God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gods Vision For Our Lives

John 21:1-14
The men went out to fish and they caught nothing! Have you ever felt that way, like you work hard and nothing happens? Jesus had died and the apostles went back to what they new. The discies were with out vision until Jesus resurected and called them back to what they were called for!

When there is no vision in our lives we become frustrated, depressed, un motivated...etc. We have to keep our eyes fixedon Jesus and our calling.

You take a task and put godly vision in it and it becomes something more.

Jesus asked them if they caught any fish. Jesus new the answer to the question! He wanted his disciples to realize what was possible when Jesus was in the picture....Jesus gives us vision and the power to glorify his name and fulfill his great purpose!

Vision allows us to see what god sees! Vision gives us optimism and hope! We should have vision and optimism. In every situation for if God is for us who can be agaisnt us? Gods power will enable us to do anything!

Exodus chapter 4
God gave Moses a vision, a plan for his life and Moses had nothing but excuses....don't make excuses for why you think god cannot do this or that in your life! Every excuse Moses could think of, God remaind faithfull and incouraged Moses by believing in him!

Imagine what your marriage, Christianity, your job...etc would be like if you had Godly vision?

It is very easy to loose your vision in God and his will for our life....exodus 4 says that God became angry with Moses when he did not accept the vision that God had for him!

John 21:1-14
Jesus is the ultimate visionary!

Some of the vision Jesus gave to his diciples:
Jesus said...you will move mountaines.
You will heal the sick.
You will become fishers of men.
You will do greater things than these....etc

Jesus is the ultimate visionary and God has vision for each of us regardless of our situation or what ever struggle we may be going through.

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