God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, March 29, 2010

First Principles: The Word of God

To show a seeker what the Bible says about itself so that he will be eager to read it in order to discover God's will and apply it to his life so he can change to become like Jesus! 
  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17. All Scripture is inspired by God, and is to be applied to our lives so that we can be ready for every spiritual challenge.
  • Hebrews 4:12-13. The word of God is relevant and can expose and convict us of sin in our lives. It can cut us, but its purpose is to cut out the bad, so that we can be healed—just like a surgeon's scalpel.
  • John 8:31-32. Jesus teaches these Jews that intellectual belief is not enough. He calls them to believe God enough to trust his will for their lives. This trust is demonstrated by the decision to live according to Jesus' teaching. True faith is seen in our obedience.
  • 1 Timothy 4:16. How we live and what we teach are both essential to salvation. Illustration: Which wing of an airplane is most important? So it is with what you teach and how you live out those beliefs. What is the result of careful attention to our life and doctrine?
  • 2 Timothy 4:2-3. If the Bible is so powerful and helpful, why aren't more people truly following what it says? Bottom line, we prefer to live according to our own feelings and desires.
  • Matthew 15:1-9. What is another hindrance to following God's word? Religious tradition which takes precedence over the Word of God can result in worldly solutions to spiritual issues and make our worship of God empty and pointless.
  • Acts 17:10-12. We are ultimately responsible for what we believe. Religious leaders can be wrong, so we cannot be lazy. Review in greater depth the lessons and sermons you hear to be sure about what you are being taught. Are you willing to take personal responsibility for knowing what the Bible says?
  • Psalm 1, Psalm19:7-11. The Bible is more than just words on a page. We need to develop a thirst and devotion to the word of God. How eager are you to regularly meditate on the Scriptures?
  • Isaiah 66:1-2. Our attitude should be one of humility, reverence and awe for God's word. Are you willing to live by the Bible, taking God at his Word in your relationship with him? Are you willing to trust God's Word above your own feelings, religious traditions or religious leaders? Will you seek to understand God's will and ways through his inspired Word? 
Additional Helpful Scriptures:

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