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Monday, March 29, 2010

Bible Study: Patience/ Kindness


Gal 5:16-26

Vs 22 Recap introduction to Fruit of the spirit. The Goal is to grow in having a Christ like character. Last time we discussed Peace being one of the fruit of the spirit, which should be exhibited in the life of a Christian. Hopefully we have been applying these fruits in the way in which enables us to develop a character more like Christ. Today we will be discussing the topics of Patience and Kindness


I Timothy 1:12-16

In the passage the Greek word for patience is makrothymia, which means longsuffering.

Christ is all longsuffering for us, and asks us to do the same to others.

When do you get most impatient: with people or circumstances? Discuss

Name some ways that you have express or seen other express impatience and anger inappropriately?

How does God express his patience to you?

What areas of our life can we imitate Christ like patience?

Col. 3:12-14

Paul describes the believers as "God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved," do you see yourself like this? Why or why not?


Eph 2:4-7

What are some reasons it is difficult to extend kindness? Possible answers: sign of weakness, time consuming, too demanding etc.

Kindness is a spiritual characteristic that we need to embrace.

What are some results of kindness you have seen in your life or someone else's life recently?

How does God show kindness to you?

Closing suggestion: Break up in pairs and close with a prayer thanking God for his unlimited patience and loving kindness, asking God to help us show the same to others.


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