God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

We define things by our perceptions. Many times we miss or never notice God in our daily lives.

Jesus was the son of God, the most interesting man in the world, God in human form...etc and in many situations people could only see him as a carpenters son and a human born from galilee!

Who is Jesus?

Mark 8:27-30

Jesus did not ask this question to impress people or give himself glory. Everything that Jesus did was to glorify God! Jesus was asking this question to also reveal where his disciples were at I'm their hearts.

The Pharisees and religious powers acknowledged that Jesus was a righteous man. A man of God, a profit from God!

What would people say about me. Who would people say that I am? No good tree produces bad fruit! What type of fruit am I producing. People will define me by the fruit that I produce!

What will people think about me if I live my life where all I care about is what God thinks of me.

1 Peter 2:12

Who do people compare me to? What answer would someone give?

Galatians 5:22-23

I need to bare this kind of fruit. Not just one or too fruits of the spirit but all of the fruits of the spirit.

Today to call Jesus savior, the Son of God does not Maegan as much as it did back in biblical times. Somewhere along the way it has lost its meaning! It is only when we feel hopeless and in deep need of help that we truly see who Jesus is and what his name really means!

We done think we need a savior until we realize how much we need God. How much we need Jesus! Recognizing my need for a savior is the only way we can every really know who Jesus is!

Matthew 16:17-19

Peter was the rock because he was able to realize and defined Jesus for who he really was! Jesus is the Christ, the savior of the world and the son of the living God! There is nothing else to build Gods church on that Jesus is lord and our savior!!

What am I building my life on? This too will define me to the people around me!
Build on Jesus as the son of God and my savior!

Jesus was focused and deliberate.

Jesus was focused and deliberate.

Mark 1:35-38

Jesus woke up early and had a purpose for the day. He left early to go preach and drive out demons. Is my purpose to preach and drive out demons (sin) in other peoples lives? Am I living life deliberately or am I just loving to survive? What is my plan spiritually for the next couple of months. Am I planing?

Mark 5:1-20

Am I willing to interact with those in society that may have difficult problems to deal with. Jesus went after the people with the most problems! We were all demon possessed before God! Share my story this week with someone! I have the solution and can bring peace to the world

Mark 12:28-34

To religious people, Jesus focused on two things. Love for God and love for others. It's not about living a perfect life. It's about loving God and each other!

Mark 16:9-20

Jesus rose from the dead and went straight back to the mission. Jesus was focused and deliberate about his life and the time that he had.

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What does the cross mean to you?

What does the cross mean to you?

The cross can mean many things! To the people of the first century it was a symbol of torture. Everyone new what it meant to be crucified. They had seen live crucifixes before. When Jesus said take up your cross and follow him, that had a graphic meaning to the first century that I believe in many ways has been lost today.

The cross today is a cultural icon. A symbol of religiosity. It's a pendant on a gold chain, a marker for a grave, a hand gesture, or a screen print on a tshirt.

What does the cross stand for to you?

1 Corinthians 1:18

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

What does the cross mean to you? How has it affected your life? How has it changed your life? How has it giving you power?

When we come in contact with the cross and think about what it means on a personal level we cannot walk away without making a decision to change and live for God!

2 Corinthians 5:14-15

14 For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

The cross is foolishness when it is just a symbol, a cultural icon or a piece of jewelry. The cross has power when we allow it to change our lives. When we allow it to compel us and no longer live for our selves but for God!

Sunday, August 17, 2014



Titus 3:1-7

God commands us to show meekness and gentleness to "all men". All men means all men. There is no excuse or exemption based on who they are.

God found each one of us the way vs 3 describes. Enslaved and bound by all kinds of passions and pleasures! At one time God found us in a desperate state. He rescued us from despair. We were disobedient to Gods laws and deceived!

When we live a life style of sin we are enslaved to it. True freedom only comes through righteousness and rite lushness only comes through God!

There was nothing in us that would cause God to love us. There was nothing we could do to draw God to us!

