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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

8 Principals to change.

8 Principals to change.

An object does not move unless an outside force acts upon it. It's the same way for us spiritually! We can't change with out action.

How do you go from decision to change? I need help to change.

8 Principals to change.

#1 - I will not change based on my emotions only. Change happens not by emotion but only by decisions.

Romans 12:1-2

#2 - Remove all distractions and competing priorities. Spiritually I can not continue down the same path over and over agin and expect to see change. Matthew 6:33

Hebrews 12:1-3
Ephesians 4:15-16

#3 - Share your decisions and struggles.

To have true biblical change I need the body. I need relationships to grow spiritually! Self discipline comes from other discipline from others. I need discipleship to help create self discipline.

#4 - Give yourself a deadline or timeline.

#5 - Root your decisions in scripture.

Colossians 3:6

Memorize scripture is the way to root your self into Gods word! Gods word has to live in my heart. With Gods word my actions will be Gods actions.

#6 - Commit your decisions to prayer.

When I am trying to change something I have a need and prayer helps me connect with the power that God has given us.

#7 - Give your self to others.

Philippians 2; Galatians 5:13-14

No matter what it is that I think I need to change always comes down to selfishness. Serving other people will help me change selfishness that is rooted in my sinful nature!

#8 - Focus on the unseen and don't give up!

2 Corinthians 4:13-18

Focusing on what can be seen can be discouraging! I need to focus on what is not seen, to have faith, and in vision my self changing. What is unseen is permanent!

For example: to focus on the seen in your marriage you think about the past in your marriage, the failures in your own mother and fathers marriage...etc. to focus on the unseen I look at Jesus and his bride the church. I focus on the relationship and perfect partner I have in Jesus! I focus on the power Jesus has given me to change.

To focus on the seen with regards to purity, you focus on the past. The fact that you have always struggles with purity. The fact that the world is not a pure place...etc. To focus on the unseen you think about your body being the temple of God. You think about the fact that Jesus is in you. You have the holy spirit and you worship a holy God that calls you to be Holy. You are a new creation through Christ...etc.

Hebrews 12:1-3 focus on what is unseen!!!

Fwd: After baptism, now what?

After baptism, now what?

As a new Christian, what should their focus be? Jesus! They need deep roots and it is important for us to help them develop deep roots!

The worst thing we can do is leave a new Christian alone. We need to surround them and spend more time with them in prayer and having quite times together.

They need deep friendships. We need to train them to initiate new relationships in the church.

Get them started on their mission. Evangelism and their purpose are vital to helping them establish a healthy spiritual life.

Train them in discipleship and openness and what it should look like.

Teach them early on that the kingdom is not just one more thing added to their lives but should be the number one priority in their life!

Fwd: Failure is not an option!

Failure is not an option!

How do you go from a dozen apostles to the worlds largest religion? A shaky start...Matthew 28:16...some doubted!

Jesus did not even pause and commanded them to "go" and make disciples! Doubt can be overcome with doing and being obedient! Jesus did not even address the doubt.

Matthew 28:18-20

The gospel was spread through the disciples. Jesus had all the power and authority and he has given that authority to us.

Jesus gave us a promise! He will be with us always to the very end of the age! How could God not be with us if we are obeying his word and for-filling his will! Jesus is saying go and I will take care of you, go and I am with you, go and I will carry you! Fear will not prevail.

Fwd: King David

King David

Prophet translate "Mouth piece of God", to know Gods word in OT times you needed to speak with a prophet.

Israel wanted a king and inquired to see what God would say and went through the prophet Samuel. God gives Israel what they wanted to teach them a lesson. David was the first King that God chose for his people.

Three kingdoms make up 20% of the OT. Saul, David and Solomon. To be the King that God chose David spent years being the anointed one but not the King. God worked on David, molding his heart to the point that he was able to be the king that God wanted.

Even in his shepherding deputies God was teaching David how to care for people and lead.

