God's Free Word Book Store

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The kingdom!

The kingdom!

Luke 12:35-48

Jesus parables were his way of teaching moral truths in a way that we can understand it. What is Jesus trying to teach us? Service in the kingdom! The servant must be ready to serve! Get ready to go to work doing Gods will and eagerly await the return of our master! To serve God we have to have our light ready to go in dark places, eyes wide open looking for an opportunity to serve!

Citizens of the kingdom must be serving. Being ready is not enough. We must act and get to work! Luke 12:42-44. Jesus is returning and he has expectations for us when he comes! Are you at work meeting the physical needs in your community? Are you at work meeting the emotional needs.

Reward or punishment waits! God is passionate about service! He wants his possessions taken care of. No amount of righteous doctrine can save an unserving soul!

Galatians 5:13-14 we were remade to serve!

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Leadership in the Kingdom!

Leadership in the Kingdom!

Bad leadership examples, punitive leadership, self serving leadership, lack of integrity, hypocritical...etc. leadership in our world is full of bad examples! In the Kingdom leadership is defined differently!

Matthew 20:20-28

Leadership in the kingdom of God is a leadership without positional ambition. God is looking to fill a completely selfless position. Your ambition as a leader in Gods kingdom should be to please God and bring him glory!

Leadership in the kingdom is without Worley authority. Leadership in the kingdom is defined by service! It is also defined by sacrifice! Leadership in the kingdom is built on the foundation of Jesus!

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A Kingdom that will last!

A Kingdom that will last!

All generations together. God has always had a generational plan. Huge chunks of the Bible are dedicated to genealogies. Number 1:5-15. 1 Chronicles has 9 chapters dedicated to genealogies.

The jews of the old Testimate had no concept of heaven and Hell. They did not think of eternity but heirs and off spring. God made promises to them through generations. Their children's children would be successful or own some possessions...etc

Genesis 15:1-6 even Abraham wanted a legacy through genealogy. Gods plan was for Abraham to live on through his offspring.

God's Kingdom is eternal.
God's kingdom is universal.

Matthew 3:7-9 Abraham's children were not his physical lineage. Abraham's children are the children of God.

Romans 8:14-17

We can all be spiritual fathers and mothers. Our spiritual lineage is more important than our physical one! God's kingdom is made of spiritual generations.

God's kingdom is multi-generational.

Numbers 8:23-26

Titus 2:3-6

1 Timothy 4:12

Gods kingdom would collapse onto itself if we do not keep a generational mindset. Our responsibility is to teach the next generation!

Even Jesus was in a sense God's next generation carrying on God's plan of salvation!

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Thursday, November 7, 2019

What is your passion?

Passion! What is your passion? What should your passions be? All of our passions should reflect Christ!

Luke 24:30-32

This is God's passion for us! Jeremiah 9:23-24

Luke 9:22 Jesus showed his passion through his suffering!

Purpose! What is your purpose? Has your purpose changed through Jesus?

Acts 17:24-27 We find our true purpose when we seek God!

Matthew 28:18-20 God's plan is for us to be used by him.

Romans 12:4-8 your purpose should also be to use the gifts that God has given us to glorify his will!

Matthew 22:36-40 Our love for God fuels our desire to for fill our purpose for God!

Philippians 1:20-24; 2 Corinthians 5:1-9

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Devoted to your first love!

Devoted to your first love!

When we turn from God is not one giant step but multiple little steps. One small decision after another that goes against what we now is right!

Judges 16:20 -- scary thought that you could be unaware that Gods has left you! Samson thought he would do what he had always done! Samson allowed sin to take him far away from God!

Same with King Saul. He started out as a king that tried to serve and honor God.

Revelations 2:1-3;4

Gradual erosion of your convictions and faith!

What is first love? That love that first brought you to God. That love you felt when you realized that Jesus blood was shed for you and God chose to forgive you regardless of what you had done!

First love is vulnerable. It needs to be protected and taken care of! Paul is a great example of someone who did not forget his first love! He continually reflected on what he had done to God and constantly consider himself unworthy to even be called an apostle!