God saved us simply because of his mercy. Simply because he is a merciful God and a loving God.

What has God done for us?

He washed us up. Cleansed us from all the filth that was in our lives. We can never really connect with God's grace until we realize how sinful we really are and how dark our lives are without him!

God lavished his love on us through our savor Jesus Christ. When we deserved death and so many other things other than grace, God pored out unconditional love on us!

God was not forced to rescue us, he delights in rescuing us.

Ephesians 1:3-10

Titus 3:1-7; 1 Samuel 20:13b-17; 2 Samuel 9:1-8

Jonathan protected David from his father and made a covenant with David that David would bless Jonathan's family. David honored that promise despite of running the risk of someone from Jonathan's family rising up and taking his throne! David was a grateful man who never forgot the grace that was shown to him by Jonathan!

We are all Mephilboseth and we're all crippled and suffering. We don't deserve grace but is given to us because of the covenant of Jesus blood and sacrifice.

Seeking The Lord

Seeking The Lord

Hosea 10:12

We schedule so many things through the day, yet seeking The Lord is so many times not our priority and it should be!

Luke 15:17-20

The turning point in this man's life was when he chose to seek The Lord. He had to change his direction and could not stay where he was at.

The parables before the lost son helps us understand that we are all lost and it shows how much God longs to find us!

Luke 15:11-16

Sin distances us from God in the same way that this man set off for a distant land. Sin sends us away from God and we end up so far away.

Ephesians 4:17

Sin removes us from God and when our hearts get hard we fall further and further away. Sin causes us to lose all sensitivity! Following sin will on lead you to pig slop!

To seek The Lord you first have to see where you are at.

Luke 15:17-20

Psalms 84:10

To seek God you must realize that is better to be in Gods house than in any other place!!

The lost son did not just sit and dream about a life with God, he took action! He got up and ran home!

Luke 3:7-14

A changed heart requires action.

Luke 15:21-24



The reality and idea of freedom is a very valuable thing. It's what we want and desire the most! Lack of freedom promotes anger and resentment!

John 8:31-33

When someone offers you freedom they are really saving your a slave. The Pharisees refused to see reality that they were slaves!

Jesus mission was to bring freedom and to set prisoners free! Yet in the gospels there is not one story of jesus going into prisons to set any one free. What kind of freedom is Jesus offering?

John 8:34

Freedom from sin!

Romans 6

I am a slave, a prisoner and satan wants to be my master! Slavery that sin puts us in
Is far worst than anything else in this world. Marriages destroyed by sin! Families and children hurt by sin! Relationships destroyed by sin! Dreams crushed by sin. Suicides taken by the guilt of sin! Sin creates doubt and not trust. It isolates us!

Any of us who saw physical slavery or oppression could not just sit and watch with out doing something about it! Then why do I not have the same indignation about the slavery of sin and oppression?!

Every person freed from physical slavery still is a prisoner to sin. Sin has caused more oppression and has killed more people than any other thing in this world!

Romans 8:18-24

Romans 8:25

What a simple answer! Jesus Christ! All of us who have been baptized into Christ have been set free!

What should we do with this freedom that God has given us?!

Romans 6:19-23

Since we have been freed from the slavery of sin, God ask that we chose to be a slave to righteousness!

Giving up our freedom takes trust and humility! Making Jesus lord requires us to trust and obey God!

Galatians 5:13-14

Surrender your freedom not to sin but to serve your brothers and sisters! Unity is expensive and one of the cost of unity is Freedom!!!

Jesus gave up his freedom for God and chose to give up his life for me!

Do I lay down my life and lay down my freedom for my brothers and sisters? For the people around me!

I can't give away what it don't have. I have to be set free from sin in order to offer my Freedom to righteousness!!

Questions and lies!

Questions and lies!

Questions can change our lives! Many were asked or asked the question will you marry me? Life is never the same after that question. Will you come to church with me? Another life changing question. Do you want to study the bible? Life changing questions!

