God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, October 31, 2016



Polarization basically means to separate to the furthest of opposite ends. Two choices that cause I tenses separation! Gods people should never be manipulated with polarizing issues. How would Jesus respond to a polarizing topic?

Mark 12:13-17

The Pharisees intended to trap Jesus. This was a carefully laid trap. A controversial issue of Jesus day. A polarizing topic for the Jews and Romans! If Jesus says yes he instantly becomes a traitor of his people. If he says no then he becomes a terrorist to Roman and would immediately be put into prison!

Giving Caesar what is Caesar was giving to Caesar what was in Caesar's image! What was created and minted by Caesar! Give to the world what belongs to the world! Jesus was more concerned with eternal things!

Give to God what is God's! Give to God what was made in his image. What was created and minted by God! Who was made in God's image? We are called to give our selves in deep devotion!

How do you know what image you are serving? What are you passionate about? What turns your heart and creates a fervor and energy that can hardly be contained? Worldly things or Godly things!

Are you passionate about the things that God is passionate about? My passion should be on eternal things!

What divides you will show what image you are bearing!

1 Corinthians 1:12-13

Paul rebukes the Corinthian church for being divided over spiritual things, how much more would God rebuke Christians for becoming divided over worldly things? Politics are the number one polarizing issues of our day!

What unites you?

1 Timothy 2:1-4

This is what we should be praying for! In doing this we are focused on God being in control and not a man or women who was elected to office! We need to acknowledge who leads this world!

John 17:20-23

While faced with over whelming stress and physical torture, Jesus prayed for others! Look at Jesus priorities! Complete unity is found only in Christ!

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Miraculous Jesus!

Miraculous Jesus!

Jesus always preached outside. From lakes, mountains shorelines... Etc

John 6:1-15

Again Jesus is out doors ministering to people and performs one of the greatest miracles in the bible. Jesus lead them into the country side. Jesus lead them to a place where they would be in need. Jesus does that for us as well. He leads us to places where we need him and then he provides big time!

Mark says that Jesus split the people into groups of fifty and a hundred. Why did he do this? There was no denying how many people he fed! His miracles over came the physical limitations we have. He over came numbers by feeding five thousands with a couple of loaves and fish. He overcame gravity when he walked on water!

Jesus did miracles in our physical world but his intent was to open our eyes to the spiritual world!

John 6:25-35

The crowd only wanted free food. Even after that they still wanted a sign? How could they not believe? We overlook the miracles that Jesus has done in our lives as well! We need to be reminded! Who has been a liar and through the Jesus has learned to tell the truth in all circumstances? Who has never been faithful and through Jesus has become faithful not only to your spouse but faithful to the Lord! Who has battled with one sin or another for years and through Jesus has become victorious?! Don't under value the miracles that Jesus has done in your life!! If you can't answer yes to those questions then you need Jesus!!

Jesus ultimate miracle was his resurrection from the dead! Jesus had victory even over death and sacrificed himself for us so that we too can die to sin and be raised to a new life!! Praise God for the gift of grace and mercy that he lavishes on those who have made Jesus lord! We don't have to live in sin any longer! We are a new creation in Jesus!

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Saturday, October 15, 2016

The deep idol of control, significance

The deep idol of control, significance

Our lust and desire for control actually brings fear to our lives. The need for control drives fear and fear drives workaholism. Control drives insecurity and anger when things don't go our way.

To change these things we have to replace the lie with the truth. With fear we have to replace it with trust. With control we have to replace it with surrendering. The most frequent command in the bible is to not be afraid. Do not give into fear!

Proverbs 3:5
Matthew 6:25;32-33
Philippians 4:6-7

Control desires power and power pulls you away from God. To replace the desire for power we need to understand stewardship! Being a good steward means to value the things that God values.

What temps you the most? Fear, workaholism, anger, and power.

When was the last time you got really angry? What caused it?

How should the concept of stewardship change our perspective on the things and people that God has put in our lives?

Deep idol of significance!

Several traps go along with this idol. The approval trap. Are you constantly trying to keep others happy, have a hard time saying no, do you avoid conflict?

The recognition trap, is a desperate attempt to make your self feel significant by being recognized or your achievements.

The relationship trap is a desire for wanting to be wanted by someone. Your relationship becomes the most important thing in your life and provides you a false sense of security.

Philippians 2:5-11

Which of the significance trap is most relevant for you? Approval, recognition, or relationship trap.

Which of the comfort traps is most relevant to you? Fear of responsibility, the dependence on consumption, or turning to escapes.

The deep idol of comfort.

Several traps come with seeking comfort. The fear of responsibility, being dependent on consumption, and turning to escapes. Each one will trap you and keep you from growing spiritually!

We have to replace the idol of comfort with the purpose of God.

Which of the comfort traps is most relevant to you? Fear of responsibility, the dependence on consumption, or turning to escapes.

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Battle Plan

Battle Plan

Mark 10:35-45

There is a desire inside all of us to do great things and yet we are all easily appeased and settle for much less!