Examples of first love! Romans 9:1-3 Exodus 32:31-32

How do you lose your first love? Matthew 24:12

With out continually feeding your first love it grows cold and malnourished! You have to be purposeful in your relationship with God!

Hebrews 2:1; 3:12-14

What convictions have changed in your life?!

How do we get our first love back?! Revelation 2:5 -- when you lose something you find it when you remember where you left it. Same for us spiritually, go back to where ever you left it. Start doing the things that you once did that created that love! It has to start with repentance!

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What is Church

What is church? 56% of Americans believe in the God of the bible and only 22% actually go to church! Why?

Church is not just Sunday but everyday! Church is give and take but unfortunately most of the people that go to church go to take what ever church has to offer and not give back!

The American church is defined by..prosperity gospel, the american culture, independence, Christianity is political and racial! Is this the church of the bible? False doctrines about church in america are all over the place. The american Christian has and individual relationship with God and rejects any communal relationship.

Acts 2:36-41

This first century church is the example of what God intended for church to be. The first century church was unadulterated by the world, culture or race. The church was a community where there was no concern for the individual but concern for the community.

The church was started with a mixture of cultures and races. People of all nations had gathered in Jerusalem. There was no care for property or individual wealth!

Look what they were devoted to: teaching, preaching, breaking bread and prayer! There is no room for self! The beauty of Gods plan for church is that as we serve and give selflessly we in return are given to and have our needs met! Everyone was giving to anyone!

Spiritual needs were more important than physical needs!

How do you have community and the church that God designed? Focus on Jesus and his example. Jesus was very rarely with someone one on one! Jesus always met with groups of two or more! Why would God say he is with us when two or more gather if it was just about us and one on one with God?

Matthew 12:46-50 Jesus consider the church his family and it mattered more to him than physical family!

Luke 19:10

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The mission of the church!

The mission of the church!

Matthew 5:14-16

Jesus creates imagery of a light shining in a dark place as a city on a hill that is a landmark for all around us. The idea of a city on a hill is about Gods church. If we are going to be a city on a hill as a church we have to be a light to the world!

1 Corinthians 1:26-27 shining is not about being excellent, the best, or most righteous. Is about being different. The church is made imperfect people that are called to be set apart from the world in the way we think, in our purpose, in the way love, and the way we deny self and give!

The church can shine and be different if we are willing to be like Jesus!

Matthew 5:38-42 some of the hardest teachings in the bible. This goes against everything in our human nature and our natural defense mechanisms!

A lite will be noticed! Matthew 5:14-16 don't hide what you are doing. Let your life be open and transparent to everyone around you!

It's not about intensity. Even a tiny light is noticeable in the darkness. Our world is a dark dark place.

The church is called to shine which by design gives glory to God! The end goal is to give glory to God! We don't shine so we can grow. Growth is a product of bringing glory to God!

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The Law of the Kingdom of God!

The Law of the Kingdom of God!

Hebrews 4:12 the word of Go, the law of God is living active. Timeless from one generation to another!

The constitution was only around a few years before we started passing amendments! It changes from generation to generation! The bible is not this way! It is relevant from one generation to another!

How can the bible not be irrelevant with the passing of time? Gods law is not based on human justice! It is based on divine love!

Genesis 2:15-17;3:4-5 why does give us law forbidding us from stuff? To protect us from harm! God's law is not his attempt to keep us from enjoying life. He is protecting us from the things that will causes harm!

Gods law is his expression of his limitless love for us!

If the law was given in Love then for filling and obeying God's law is an expression of love to God!

What is our responsibility to pushing people to follow Gods law? Jesus never demanded obedience from outsiders? To non christians Jesus loved and served them. Jesus try to persuade them to leave their lives of sin and save them from harm! John 4:23 — our responsibility to point people to God and love them!

Question about God's law from the problems of today...

1 John 4:16; Deuteronomy 15:12-15; Genesis 1:27 what about gender roles? Men and women are the complete image of God!

What about class and wealth? Proverbs 30:9 What about sexual attraction? Premarital sex? God condemned Greed and Rebellion far more than homosexuality?

Romans 3:23 mankind has falling from day one! We pick up a falling world and love them through their sin!

