God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Overcoming Strongholds

Overcoming Strongholds

2 Corinthians 10:3-6

What is your stronghold? These are things in your life that you wish you could change. Maybe its in your marriage, maybe its purity, maybe its your another character sin you face daily?

1 Samuel 17:1-11

A lot of times, strong holds in our life are like Goliath's! We have battles them for years and they leave us in doubt and fear. Satan uss strongholds to keep us stag-net and discouraged. This is the spiritual battle that began when we chose to make Jesus lord!

Strongholds can be defined as addictions. They are in many ways areas in our lives where we seek temporary comfort or pleasure! They never satisfy!

What are my strongholds? Fear, lust, insecurity, self value to God, pride, worry, guilt, selfishness, self pity, deceit.

Satan like Goliath will taunt you! We blame our strongholds on many things; circumstances, external factors...etc.

How did David face Goliath?

1 Samuel 17:12-23

Three reasons why strongholds remain:

Growing weary of the battle where fear and doubts sets in (James 1:5-8). Trust in Gods battle plan. Do not give into fear! Have faith and stop doubting!

Misunderstanding what God is trying to accomplish in your life (Job 36:15-22). Hardships are given to us for a reason. Tough times and painful circumstances mold our characters!

Lack of intimacy with Christ (John 17:21). You cannot be intimate without spending time together! Spending time with God without boundaries, without limitations, without time limits! What does your intimacy with Christ look like? Jesus demand a deep and meaningful relationship!

1 Samuel 17:32-37

God probably kept David away from the army of Israel. David did not learn how to battle and fight from them. He spent his life spending time with God. He learned to fight through God. He faced the challenges God gave him! Because of his experiences and Gods deliverance fueled Davids faith and trust for him!

Have you lost sight of what God has done in your life?

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