God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, April 23, 2018

The Resurrection; What Next?

The Resurrection; What Next?

Jesus died, rose from the dead, ascended to heaven and promised to return soon. Many of the early Christians believed that Jesus was coming back soon. Literally in their life time. When Jesus did not return it left many of them wondering, what next?

The apostles went back to doing what Jesus called them to do!

Acts 3:1-3

Why wasn't this man healed before? Jesus probably passed by this man going into the temple several times and never healed him. Why? This man was saved for the work of Peter and the other apostles so that they could show Gods power through Jesus!

What work has Jesus left you to do?

Acts 4:34-35

The early Christians were meeting so many needs that they ran out of needy people! If Jesus put someone in your path would they be helped? Are you meeting the needs of the people around you?

From meeting needs they responded to the resurrection by saving souls!

Acts 4:4-13

Meeting needs will open doors for the gospel!

The last time peter was before religious authority he cowering before a little girl. Through the resurrection his faith has emboldened him to confront anyone for the name of Jesus! Peter continued to grow after the resurrection. How is my growth spiritually? Is my faith increasing? Am I increasing in zeal and boldness for the Lord?

Acts 2:42;5:42; 9:31,42;11:21,24;14:1 -- this is just a few of the examples of the type of explosive growth that took place in the first church! There is power in the resurrection! Saving souls was a priority to them!

If we truly believed in the power of the resurrection then we would respond with every ounce of our being to sharing the gospel and saving souls!

Acts 4:23-31

The apostles also shepherd the flock and were extremely committed to shepherding! Acts 8:14; 9:38; 11:22-23 -- Are you helping people stay faithful to Christ?

Matthew 28:18-20

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Law & Grace

Law & Grace

Luke 18:10-14

We believe in humility, loving others, turning the other cheek, we believe we are sinners; however many of us have a hard time believe that God can love us at our worst moments. The tax collector begged for mercy. We have mercy and more mercy than we can ever imaging.

What is your view of God? What does God expect from us?

Matthew 5:48 be a perfectionist?
1 Peter 1:15 be holy and faultless?
Hebrews 12:29 be in fear
1 John 3:4-6 be sinless?

God has given us Grace and only want loyalty and gratitude in return!

Matthew 23:23 -- practice the later without neglecting the former! Law and Grace go together and are not opposed to each other. They should be in unity with each other!

Ecclesiastes 7:15-17 the extreme of righteousness is legalism. The extreme of wickedness is heathenism! God wants neither!

Read these again...

Matthew 5:46-48 be a perfect lover (God leaves room for mistakes)
1 Peter 1:13-16 don't grade your self on a curve. Set the bar high and shoot for being like God!
Hebrews 12:22-29 we don't have to fear because God has made us perfect!
1 John 3:3-6 if we are attempting to walk in the light and admit we are sinners God putrefies us!

Grace fulfills the law!

Romans 8:3-4

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Gospel of Grace: part 3

Gospel of Grace: part 3

We need to stop being judgement, critical, harsh, unloving, unrealistic expectations, and condescending!

1 Corinthians 4:5; Matthew 7:1-5; James 1:26; James 2:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:13

Everything must be done for the glory of God! James 4:1-3; Galatians 6:3-5

Romans 14:1...19 acceptance

1 Corinthians 12:18-20 mutual respect

1 Corinthians 12:24-25 validation

Ephesians 4:29 gentle words

1 Peter 4:10 loving acts

Galatians 6:1-2 second chances

James 3:17-18 mutual support

Colossians 3:12-14

2 Peter 1:4 faith-based mindset

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Gospel of Grace: part 2

Gospel of Grace: part 2

What do you do with Grace and the cross theology?

2 Corinthians 12:8-9 -- Gods grace is sufficient. There is noting else we need in any circumstance!

Personalize scripture
Personalize prayer
Personalize the cross

John 3:16-17 insert your name in this scripture!

