God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, February 28, 2016

How to: Teens


Prodigal son.
Father new he was making a wrong decision but fully believed in his son that he would come back

Share about walking away from God. Share about Shadae as well.

Loving them where they are ....(unconditional love)

Not being critical. Holding high standards but also being understanding. Diana reminding me of the things that I use to do as a teen.


Not controlling. Allowing them to make mistakes. Not sheltering them from everything.

Feel what they feel. Sympathize with what they are going through. Teen years, high school is tough, especially to be a Christian.

Being open with them about your life. Your struggles and your sin

Date your daughters monthly with the same passion as you would with your wife.

Helping them through the bad choices they have made by guiding them back to God.

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7 keys to a teens heart!

7 keys to a teens heart!

1.) Believe in them

Proverbs 3:5

Teens have a better chance in turning to God when we believe in them. Believing in them also gives them more security. When your teen is giving you their heart then they are on their way to giving God their heart.

Some times we have to painfully watch our kids go through tough things. They need to be exposed to the world on some level to see their need for God.

Recommended books. "Strong fathers, strong daughters". We have to lift our teens up and encourage them daily!

Romans 1:8-9 Paul encouraged the Roman church and in all his letters he starts off in this way.

Sandwich approach in talking about tough issues...bun(encouragement), meat(tough issue, correction), bun(encouragement).

2.) Understand them.

Understanding is about listening! Mark 4:3,9; 24-25, Mark 7 Ask if they want you to just listen or if they want input! We all need someone to listen!

Romans 12:2 what brings about good transformation and change? It's renewing their mind.

3.) Walking with them.

John 3:22

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Short view and the long view

Short view and the long view

Genesis 50:14-21

Joseph took the long view. It was easy for him to take the short view and say "I'm in power now" and treated his brothers harshly! He took the long term view that he is not God and God is the judge and does not judge in the hear and now but provides mercy and grace!

God perspective is so different from ours! He is always looking at the long view. God is so smart, big, eternal, and omnipotent that even our mistakes are used to for fill his will!

We cannot always understand what God is doing but we can always take the long view by trusting in Him! Joseph looked beyond his immediate needs and looked forward to what his actions would mean long term!

Trusting in God starts with setting aside your needs!

The long view allows me to be righteous in the moment. When there is no accountability and I am tempted with sin if I have the long view I won't chose to hurt God. Falling into sin and giving into temptation is taking the short view. Living in the moment!

Genesis 50:22-26

Joseph took the really really long view.

The long view is looking forward years, decades...ect. The really long view looks at what happens after death. The really long view is concerned with eternity! Hebrews 11:22 Joseph cared about what would happen after he died!

Hebrews 11:22;39 Joseph new it mattered after he died but he did not know why. He trusted God with blind faith. How much more should take the really long view knowing the gift of salvation that I have!

Think about heaven. It is beyond thought and comprehension but we need to still try! Dream of the long view! What do you look forward too the most in heaven?

We have to live our life in this world with the long view that helps us resist temptation. Live looking forward to the next left.

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Purity in marriage

"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral."
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart."
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:22‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:18-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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What Love Is Not.

What Love Is Not.

As we get older love gets complicated. You grow up as a child and love means so many different things. As you get older love becomes even more complicated. What does love mean. The world defines it differently that God does. What is normal for love? Dis functional families and broken relationships and love means so many different things for different people. God created love and wrote the definition of love!

1 John 4:7-9;19

Love comes from God. Do we search for love through God today? Many of us search for love in all the wrong places! God is the only one who can provide true love! Love is an action! Not just an emotion or feeling! With God love is never complete! Love should always be growing!

To learn about love you have to go to God. You have to spend time with God. You have to get to know him and his character. If you really know God then you will love!

Jesus became who he intended to be by going through suffering. Am I using the tough things in my life to help me draw closer to God?

Who was your fist love and who broke your heart? We hesitate sometimes in pursuing another person with love because we are afraid of getting hurt. God initiated the love with us first. God acted on his love for us! When we chose to turn away from Gods love we are breaking his heart. Our love for God is a reaction but an action none the less!

Biblical is not normal or natural. True love the way God intended it is supernatural! We want to love people that love us. To love someone that doesn't love you back is Gods love!