Spending time with God should lead me to say, "I'll do it!" This is what David did with Goliath.

Psalms 23:1-6

1 Samuel 16:7-

God chose "a man after his own heart"' no one else has God described in this way. God lead David to this point. God is leading me to have his heart.

David was anointed and then had to wait 15years to actual take over his throne! What faith David had to trust God through all the trouble that came after him.

I need to learn to walk with God and allow him to lead. Too many times I try to lead my own life. I need to follow!!

2 Samuel 15:13-37

Fwd: 1 Samuel

1 Samuel

1 and 2 Samuel written from 1100 BC to 600 BC. The story of Gods people.

1 Samuel 1:1-17

Hanna's need brought her to God. Hanna had one need and that need was a son! Hanna cried out to God and poured her soul out to the Lord.

When I have a deep need that makes me feel bitter or trapped, where does it bring me? Where do I turn?

Hanna knew that her problem was one that could only be resolved by God.

1 Samuel 1:21-27

Hanna's blessings brought her to God as well! When God blesses me does that turn me to The Lord. Do I forget God when he answers my prayers? My great fullness for what God has given me should be evident in how I give praise to Him!

1 Samuel 2:18-21

Samuel learned that God came first no matter what because of Hanna's example!

1 Timothy 4:16

The way I live can positively impact everyone around me!

1 Corinthians 15:33

Conversely the way I live can impact the people around me in a negative way!

Fwd: According to your faith.

According to your faith.

Mathew 9:27-31

The quest? These blind men were on a quest. For sight? No, they asked for mercy! Why am I here today? What quest am I on?

These guys wanted healing and were willing to follow Jesus until they got it! What ever the need may be, I need to be on a quest for mercy!

Jesus did not heal them immediately. But asked them "do you believe that Jesus is able to do this". Do I believe that Jesus has the power to give me what I need?

Is God able? This is the only question that is important!

Imitating their faith:
     They asked!
     Faith needs to be persistent. ( they asked all day long )
     They did not doubt (Isaiah 35 prophesied that the messiah would heal the blind)
     They waited for Jesus to heal them
     They shared their faith with others.

I need to be on a continual quest. When Jesus heals or provides in one way I need another quest. Is my faith going to be one that asks, persist, does not doubt, waits for Jesus to work and shares His power with others?!

Fwd: A savior is born!

A savior is born!

Luke 2:1-20

Jesus birth was both ordinary and extraordinary at the same time! Jesus physically came into this world like any other baby. His mother felt the birth pains and His father felt everything an expecting father feels!

Jesus' birth turns Joseph and Mary's life upside down. They had to flee to Egypt. Jesus was born of a virgin. The Son of God! As a lowly child born into poverty was feared and worshipped!

Even at his birth the last are already first. The shepherded's rejoice with angels.

Jesus did not come to be born in some miraculous way and then end the story there. Jesus grew into a man and into the life that God willed for him.

Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus was a an that people considered beyond redemption. Zacchaeus turned a profit off of the financial burdens imposed by Caesar. He was also viewed as a traitor amount the Jews. Zacchaeus was also a man that repented!

Jesus lived a life that called people to repentance!

Luke 19:28-44; 45-48

Jesus entered Jerusalem as the king that he is! Pharisees tried to kill him.

Jesus's life commands a response! Zacchaeus repented, disciples worshipped and Pharisees tried to kill him. No one ignored Jesus.

Genesis 3:21-24

This is where man and Gods relationship changed. If man was able to live for every he will live with his sinful nature for ever. From the day we were removed from the garden, God and Jesus had a plan to reconcile our relationship with him so that we could once again be with him.

From Abraham to Jesus, God had a plan!

Hebrews 10:1-14

Man was given the perfection of the garden, the priceless gift of a face to face relationship with God! We threw it away over sin! Jesus offered to be the sacrifice needed to reconcile our relationship to God.