God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, December 2, 2013

The meaning of life.

The meaning of life.

For parents our children can be the meaning for our lives sometimes. Many marriages end after the children leave the home. Family can be a big distraction from the real meaning of life.

Work can become a distraction too. We spend all our time consumed with it.

The meaning of life....Acts 17:24-27

Why did God create man? To inhabit the whole earth, to set boundaries and mark out times and places, all so that we would seek Him and find him! The meaning of life is to seek God!

Every single one of us has been called by God into a relationship with him. It is our choice to seek him or not. It is our choice to have meaning in our life or not.

What is God calling me too? What does seeking God really mean?

Mark 1:14-20

The calling is always the same. Repent, believe and follow! We are all called to the same standard which is to leave everything! Same today. You cannot respond to the call unless you are willing to leave everything behind.

Have I responded to Gods call? Am I responding to Gods call today?

God filled the earth during this time and at this particular place to answer Gods call!

Gods calling is universal and also uniquely personal.

1 Peter 2:4-10

I am Gods special possession and chosen by God specifically. I'm not a number in a world of trillions of people! God has chosen me intimately.

I need to chose God just like he has chosen me. No different in any other relationship and no different with God! Am I choosing God?

God could have made us love him. God decided to let us chose.

John 6:60-65; John 21:15-19

Peter choosing God all over again! Peter's death glorified God! My hardships are opportunities to glorify God!

2 Peter 3:10-13 later in peters life we see the wisdom and perspective he has gained!

God calls us in the beginning and also calls us over and over again to the THE END!

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