John 5:14-15; 1 Corinthians 1:18; Romans 6:4-7

Here is the lies Satan tries to tell us

I am a bad person
I have to be perfect
I cannot make any mistakes
I cannot trust people
I am unworthy of other people's love
I have to be sinless
I have to read the bible daily to be saved
I have to share my faith everyday to be saved
I need approval to be right with God

We need to claim and affirm Gods grace!

Claim Gods grace
Affirm your strengths -- claim the things God has blessed you with!
Accept your mistakes as learning opportunities
Progress is the goal not perfection -- you will never be like Jesus completely
Forgive yourself as God forgave you
Perfection is impossible
Accept your weakness
Become self aware
Relapse in sin is common
God has given worse
Self prophecy is fulfilling
Shame is a lie from Satan
Guilt is a gauge to change
God commands us to love our selves
Accept the gift of Grace

1 John 4:10-12

Loved by God
Loved by others
In love with God
In love with others

Hebrews 4:15-16 if you don't believe in Grace then you won't receive Grace!

I am a new creation
God does not condemn me

Hebrews 10:22 Grace cleanses our conscience

Romans 8:1-2 Grace forgives consequences and forgives our reputation!

Romans 8:38-39 Grace forgives regret, wounds and pain!

Luke 6:37-38 Graces is forgiving the apologetic, forgiving the repentant

Ephesians 4:30-32 graces is forgiving the unapologetic, unrepentant, unconfessed.

2 Corinthians 3:6; Romans 6:23; John 1:17

God is faithful, God is graceful and God is truth

Romans 8:1-4; 1 John 1:7; Titus 2:11-13; 2 Corinthians 2:6-8

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Gospel of Grace: part 1

Gospel of Grace: part 1

Romans 3:23-24 this scripture is used a lot to show how sinful we are and yet the the focus of this scripture is not about how sinful we are but how gracious God is!

What does grace mean: gift, favor, credit, charity, free, undeserving blessing, inclined benefit.

Israel lived in patronage society. Patronage spiritually means: Patron (God), broker (Jesus), client (us) -- our obligation is to show gratitude, appreciation, and loyalty!

Grace is Gods riches at Christ expense!

Ephesians 2:4-7;8-10; Romans 2:16-17; Titus 2:16-17;

Romans 3:22-26 the ancient world believed that the gods had to be appeased and would sacrifice the selves to appease the gods. God on the other hand offered himself for the sacrifice of atonement.

Paradigm shifts and different Hermeneutic beliefs
Patriarch period -- grace obtained through obedience
Mosaic period -- Grace through the law
Gospel period -- Grace by faith
Church period -- Grace by sacrifice of Christ
Catholic period -- Grace given by the priest
Lutheran period -- Grace by faith alone not by works
Calvinistic period -- Grace by Gods sovereignty and election
Revival period -- Grace by conversion
Restoration -- Grace by restoration "return to the ancient ways"

What lens do we look at scripture through? For us our view has been Grace through Lordship. Receive Grace through discipleship. The formula has been -- believe, confess, repent, baptism, and lordship.

We should interpret the bible through the lens of the cross.

Cross theology includes the death of Jesus, burial of Christ, and the resurrection. Cross theology has three elements:

Death -- righteousness -- Gods justice
Burial -- faithfulness -- Jesus asked why on the cross and then gave his spirit to God in trust!
Resurrection -- mercy/Grace -- I love you anyway!

1 Corinthians 1:18; 15:2-4; Matthew 23:23; Hebrews 9:16; Romans 6:4-7

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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Overcoming Strongholds

Overcoming Strongholds

2 Corinthians 10:3-6

What is your stronghold? These are things in your life that you wish you could change. Maybe its in your marriage, maybe its purity, maybe its your another character sin you face daily?

1 Samuel 17:1-11

A lot of times, strong holds in our life are like Goliath's! We have battles them for years and they leave us in doubt and fear. Satan uss strongholds to keep us stag-net and discouraged. This is the spiritual battle that began when we chose to make Jesus lord!

Strongholds can be defined as addictions. They are in many ways areas in our lives where we seek temporary comfort or pleasure! They never satisfy!