Love is not complete without God and without action! The decision to love is a huge decision and is only complete when we chose to act on it! Who has ever impressed God with what they know? Who has ever impressed God with talent? Who has ever impressed God with anything other than love?

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True Marriage

True Marriage

Marriage in the world today is a complete disaster! 78% of marriages in Southern California end in divorce! Nationally the divorce rate is also staggering! In our church the trend is increasing every year towards divorce. Divorce is becoming an epidemic
In our churches.

A Godly marriage is not about a perfect marriage. With only God can we have the marriage that God intended. God only said one time in the bible that things were not "good" and that was in Genesis when God said it is not "good" for man to be alone!

Matthew 7:13-14 To have the marriage that God intended you have to take the road less traveled. Am I willing to take the hard road that leads to paradise or do I want to take it easy and end up in destruction?!

Put first things first. Mark 12:28-31 My relationship with God is the single most important thing in my marriage. First love God and then I can love my wife! My power has to come from God. I have to take personal responsibility for where my marriage is at.

Genesis 3:1-7 from the very beginning even with being able to walk with God man was deceived. From the beginning Man looked for someone to blame! I have to take responsibility for my life. Vs.s 16 God basically says you get what you ate for. My choices are my choices and I need to take responsibility for my own actions and reactions.

Jesus went through the same temptations as Adam and Eve in the desert but yet he fought back with Gods word! The 4 "D's" of the devil...Deceive, distract, divide, and destroy!

1 John 1:5-10 walking in darkness is not acknowledging the truth. The truth about who I am and about where my marriage is at. I have to chose to live by the truth. To walk in the light. To be real about where you are.

Three keys:

1.) get open.
2.) stop blaming everyone else for your choices.
3.) No one can help you and unless your real and open.

Questions to ask your spouse: How can we take the road less traveled? What do we need to do to strengthen our marriage? How can we build our marriage more around God? What do we need to bring into the light?

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How to handle tough circumstances.

How to handle tough circumstances.

Matthew 5,6,7

Humility is not just an option but a necessity!

Romans 2:1; James 2:12; Joshua 1:9; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5; Luke 13:24; Matthew 24:12; John 14:30; Titus 2

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God uses our marriages to help us learn how we should worship God. There should be passion in both. Worshipping God will improve your marriage. To hear the word of God and then do nothing to follow it is self destructive.

Philippians 2:1 "if any encouragement". Can't we find some encouragement in being with Christ? Regardless of what the circumstances.

Philippians 3:1-14

I cannot rely on my own strength or accomplishments. My confidence has to come from my relationship with Jesus. What is my confidence in? Paul is saying remember what is important. Rejoice in the Lord! Paul considered every worldly thing a loss compared to the great riches he had in Christ. Paul is writing all of this in PRISON!

Philippians 3:15-21; 4:12-13

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1 Timothy 4:7-8 The idea of being trained and training your self is a huge part of our lives and culture. We train for school, work, athletics, personal fitness, competition...etc. We train out body's but what about our hearts, what about our minds, and what about our spirituality? Godly training should be of more value than any other!

Who is your trainer? Why, because you need one!

Luke 6:40 I need to understand my role and the student. I need to allow as many people in my life that are willing to teach and train me.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

What am I prepared to do? It takes action on my part. How hard I train an how willing I am to be trained is up to me!

1 Timothy 4:7 -- gymnazo in the Greek -- to exercise vigorously, in any way either the body or the mind! How has the last year for you spiritually? If you are training vigorously for the lord then there should be growth!

1 Corinthians 9:25 -- egkrateuomai -- to exhibit self-government, conduct, one's self temper Eagles in a figure drawn from athletes, who in preparing themselves for the games abstained from unwholesome food, wine and sexual a indulgence.

Am I training my self to abstain from everything that is keeping me from being the follower of Christ that God wants me to be?

I need to follow my trainer's direction. When you sign up with a personal trainer you don't start telling the trainer how you would like to be trained! I need to humble my self and surrender to the trainers instructions.

Hebrews 12:10-12 -- "Later on however..." W don't know how long that will be but God says that if we accept Gods discipline then it will produce a harvest of righteousness and peace!

In every chapter of the bible there is Faith, Hope, and Love! In our lives when God turns the chapter in our lives no matter what happens there is always "Faith, Hope, and Love"!

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