God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, October 13, 2014

Who is the greatest?!

Who is the greatest?!

You can be the greatest until someone else comes along and is greater! No matter what area you are on top in your life you are only on top until someone comes along who is better.

Jesus is the greatest! There is no one greater! Hebrews 11 is called the hall of fame of faith and that faith is in Jesus. Jesus is the greatest!

Hebrews 1:1-5

Jesus is greater than the Angels! Everything was made through Him! He is the exact representation of God. He is Gods radiance and glory!!

So what does all of this mean for us?

This is who we have faith in! Jesus is our guardian lord and savior with all the power that is and ever will exist! He has complete power and authority to protect and save us from every situation!!

The Jews revered and worshiped moses. They took great pride in being the descendants of Moses. What do identify my self with? Is my identity and pride in Jesus or something else? I am Gods son first and foremost!

Hebrews 3:5-6

Moses was one of the most faithful servant in Gods house and yet Jesus is over the entire house!

Hebrews 4:14-16; 7:23-24

The high-priest always offered a sacrifice for Israel's sins but was flawed and held back by his own sin. Jesus is the perfect high-priest and the only one to approach God for us with out a hinderance!

Hebrews 7:27-28; 9:13-14; 10:1-12

Jesus was enough! Once for all! Jesus did not just lack sin. He was filled with all righteousness! Jesus covenant is the greatest! There is no need for anything else. This is the only thing I should seek. Jesus is enough! I don't need anything else!

How fortunate that I am to have Gods word written on my heart! Everyman and woman in the Old Testimate would trade places with me regardless of my circumstances because I have The new covenant and gods word on my heart!!

Hebrews 2:2-4; 7:25

Jesus is the greatest savior! Jesus saves completely! There is nothing that Jesus cannot save me from!

Jesus rest is the greatest!

Hebrews 4:6-11
Hebrews 10:25-34

Since Jesus is the greatest, it is the worst to sin against Jesus! How much more severely will the punishment be for those who trample the son of God? If I deliberately keep on sinning on purpose God will withdraw his mercy and sacrifice!

The truth is all I have to do is never give up! I have to continue to fight and repent! When I mess up and fall all I need to do is get back up and continue to make Jesus lord of my life!!

Hebrews 10:35-39 AMEN!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Intentions vs Actions!

Intentions vs Actions!

Good intentions are often thought of as more important than the actual actions. "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions!" Did no one in heaven have good intentions? Intentions are really cut both ways. What makes the difference?

The truth is good intentions mean nothing unless they are followed with good actions! How good would a Good Samaritan be if he only had good intentions. Conversely how good would the Good Samaritan be if had no good intentions?!

Hebrews 4:12 gods word judges out thoughts and intentions! Intentions do matter!

Mathew 21:28-32

How many times have I said that I was going to do something good and then never followed through and did it?

Good intentions:

I'm going to read my bible everyday!
I'm going to change and repent of this "sin" and never commit it again!
I'm going to never act this way as a parent again!
I'm going to...I'm going to...

Where do my good intentions come from? Does it come from deceit where I know deep in my heart I don't mean what I am saying and it is only lip service!? Does my good intentions come from faith and deep convictions? Good intentions are a start and nothing more.

God is looking for obedience! The son who says the right thing and does not follow through is compared to a Pharisee and is worse than the tax collector and prostitute!

Hidden sin in my life is an example of good intentions with no action. If my life is full of sin and I am not being open and just trying to look good on the outside is the same!

The difference between the prostitute and the Pharisee is that the prostitute knows that God has a reason to bring judgement. The prostitute has a health fear of God and if she repents, she has a reason to be grateful. The Pharisee does not see that his good intentions with no action is opposing God and he has no fear of God!!

Both sons were sinners! No I won't don't is sinful. Yes I will do it and does not is sinful! The key here and the difference is where you end up. The parable ends with one son who is obedient and one son that is rebellious.

It is so easy in our world today to just be religious and compromise true obedience! Grace was never meant to cover over our sins when we become rebellious and stop repenting!

Have good intentions and follow through with good actions!

Matthew 7:15-23

No need to prove anything! My fruit will be obvious to all! A good tree that bears good fruit is all that God is looking for! Jesus always ends with eternity and that is what is at stake here!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Jude 5-7

  • Vs. 5-6 Jude reminds his readers of the bondage and slavery that God has rescued them from but warns that even though they have been rescued , Gods wrath will not escape them if they do not continue to be faithful to him!

    • What bondage and slavery has God set me free from? Think about the sin that God has saved me from!

      • Why would I ever want to turn away from God and go back to my worst days?

        • When I give temptation a foot hold in my heart and start desiring the things of this world, I have lost perspective and forgotten from what depths God has saved me!

    • Satan wants me to forget.

      • He wants me to think that my life was not that bad.

      • He wants me to think that sin is not as damaging as it really is.

        • Sin destroys relationships, it will wreck my marriage, harden my hearts and separates me from God.

  • Vs. 7 Jude use the worst example in history of sin and depravity in his reference to Sodom & Gomorrah. It is an example to me of how much God truly hates sexual sins and to what lengths he will go to remove it!

