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Monday, April 23, 2018

The Resurrection; What Next?

The Resurrection; What Next?

Jesus died, rose from the dead, ascended to heaven and promised to return soon. Many of the early Christians believed that Jesus was coming back soon. Literally in their life time. When Jesus did not return it left many of them wondering, what next?

The apostles went back to doing what Jesus called them to do!

Acts 3:1-3

Why wasn't this man healed before? Jesus probably passed by this man going into the temple several times and never healed him. Why? This man was saved for the work of Peter and the other apostles so that they could show Gods power through Jesus!

What work has Jesus left you to do?

Acts 4:34-35

The early Christians were meeting so many needs that they ran out of needy people! If Jesus put someone in your path would they be helped? Are you meeting the needs of the people around you?

From meeting needs they responded to the resurrection by saving souls!

Acts 4:4-13

Meeting needs will open doors for the gospel!

The last time peter was before religious authority he cowering before a little girl. Through the resurrection his faith has emboldened him to confront anyone for the name of Jesus! Peter continued to grow after the resurrection. How is my growth spiritually? Is my faith increasing? Am I increasing in zeal and boldness for the Lord?

Acts 2:42;5:42; 9:31,42;11:21,24;14:1 -- this is just a few of the examples of the type of explosive growth that took place in the first church! There is power in the resurrection! Saving souls was a priority to them!

If we truly believed in the power of the resurrection then we would respond with every ounce of our being to sharing the gospel and saving souls!

Acts 4:23-31

The apostles also shepherd the flock and were extremely committed to shepherding! Acts 8:14; 9:38; 11:22-23 -- Are you helping people stay faithful to Christ?

Matthew 28:18-20

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