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Monday, March 29, 2010

Bible Study: Love


Gal 5:16-26

Vs 22 Recap introduction to Fruit of the spirit. The Goal is to grow in having a Christ like character. Last time we discussed the Fruit of the spirit being one Fruit having 9 composite descriptions. Love patient, etc…., which should be exhibited in the life of a Christian. Today we will be discussing the topic of LOVE.

Love is many things to many people.

When you hear the word LOVE what comes to mind?

There is much confusion when it comes to love. It has caused some to die and others to kill. Love is very important and given high propriety in the Bible. There are several Greek words for love. Eros: from which we get erotic has to do with sexual, physical aspects of love. Phileo: is more of a friendship type of love, a word from which we get Philadelphia. Here the Greek word is "Agape". It's not emotional affection, physical attraction or fuzzy feelings. It's more respect, devotion, affection that leads to willingness, self sacrificial service. It commits itself regardless of the condition of reaction of the love one. (this is the very nature of God)

John 15:9-17

(vs. 9,13-17 Agape)

What is involved in remaining in Jesus' Love?


In this passage what is love as Jesus defines it?

How does Jesus model his love for us?

Read 1 Cor. 15:4-7 Inserting God's name before every attribute or virtue.

An example: God is patient, God is kind, God does not boast…

This is how God loves us and the standard in which we as Christians need to strive for.

Now ask the group to take a moment and read it again to themselves, this time having them insert their own name.

Ask, "Is this standard you view your own love towards others? Is this the standard your love ones would view you?

What area of love do you feel you can grow in?

How does the religious world view the importance love?

How does God view the importance of love?

Read 1 Cor. 13: 1-3, 13

Mark 12: 28-34

How is love expanded in this passage?

What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself? Who is your neighbor? (People whether friend of foe)

The prevailing opinion among Pharisees was that one's neighbors were the righteous alone. Therefore according to them the wicked and sinners such as tax collectors, prostitutes, Gentiles, Samaritans were the enemies of God. There is a righteous hatred towards sin and the basis of it, but not a personal hatred toward the individual. Jesus came and demolished this excuse for hating one's enemies.

What insight did the teacher of the law have, that made Jesus affirm him as he did? (vs. 34).

The command to love took precedence over Old Testament ceremonial practices. (Today's example: showing up to church and tithing.)

Why did Jesus respond "You are not far from the Kingdom of God?

The teacher of the law understood the requirements of love but he needed to act in accordance with love and obedience to the one who alone would grant him entrance to the Kingdom.

Consider the relationship between love for God and love for one's neighbor this week.

They are to be bound with a common thread of love and obedience in the spirit filled life. It is the greatest and most important command of God.

Let the Fruit of the Love be exhibited in our life this week.


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