket from your hands and set it down in front of the altar of the Lord your God. Then you shall declare before the Lord your God: "My father was a wandering Aramean, and he went down into Egypt with a few people and lived there and became a great nation, powerful and numerous. But the Egyptians mistreated us and made us suffer, subjecting us to harsh labor. Then we cried out to the Lord, the God of our ancestors, and the Lord heard our voice and saw our misery, toil and oppression. So the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great terror and with signs and wonders.He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey; 10 and now I bring the first fruits of the soil that you, Lord, have given me." Place the basket before the Lord your God and bow down before him. 11 Then you and the Levites and the foreigners residing among you shall rejoice in all the good things the Lord your God has given to you and your household.

It is important that we too remember the great things God has done for us and the blessings that we have in a relationship with Him. We need to constantly remind our selves of who we were before God and how far we have come with God. God has rescued each of us from the world and blessed us so much! Take a moment and write your own spiritual Biography and document the things that God has done in your life!



I was wandering in life doing what I thought as best.  I did not live for God and found myself a slave to these sins____________.  Sin held me captive and Satan treated me harshly.  These consequences were everywhere__________, and I was hopeless.  Finally, I cried out to the Lord and He heard me.  He saw how lost and hopeless I was and He rescued me with His mighty arm.  He performed these awesome miracles to save me___________.  He brought me to His Church, a family filled with these blessings________.  And now I bring to God the first fruits of the life He himself gave me, and serve Him and His Church in these ways _________.  And my family rejoices before God with His Church for all of the good things the Lord has given me!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Parenting practicals in the 2015 Part 1

Parenting practicals in the 2015 Part 1

Esther 4:12-14 as parents we have been given children for "such a time as this"! God has given us children to parent through God and to raise them in Him!

The family unit is designed to help us grow spiritually. Parents learn patients, grace, compassion. Children learn authority, submission, and unconditional love.

Just as much as God wants to use our families to bring us closer to Him, Satan wants to divid our families and create division for the sole purpose of pulling us away from God! Galatians 5:19-21 describes the sins that Satan uses to destroy the family unit!

Esther 2:1-11 This story describes a very bad situation. Many of us have not come from an "ideal" family structure or situation. The majority of us come from a dysfunctional family. As disciples of God we are called to change that! To build the family that God originally designed. We have to break the chains of dysfunction.

Esther 2:20 Mordecai was a huge influence in Esther's life. Esther obeyed Mordecai because he disciples her, adopted her and provided her with a Godly home.

What happens at home in your house? Is it TV, sports, sacrificing for God, devotions...etc. What is most important in you home?

--> Children see, children do Video on youtube <--

We have a huge influence in our kids lives. They will become what they see in us. Psalms 112:6. Gods way is what works. We are here to glorify God in our families. We need to set the examples that our kids should follow!

One of the biggest mistakes we make as parents is to try and control or manipulate our kids. We have to trust God and allow our kids to experience life. God could be very controlling in our lives and yet he does not try to control us. He allows us to have free will!

Mordecai provided a Godly home and Esther save a nation! Esther was chosen not only because of her beauty but also because of her radiance, convictions...etc.

There are so many things we need to help our kids with. Purity, selfishness, fear, Godly convictions, pride, humility, positive thinking....etc. As a parent are you helping your kids through their sinful nature? Do you walk them through it or do you shut them down? Do they fell like you believe in them and show them grace? We have to help mold our kids characters through discipleship and Gods word.

We need to hate what Gods hate and love what God loves in raising our kids. Our kids will see Gods character though us as parents. We must be righteous leaders at home. Everything we do from correcting to discipline needs to be out of love!

Esther 5:9 Haman was trying to kill the jews and Mordecai never rose or trembled before him. Mordecai was more concerned with what please God than what pleased Haman. Mordecai set an example that Esther could follow. Mordecai was not a people pleaser.

Practical ways to interact with our kids and set the example. Family dinners several times a week, family devotionals, sports activities...etc. The important thing is spending time as family and using every opportunity to set the example and lead our children.

Parenting practicals in the 2015 Part 2

Parenting practicals in the 2015 Part 2

Luke 2:34-35 raising children is not a painless ambition. Children have a way of piercing our hearts and yet our relationship with them teaches us so much about Gods unconditional love for us.

--> Cowboys herding cats video from youtube <--

Raising a family and parenting kids is a lot like herding cats...lol

Luke 15:11-32 Imagine the context in which Jesus was sharing this story. Which son would you rather have? The one that ran off and squandered everything he had or the one that stayed home but had critical attitudes and is ungrateful. The younger son was full of sinful rebellion and the older son was full of sinful moral self righteousness! Both sons resented the fathers authority and both neither loved the father for himself. Which son do you want?

The challenge we have as a parent is to understand where our children are at. Without knowing what their sinful nature is there is no way to help mold and correct their character.

We need to study our children to understand how they learn and what motivates them. We have to refrain from manipulating and trying to control them emotionally. If your child is doing something that frustrates, embarrasses or hurts may not be right; however, we cannot manipulate or guilt them out over it. The frustration, embarrassment and feelings of hurt we have are our own and we need to work through them and take responsibility for what we can control.

When our children are living in irony, we do not need to run down the rabbit whole always ready to point out their flaws and issues. We do not need to get self righteous our selves and makes sure they know we told them so. The younger son came to his senses on his own. All the father did was wait and be ready to embrace his son when he was ready to come home!

What does Prodigal mean? Prodigal means reckless abandonment, reckless spending, reckless love. Who was the prodigal person in the story. We always assume it was the son and prodigal is a bad thing. The father was reckless in his spending and love and forgiveness!

--> reference to the book the Five Love Languages <--

Affirmation, Physical touch, Quality time, Acts of service, Gifts.

Which love language does your child speak? We need to love our children in the way they need to be loved. Most people are one or two of these different love language. Do you know which love language your child speaks? Loving your child in a love language that is not specific to them will only leave them frustrated and empty!

Malachi 4:6; Luke 1:17 God ends the new Testimate talking about the Fathers and their sons and God starts the new Testimate in Luke talking about Fathers and their sons! Fathers are crucial to the development of their children!

The final example from Luke 15 is that the prodigal father did not react with bitterness, anger or frustration from all the hurt and disappointment he received from his sons. He responded to both of them with humility and love!