    • We have become a sexual explicit culture and the boundaries of what is descent and appropriate are being challenged by the world.

      • How am I separating my self from this world.

      • Am I compromising my convictions by what I allow myself to watch on tv or listen to on the radio?

    • Temptation leads to sin and sin in my life that goes unchecked and unrepented of only leads to more sin. Once I give my heart over to the desire of sin it is never enough. Eventually it separates me from God.

    • Judgment is coming and those who live like this (Galatians 5;19) will not inherit the kingdom of God!

Giving to God

Giving to God

Acts 4:32-37

No one counted their possessions as their own! They shared everything!

They put the money at the apostles feet....use this in any way you can to glorify God and do his will!

My heart should be the same. I may not have sold a field or house. Maybe I'm just giving a portion of my income that God has given me, but regardless my heart should be the same....use this in any way you can to glorify God and do his will!

Man's defeat!

Man's defeat!

What is it that defeats men? Sin is what defeats us. Sin is the tool that satan uses!

Sexual sin is a tool that satan uses constantly to defeat us! Sexual sin is most often rooted in pride and selfishness!

Pornography is more than pictures. It's about fantasy and is rooted in selfishness. The fantasy that "your so great, your so desirable"...etc. It is a play to the pride of men. It strokes our ego.

Married men who are never satisfied with their wives and the women that God has given them are a slap in the face to single brothers who abstain for immorality. Married men have a wife that God has given them to engage intimately and spiritually to meet their needs.

Who wants to eat garbage? How long would you have to be out of food before you would eat garbage? Stop eating garbage and eat the meal at home that God has given you!

James 3:15-18

Every evil practice starts from selfishness that goes unchecked!

Accepting Gods Love

Accepting Gods Love

Love is the major overriding theme in The bible. We love the idea of love. 100 top love songs, number one song,"endless love." Romeo and Juliet, written 400 years ago and still a famous love story. We love, love songs and love story.

Do you think about Gods love as a passionate love story? We know God is love but we view gods love in a different light.

Search and read the scriptures John wrote on love...

The books of John define for us what Gods love truly is! Josh was defined as the disciple Jesus loved. John had an understanding of what it really meant to be loved by God.

Jesus did not show favoritism. Any one of the disciples and apostles could have had that kind of relationship with Jesus. Josh was able to receive Jesus love in a different way. Jesus love was the same to all people. Being loved is sometimes hard to do. Being loved unconditionally is hard to accepts sometimes! I believe John understood and was able to receive Jesus love in a different way!

Accepting Gods love requires some effort on my part. My mid set can either receive Gods love or reject it. Gods love is always there but it depends on me in which way or how much I receive!

Luke 9:51-56 being loved can be uncomfortable!

John was not always this way. Early on in his life he was pretty hard line towards people...(wanted Jesus to bring fire from heaven on people, argued with the other apostles on who was the greatest!) later on his life his views on love changed.

John wrote several of his books as though they were love letters. He started each book with "to the church I love"...etc

It's easy to be convinced that Jesus chose John and loved him; however, because of sin it is harder for us to be convinced that Jesus loves me just as much! The same love Jesus had for John is available to me if I would only choose to accept it!

1 John 3:16

We choose God in actions and in truth. If you want to love God then love your brothers and sisters! Love as Jesus defined it is to lay down our lives for each other! We choose to accept or reject God!

Just like John went from harsh and ambitious to a man filled with love, in the same way I need to allow Jesus love to change me. I need to become a man of love that is willing to lay down my life for Him!

Love test...how can I put someone else's needs before my own this week without expecting anything in return?

1 John 4:10

Biblical Christianity or nothing at all!!

Biblical Christianity or nothing at all!!

We live in interesting time! Think about traveling back to biblical times. All of us would want to experience the things the apostles experienced and saw with their own eyes. Why am I in the time period that I am in? God has me where he wants me.

Perceptions can be lost over time. We try to understand and justify Jesus in our own terms some times. We try to mold Jesus into something we can relate to or understand instead of change our selves to fit Jesus!

To follow Christ today is to be old fashion and to believe the bible as truth is antiquated and naive!

Do I share my faith like I really believe that I have the truth to true peace, godly marriages, purity, Godly wisdom?!

Philippians 4:4-7

This is not worldly peace when you make money, have a good job, a happy wife...etc. How hard is it to have peace when everything is going right in your life? This is the peace that comes from God when things are not all ways right but we rejoice!

Our minds and hearts are constantly under attack! I need to guard our heart and my mind with spending time with God. If I am not guarding my heart with the word, who or what am I letting in? Definitely not God!

Philippians 4:8-9

Wise godly decision can make life easier. Unwise quick ungodly decisions can have consequences for years!

Micah 3:8

Where does power come from? The spirit! Justice and might in telling the truth! Living the truth! If I was filled with this type of power today what would I do with it? If God did not hold back his spirit in my life what would I do with it? Watch football? Play video games? Work on my house? It's time to be about my purpose! To allow God to use me and work for him as a servant of Christ!