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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Palm Sunday; the Passover and Jesus

Palm Sunday; the Passover and Jesus

The Passover was and is the story of Jesus. Luke 2:41; John 2:13 Jesus celebrated the Passover. The Passover from the beginning was a foreshadow of Jesus and his power to save!

Exodus 1:11-13; just like the nation of Israel in the Old Testimate was a slave to Egypt, the Jews in Jesus day were slaves to sin. John 8:32-34

Exodus 3:7-10 God saw the measure of his people and chose to deliver them. Matthew 23:37 in the same way God saw the misery we were in and chose to deliver through Jesus.

Gods mighty power shown! Through the 9 plagues he brought on Egypt plagues that God showed his power. Pharaoh was unmoved until the plague of the death of the first born child. The blood of the lamb saved the Israelites and spared. Exodus 12-12-13

The Israelites were called to obey and they would be saved! John 8:51

Exodus 12:23; Ephesians 1:7 -- for us only the blood of Jesus saves!

The Passover and Jesus really are the same story! 1 Corinthians 5:7

Where am I in this story? What has God done in my life? What sins and consequences has God passed over? What was I a slave to that I have been set free from? God sees me, he sees the misery that sin causes in my life!

God saved you!

God is always at work and his power is always on display. What was has God shown his power in your life?

God calls us to obedience as well! Am I willing to obey? The Jews could not ignore the command to put blood on their door steps and say, "well God knows my heart"! God sacrifices all and justifiably calls us to complete obedience through grace!

Have you been saved? Have you come into contact the way God calls you to connect to the blood of Jesus?

Revelations 7:14

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