God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Being Real Men of God!

Being a man!

Genesis 1:27
         We were created in gods image.... Women was created from our ribs so we could and should protect her under are arm!

           God blames man for the sin... We are the head of the house and should be responsible for what happens in our marriage and our house.

Ephesians 5:22
           Our wives are meant to be our helpers and not to be responsible!
           We need to re discover what a Man is!
Philippians 2:4-11
           Our model should be Jesus and we should imitate his humility and righteousness!

          This contrary to what the world tells us a man should be.
Ephesians 5:25
          How often do I help my wife with her spirituality?

           What would my wife say I wash her with? Material things or the word of god?

John 2:16
           How deep is our conviction about sin?... Sin will destroy us and should be taken serious! And dealt with.

2 timothy 3:6-7
          We have to be the ones to guard our homes and protect our wife from sin.....our wives are vulnerable and need to be protected.

2 Corinthians 1:3
           We need to be men of comfort and bring security! The more we come men of Christ we become different men! If I have trouble comforting my wife I may trouble getting comfort from god!

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