What is your battle plan for temptation? You can either white knuckle it and just bear through temptation you will eventually fall. The key is to desire God over anything else in your life! To desire God above any other desire!

Three things that must be done I order to do this.

- Admit the struggle
- Identify the lie (the empty promise a temptation offers)
- Replace it with the truth

Romans 12:1-3

What is the most difficult struggle for you to admit to?

What lie is that struggle feeding you?

How can you experience truth and replace the lie?

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4 key realities for making change in your life.

- Ruthless honesty
- Acknowledged struggles and temptation
- Understand the level of grace God has given you
- The goal is heart change

Three deep idols.

An idol is anything to replace God. Idolatry keeps us from getting our security from God. Idolatry can be found in lust and every other seen. It steams from selfishness! The deep rooted idols in my life, lay beneath the surface.

The idol of control is one of those deep rooted idol. Proverbs 19:21 with this idol we have a relentless pursuit of seeking security, and been in control of every situation.

The deep idol of significance is another. This idol plays out in your life when you are more worried about pleasing people rather than God. Your priorities are focused on what you can achieve and you seek the acceptance of others.

The deep idol of comfort is the third idol. Through this idol we avoid stress of accountability. This idol leads to an un ending desire for consumption. You are never satisfied!

Of the four key realities, which one is most important for you to remember?

Which of the three deep idols resonates with you the most? How is it manifesting in your life right now?

What decisions are you going to make to affect change in your life?

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Storm Chasers part 3

Storm Chasers part 3

Peter was blessed by storms. Literally, without storms our earth would not be inhabitable. Storms are necessary to remove pollution, regulate temptation...etc. without storms we would not be able to live on this planet. Lightning strikes and provides nitrogen to the soil. Storms are scary and create a lot of damage but without them we could not survive!

Matthew 14:22-33

Peter was originally Simon Barjonah which literally was "son of Jonah". Not sure if he was a descendant of Jonah but pretty cool to see him now involved in a storm as well. Jesus renamed him Peter which means "rock". Jesus did not just give him a new name but gave him a new identity.

Storms are needed in our lives too and God knows this. Jesus sent them into the boat and onto the lake and Jesus put them in that situation for a reason. Like wise God will put us in storms to give us an opportunity to have faith, trust and obedience!

Faith is built not by rest but by stress! We grow the most through the storms in our lives!

James 1:2-4

How can I be joyful through the middle of a storm? I can be joyful when I realize that God is using it to make me stronger and help me grow!

1 Peter 1:3-9

We need storms to build my faith. My faith needs to be continually challenged in order for me to grow spiritually. I can't run from the storms, I need to embrace them! Peter sank because he took his eyes off Jesus! Peter had enough faith to get out of the boat.
The faith I have today is good enough for today but not good enough for tomorrow! Our faith needs to be constantly challenged!

Jesus conquers storms!

Hebrews 12:1-3

Jesus initiates our faith with a storm in our lives and then he also perfects our faith. Men and women of Faith who embrace Gods word and the storms in their lives are able to be victorious! When we fix our eyes on Jesus we are able to see the storm for what it is! Keeping our perspective on Jesus is the key.

1 Peter 1:3-9

Jesus is the only way to get through a storm. Fall on your knees, accept Jesus as your savior! It is a blessing to be in a storm! With my eyes fixed on Jesus I will always conquer the storms in my life!

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Storm Chasers part 2

Storm Chasers part 2

Jonah 1:1-8

The storm in Jonah was brought on because Jonah refused to obey God. Many storms happen in our lives and are not our fault. In Jonah's case he was responsible and his sin drug everyone else into it. Jonah's selfishness jeopardized the entire ship and everyone on board.

Gods called Jonah to do something that was challenging for him to do. It questioned his character and exposed racism and bigotry. It exposed the hatred in his heart. Not doing God's will and obeying God exposes the sin in our hearts!

Jonah 1:9-17

Even through Gods miracle Jonah still needed to pray. Jonah had to work on his heart. God provided the time and opportunity for Jonah to repent. In our own lives sometimes God allows storms in our lives so we can turn to him. Where is God leading you? What is God trying to teach you. Examine what is going on in your life and consider where God is calling you?

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Genesis 11:1-9; 1 Samuel 4:5-10

Genesis 11:1-9; 1 Samuel 4:5-10

Two stories here that are kinda of foot note stories. These two stories are different but they share several similarities. They show the power of unity. They are untied against God in each story. With the story of the Tower of Babel, the unity was so strong that God had to disunify them! The philistines have no relationship with God. All they have is unity among men. There is a power in unity even an evil power in unity. In both cases God had to physically step into our world to defeat that power!

If men can be this powerful when being unified against God, how much more powerful can man be when we are united with God!

Ecclesiastes 4:8-12 this scriptures proves the point even further that men united are a power to be reckoned with. When two work together, the out put is greater than 1+1

There is a power in unity with God and yet so many chose to be loaners!

Psalms 133:1-3; Matthew 18:19-20

Am I battling the spiritual war alone? Am I tapping into the power of unity available through God with my brothers?

What keeps me from being United. What dreams do I have that we can unite over?

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