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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fwd: A savior is born!

A savior is born!

Luke 2:1-20

Jesus birth was both ordinary and extraordinary at the same time! Jesus physically came into this world like any other baby. His mother felt the birth pains and His father felt everything an expecting father feels!

Jesus' birth turns Joseph and Mary's life upside down. They had to flee to Egypt. Jesus was born of a virgin. The Son of God! As a lowly child born into poverty was feared and worshipped!

Even at his birth the last are already first. The shepherded's rejoice with angels.

Jesus did not come to be born in some miraculous way and then end the story there. Jesus grew into a man and into the life that God willed for him.

Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus was a an that people considered beyond redemption. Zacchaeus turned a profit off of the financial burdens imposed by Caesar. He was also viewed as a traitor amount the Jews. Zacchaeus was also a man that repented!

Jesus lived a life that called people to repentance!

Luke 19:28-44; 45-48

Jesus entered Jerusalem as the king that he is! Pharisees tried to kill him.

Jesus's life commands a response! Zacchaeus repented, disciples worshipped and Pharisees tried to kill him. No one ignored Jesus.

Genesis 3:21-24

This is where man and Gods relationship changed. If man was able to live for every he will live with his sinful nature for ever. From the day we were removed from the garden, God and Jesus had a plan to reconcile our relationship with him so that we could once again be with him.

From Abraham to Jesus, God had a plan!

Hebrews 10:1-14

Man was given the perfection of the garden, the priceless gift of a face to face relationship with God! We threw it away over sin! Jesus offered to be the sacrifice needed to reconcile our relationship to God.

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