What are my strongholds? Fear, lust, insecurity, self value to God, pride, worry, guilt, selfishness, self pity, deceit.

Satan like Goliath will taunt you! We blame our strongholds on many things; circumstances, external factors...etc.

How did David face Goliath?

1 Samuel 17:12-23

Three reasons why strongholds remain:

Growing weary of the battle where fear and doubts sets in (James 1:5-8). Trust in Gods battle plan. Do not give into fear! Have faith and stop doubting!

Misunderstanding what God is trying to accomplish in your life (Job 36:15-22). Hardships are given to us for a reason. Tough times and painful circumstances mold our characters!

Lack of intimacy with Christ (John 17:21). You cannot be intimate without spending time together! Spending time with God without boundaries, without limitations, without time limits! What does your intimacy with Christ look like? Jesus demand a deep and meaningful relationship!

1 Samuel 17:32-37

God probably kept David away from the army of Israel. David did not learn how to battle and fight from them. He spent his life spending time with God. He learned to fight through God. He faced the challenges God gave him! Because of his experiences and Gods deliverance fueled Davids faith and trust for him!

Have you lost sight of what God has done in your life?

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Palm Sunday; the Passover and Jesus

Palm Sunday; the Passover and Jesus

The Passover was and is the story of Jesus. Luke 2:41; John 2:13 Jesus celebrated the Passover. The Passover from the beginning was a foreshadow of Jesus and his power to save!

Exodus 1:11-13; just like the nation of Israel in the Old Testimate was a slave to Egypt, the Jews in Jesus day were slaves to sin. John 8:32-34

Exodus 3:7-10 God saw the measure of his people and chose to deliver them. Matthew 23:37 in the same way God saw the misery we were in and chose to deliver through Jesus.

Gods mighty power shown! Through the 9 plagues he brought on Egypt plagues that God showed his power. Pharaoh was unmoved until the plague of the death of the first born child. The blood of the lamb saved the Israelites and spared. Exodus 12-12-13

The Israelites were called to obey and they would be saved! John 8:51

Exodus 12:23; Ephesians 1:7 -- for us only the blood of Jesus saves!

The Passover and Jesus really are the same story! 1 Corinthians 5:7

Where am I in this story? What has God done in my life? What sins and consequences has God passed over? What was I a slave to that I have been set free from? God sees me, he sees the misery that sin causes in my life!

God saved you!

God is always at work and his power is always on display. What was has God shown his power in your life?

God calls us to obedience as well! Am I willing to obey? The Jews could not ignore the command to put blood on their door steps and say, "well God knows my heart"! God sacrifices all and justifiably calls us to complete obedience through grace!

Have you been saved? Have you come into contact the way God calls you to connect to the blood of Jesus?

Revelations 7:14

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Resurrection power — Easter Sunday

Resurrection power — Easter Sunday

The cross is powerful; however the resurrection was even more powerful. A death on a cross was common in roman times. There was nothing unordinary about a crucifixion! The extraordinary was a resurrection from death that marked Jesus as the messiah and the Lord in the flesh!

Jesus taught that resurrection for us is impossible. Luke 16:19-26

The idea of resurrection is all over the Old Testament. Resurrection power is the power of God at its core!

Hebrews 11:17-19; 2 Kings 13:20-21; John 11:38-40

Resurrection power in Jesus

Acts 2:22-23; Matthew 27:51-53;

Jesus resurrection was not made so that he could breath again. Jesus resurrection made him eternal! Colossians 1:18

1 Corinthians 15:20-26

When we see resurrection power in us all things will come to an end!

Luke 16:27-31 Jesus knows that resurrection will not be enough to convince us without faith! Jesus knew that if you did not believe in Gods word you would not believe even if there was a resurrection.

If you haven't believed in Gods word and followed Gods word it will not matter how many easter Sundays you've celebrated. The resurrection will be not be enough unless you accept it now by obeying Hods word and surrendering your life to him!

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