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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jesus The Head

Colossians 1:15-20;    Psalms 89:7

Book of Colossians was written around 60AD and while Paul was in prison. The church in Colossians had many problems. Agnostics and other groups that were wavering in their faith.

Paul was challenging the church in Colossians to not forget what they were connected to Christ the head and we the body.

We too need to recognize who we are through Christ and the magnitude of what we are apart of being Gods body.

John 8:31-32

What is the truth? The whole gospel is the truth. The truth is Jesus Christ who is the head!

The body cannot survive with out the head. Many churches teach of reaching God through another deity (I.e...angels, Mary the mother of Jesus, the Pope, a preacher...etc). The only way to know God is through Jesus and Jesus alone! Hebrews 12:2

John 5:39

You can even study the scriptures and miss the connection to Jesus! Going to church does not save you. Being a good person does not save you. We are saved by God and through Jesus. Colossians 2:11-14

Colossians 3:5-13

In the world we come from dysfunctional families and messed up situations. As Gods body we have a functional families and father who is the head of the house. The church is not perfect but we are called to live different lives, free from
the sin that entangles and destroys our lives . This is Gods call to us to live in his house!

Colossians 3:14-17

Being connected to Jesus the head this is the life we should live. The life Gd has planned for us. A functional family in his church where we help one another through struggles and burdens to honor and glorify god with our lives.

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