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Monday, March 29, 2010

Bible Study: Goodness/ Faithfulness


Gal 5:16-26

Vs 22 Recap introduction to Fruit of the spirit. The Goal is to grow in having a Christ like character. The last time we discussed Patience & Kindness being one of the fruit of the spirit, which should be exhibited in the life of a Christian. Hopefully we have been applying these fruits in the way in which enables us to develop a character more like Christ. Today we will be discussing the topics of Goodness & Faithfulness


We tend to view goodness from a humanistic point. Usually in relation to others

and it make us feel better about ourselves.

Do you think you're a good person? Why?

Psalm 100.

How the Psalmist affirm God's goodness? (v5)

Note the response of the Psalmist. How do we respond to God's goodness?

Rom. 7:18-20

Can you relate to Paul's struggle? Why or why not?

This is considered human nature. Does this allow us to have an excuse?

Rom 7:24-25 AS a Christian we have the spirit of God. We have the power to choose.

Rom 12:9'21

What different aspects of goodness and good are implied in Paul's two statements?


Faithfulness requires Faith.

Ie. I will be faithful in taking this pain relief 2x a day for 10 days. Why? I have faith that I will

be feeling better in time.

Due to life's broken promises and numerous disappointments rather than faithfulness we find

faithlessness which results in lack of commitment.

What areas have you seen lack of commitment to God and others if any?

As a Christian our greatest hope is in God. There is nothing more solid and true.

Lamentations 3:19-24

Why did the writer have hope in his desperate circumstances?

How is God faithfulness described?

Name one way you've seen God faithfulness in your life recently.

In what ways can you exhibit faithfulness towards God and to others?

Let us strive to live out the spirit of Goodness and Faithfulness in our lives so that God may be exalted in us.


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