Kids start asking question as soon as they are able to talk. It's natural to have questions. We all ask questions. Eve was asked a question; "did God really say no"

Genesis 3:1-7; 23-24

Some of us read this and think, "yep, that's just like God, always telling us what we can't do". We have a distorted view of God and see him of just a God of do's and don'ts! God is a God of yes! God is a God of freedom!

Imaging some one offered you a beach house in Hawaii and gave you the freedom to stay as long as you wanted, to use it in anyway that you wanted, to swim, sunbath, surf, snorkel, enjoy the beautiful beach and spend endless time there free of charge! The only instructions where to not swim next to the rocks because there is an under current and you will surely drown if you do. What would you say to this? You would be excited to receive this gift! This is exactly what God offered Adam and Eve!

What did Satan ask? A question designed to create doubt! Satan is the father of lies and when he asks a question he is speaking a lie! When satan says "did he really say?" He is not trying to help you clear up a misunderstanding, he is really attacking a weakness and doubt that is already in your heart!!

Did God really say?....feel in the blank and it is always something that we are weak and struggling in! It is always something that we want to do and know is not right!

Eve's response to Satan's question is different than what God really said. She left out the part about being free to roam the garden and added a part about not touching the fruit! How many scriptures do we look at and change the meaning or soften what God is saying to benefit our own agendas and desires?! When Eve went and touch the fruit she made God out to be a lier in her own mind because she didn't die. This just created more justification in her mind to dismiss Gods instruction.

Twisting scripture and justifying our actions only helps Satan have more of a influence on our hearts!

Is the problem the lie satan asked or the lie that Eve answered? Both! Too many times we cast doubt and dissect Gods word with an alternative motive, when we want to justify our actions or convince our selves that it is ok to do what we want to do?

We need to know Gods word enough to know to not have half truths in our beliefs!

We need to thank God for the boundaries he has put in our lives and the hurt he is trying to save us from instead or trying to find a way around them! God is protecting us from so much and wants nothing but our best interest!

When we know Gods word we are able to reject those questions that satan throws at us and the lies he uses to deceive us!!!

Absolute truth and absolute grace!

Absolute truth and absolute grace!

The important thing about questions is the answer! Questions stem from the need for an answer. When we ask questions we a looking for truth! There are some truths that we don't want to hear!

God only brings truth. Sometimes we get angry with God over what is true.

John 18:28

Jesus came into this world to tell us the truth about everything. Jesus lived a human life and experienced everything that we experience to help us know the truth!

Pilate ask, "what is truth?" This is not a question that Pilate wants answered. Pilates questions is an answer in his mind. It's the attitude, what's truth...how do we even know. This question was full of doubt!

Everybody has an opinion, how do we know what truth is. If the truth does not fit our agenda then we question whether it is the real truth.

Pilate represents the wisdom of the world. He was roman, advanced, educated, new age, forward thinking...Jesus was narrow thinking, closed minded and traditional in the mind of Pilate.

Absolute right and wrong to the world is closed minded and narrow thinking. Satan likes to use this and back us into an either/or corner. You can't believe the bible and have common sense. We have to be blindly faithful and foolish minded. The truth is that christianity is true and reasonable!

The world attacks the idea that there is absolute truth!

Jesus teaches that there is absolute truth that never changes. Truth that is true for and old lady and a teenage boy, one size fits all truth. Jesus is truth! John 1:14, 17; John 3:21; 4:23-24; 7:28; 8:31-32; 14:6-7;

Satan does not need to convince us that God is a liar, he just needs to convince us that there is another truth!

God is complete truth and grace all at the same time! He is both without any conflict! With the sinful woman caught in adultery, Jesus was 100% truth and 100% grace all the time!

Sin has been punished, every single sin has been punished. There is nothing that I have gotten away from or hidden for God. There is no sin that was not accounted for. I have not gotten away with anything! Either I am punished for my sin or Jesus is punished for the sins that I have committed!! Jesus received death that was meant for me. This is the power of the cross! Complete absolute truth and complete absolute grace and mercy!