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The kingdom of God!

The kingdom of God!

The Kingdom is about Gods rein, his law, his power...etc! The kingdom is also about citizenship! Citizenship in Gods Kingdom!

When you're a citizen you enjoy the benefits of citizenship.

How does the bible view citizenship in Gods kingdom?

Jesus put heaven on hold to spend 40 more days on earth to teach more adequately about the Kingdom!

Matthew 28:18-20 kingdom citizenship is not exclusive and includes all nations!
1 Chronicles 16:23-24

If Gods kingdom is going to be all nations then the we have to go to all

Luke 14:15-23 anyone from any nation, any background, any economic status, any physical disability...anyone!

The kingdom is exclusive! Luke 14:24; Matthew 28:18-20 ("them" is the disciples)

Any who does not enter the Kingdom on Gods terms cannot get in! You cannot earn citizenship with power, wealth or worthiness!! Only through grace and humility! If you do not enter on those terms you do not enter the Kingdom!

Kingdom citizenship is eternal! Citizenship comes with teaching and being taught. Who os teaching you and who ate you teaching? If not you ate not living like a citizen of the Kingdom! If your not obeying, making disciples, baptizing disciples, then you are not living like a citizen!

Matthew 25:31-34 God will separate us by the way we treat others! Just being a citizen is not enough. You have to live as a citizen of the kingdom of God!

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Gather and worship!

Gather and worship!

We are called to gather, serve, and multiply! Lets focus on worship today!

1 Chronicles 16:7-35

This proclamation was given by King David before the ark of the lord was to be brought back. This was a big moment! David wanted all Israel to worship and praise the Ark of the Lord which represents the presence and spirit of God!

They were overjoyed that God presence was going to come into their city! Think about how much more we should celebrate the fact that Jesus who is God came to us in the flesh!

Accepting Jesus as God, your lord, and savior requires a lifetime of worship and praise. Standing in awe of God that he no longer dwells in a gold chest, tent, or temple but now dwells in you!

Job 38:1-18;40:1-9;42:1-6

Not worshiping God in reverence and praise is to stand up to the Almighty in defiance. Worship and praise comes from knowing who God is and then knowing who we are!

God, as powerful and mighty as he is, as scary as he is....but he loves you! Think about that!

2 Kings 22:
Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Have you lost the law? Worship keeps your mind focused on God and his word! God is worth and deserves our praise!

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The Kingdom!

The Kingdom!

Acts 1:3

Jesus had already lived, finished his ministry, died and resurrected and yet he cam back to earth and spent 40 more days! He put heaven on hold. What was so important that he postponed being reunited with God in heaven? The Kingdom! He was helping the disciples make it to heaven by teaching about the kingdom!

Jesus came for many reason and one of them was to teach the Kingdom of God! Luke 4:43

The kingdom is what Jesus was leaving behind for is so he wanted to ensure that we understood it!

The Kingdom in the Old Testament!

God established a nation of his people and a kingdom that he ruled. Israel sought to have an earthly king 1 Samuel

1 Chronicles 17:11-14 Israel received many kings both Good and bad.

Jeremiah 23:5-6 Jesus is prophesied as a righteous King that would come and save Israel from the oppression of an earthly king. They were waiting for another earthly king.

The Kingdom in Jesus day!

Luke 1:30-33 Israel waited 500 years for this proclamation!

John 18:36 Jesus is the king of the spiritual world and the physical world as well! Physical is temporary, spiritual is eternal!

The kingdom in our day!

What does kingship in our world? Wealth, status and no reign! No authority! As Americans we are blessed in a nation where we are rarely ruled over! The idea of a king is foreign to us. The only master we serve many times is ourselves! Many people run to Jesus as the moral and righteous king only after their own rule has destroyed their lives!

Colossians 1:13-14

Are you willing to submit to Gods reign? Are you allowing him to reign in every aspect of your life? Your finances, your marriage, your career, and your sexual purity? Does God reign in your life?!

Up coming subjects: the law of the kingdom? The rights in the kingdom? The service of the kingdom? A kingdom that will last! The victorious Kingdom!

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