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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Protect Gods Church!

The Christmas season can be a time of many struggles. Satan is always on the attack and he mascarades as an ageless of the light.

Christianity is under attack in our generation. In the modern western world ethics and biblical morals are under attack by our society through TV, movies....etc

Gods commands have not changed and his teachings transend all generations. This is not the first time man has tried to distort the words of god or dilute his commands.

Genisis 2:15

Man had nothing but a relationship with God and only one command, not to eat the forbidden fruit.

Genisis 3:1-14

Gods command was clear and yet through the serpant andan and woman justified there actions by minpulating gods word!

Man sinned and felt ashamed and hid! Sin is shameful we want to hide it.

Genisis 6:5-9

BecuSe of mans sin God was grieved that he had made man. God cannot be with sin, he cannot compromise!

Genisis 9:1-12

God wants a covienant with us....he wants a relationship with each one of us!

Leviticus 26:1-17

There is a reward for obedience. God wants to bless our righteousness! There is also a punishment for disobedience.
God is not able to tolerate sin.

Ephesians 2:1-10

We have been bought and paid for with a price! We have been redemed.

Paul told the church repeatedly not to allow worldlyness in the church. We have to keep Gods church holy. Sin destroys the body of Christ.

Today you can find a church that will teach anything you want to here! Churches that will tell you anything your itching ears want to here. We have got to align the church with the word of God and we cannot compromise!

Ephesians 4:20-31

You can not look at gods word like a caffiteria lunch line, taking and chosen only what we want and sicarding the rest!

1 Corinthians 6:12-

All through out the bible godly men have been destroyed by sexual imorality! God is very clear about how we should live and he wants us to honor him with our bodies! God says there should not even be a HINT of sexual imorality!

Matthew 18:15-

Christ spoke these words! He wants a functional family of God. We have to trust the scriptures in everyway and we cannot tolerate sin in the church. God commands us to deal with sin in our brothers and sisters! Gods dicipline is not for punishment but rather a hope that we will see the errors of our ways and repent! Discipline has a goal to save!

1 Corinthians 5:1-12

Once again we have to be radical in the way we deal with sin in our church! Judgement is not passed on the world, judgement is passed on the saints who have been redemed and chose to live a sinful un-pure life! Christians are a chosen people and our standard cannot be the worlds standard!

2 Corinthians 2:5-12

Gods also commands us to forgive our brothers and he wants us to be with him!

The church is Gods bride and we need to protect her at all cost!

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