Who is Jesus

We define things by our perceptions. Many times we miss or never notice God in our daily lives.

Jesus was the son of God, the most interesting man in the world, God in human form...etc and in many situations people could only see him as a carpenters son and a human born from galilee!

Who is Jesus?

Mark 8:27-30

Jesus did not ask this question to impress people or give himself glory. Everything that Jesus did was to glorify God! Jesus was asking this question to also reveal where his disciples were at I'm their hearts.

The Pharisees and religious powers acknowledged that Jesus was a righteous man. A man of God, a profit from God!

What would people say about me. Who would people say that I am? No good tree produces bad fruit! What type of fruit am I producing. People will define me by the fruit that I produce!

What will people think about me if I live my life where all I care about is what God thinks of me.

1 Peter 2:12

Who do people compare me to? What answer would someone give?

Galatians 5:22-23

I need to bare this kind of fruit. Not just one or too fruits of the spirit but all of the fruits of the spirit.

Today to call Jesus savior, the Son of God does not Maegan as much as it did back in biblical times. Somewhere along the way it has lost its meaning! It is only when we feel hopeless and in deep need of help that we truly see who Jesus is and what his name really means!

We done think we need a savior until we realize how much we need God. How much we need Jesus! Recognizing my need for a savior is the only way we can every really know who Jesus is!

Matthew 16:17-19

Peter was the rock because he was able to realize and defined Jesus for who he really was! Jesus is the Christ, the savior of the world and the son of the living God! There is nothing else to build Gods church on that Jesus is lord and our savior!!

What am I building my life on? This too will define me to the people around me!
Build on Jesus as the son of God and my savior!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Questions and lies!

Questions and lies!

Questions can change our lives! Many were asked or asked the question will you marry me? Life is never the same after that question. Will you come to church with me? Another life changing question. Do you want to study the bible? Life changing questions!

Kids start asking question as soon as they are able to talk. It's natural to have questions. We all ask questions. Eve was asked a question; "did God really say no"

Genesis 3:1-7; 23-24

Some of us read this and think, "yep, that's just like God, always telling us what we can't do". We have a distorted view of God and see him of just a God of do's and don'ts! God is a God of yes! God is a God of freedom!

Imaging some one offered you a beach house in Hawaii and gave you the freedom to stay as long as you wanted, to use it in anyway that you wanted, to swim, sunbath, surf, snorkel, enjoy the beautiful beach and spend endless time there free of charge! The only instructions where to not swim next to the rocks because there is an under current and you will surely drown if you do. What would you say to this? You would be excited to receive this gift! This is exactly what God offered Adam and Eve!

What did Satan ask? A question designed to create doubt! Satan is the father of lies and when he asks a question he is speaking a lie! When satan says "did he really say?" He is not trying to help you clear up a misunderstanding, he is really attacking a weakness and doubt that is already in your heart!!

Did God really say?....feel in the blank and it is always something that we are weak and struggling in! It is always something that we want to do and know is not right!

Eve's response to Satan's question is different than what God really said. She left out the part about being free to roam the garden and added a part about not touching the fruit! How many scriptures do we look at and change the meaning or soften what God is saying to benefit our own agendas and desires?! When Eve went and touch the fruit she made God out to be a lier in her own mind because she didn't die. This just created more justification in her mind to dismiss Gods instruction.

Twisting scripture and justifying our actions only helps Satan have more of a influence on our hearts!

Is the problem the lie satan asked or the lie that Eve answered? Both! Too many times we cast doubt and dissect Gods word with an alternative motive, when we want to justify our actions or convince our selves that it is ok to do what we want to do?

We need to know Gods word enough to know to not have half truths in our beliefs!

We need to thank God for the boundaries he has put in our lives and the hurt he is trying to save us from instead or trying to find a way around them! God is protecting us from so much and wants nothing but our best interest!

When we know Gods word we are able to reject those questions that satan throws at us and the lies he uses to deceive us!!!

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