God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Stranger Things -- Balaam's Donkey

Stranger Things -- Balaam's Donkey

Numbers 22:4-35

One of the strangest stories in the bible. Lessons we learn in this story.

The mysterious prophet.

Balaam was not a part of Gods people. He was not from Egypt and was not with the Israel in the desert. He was a foreigner who was a prophet of the Lord! He was an outsider that had a deep relationship with God! Whoever Balaam blessed was blessed and he was know for his divination and counsel from the Lord.

Psalms 139:7-10

What arouses Gods anger?

Proverbs 6:16-19 what God hates most and angers Him is sometimes different from what we think would be the worst sins we could commit. Haughty eyes, lying, an evil heart, false witness...ect. Most of these are heart sins that start with the heart!

Balaam said all the right things but in his heart he wanted the reward and wanted to answer the Kings calling. God judges the heart. We think there is a difference in sins of the heart verses the actions we commit. If you want something sinful long enough you will give into it.

The talking Donkey?

Donkeys are not the most majestic animals. God chooses a donkey to speak to Balaam. This man of God who blesses and curses people had to listen to a donkey. We should careless who the messenger is and focus more on the message! God can use any,ore to speak to us. Are we listening? Balaam is so concerned with being right that he argues with the donkey! When we are prideful we will argue with someone who is clearly speaking from God!

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Stranger Things

Stranger Things

Matthew 17:24-27

Another strange and wonderful story. Two things you cannot cheat...Death and taxes! Jesus conquered both!

What did they want? The temple tribute tax. This was the only tax in Jesus day that was voluntary. The Romans taxed Israel and Israel also taxed its people. The tax burden was so great that the Jewish people were oppressed financially.

The drachma coin that was given to the temple tax was the same coin that judas received to betray Jesus.

What were Jesus options? Rabbi's and teachers were exempt to pay. As the son of a king (God), Jesus was also exempt. For Jesus to be asked pay this tax was insulting! Jesus could have chosen not to pay it but he chose to pay it and not stir up trouble. Probably because it was not yet time. Jesus was waiting for Gods timing to question and challenge the religious rulers and claim his sovereignty!

The world tried to force Jesus into two choices. Pay or not pay! Jesus never let others dictate to him what his choices were! Jesus created a third choice. A miracle! Option three for Jesus was the fish and the coin.

This was not a miracle of creation by creating a coin. This was a miracle of mastery. God created the earth, minerals, man minted the mineral silver into a coin, man dropped the coin in a lake, Gods created fish catches the coin and delivers it to Peter! This miracle displayed Jesus true authority above all and over all! Colossians 1:16

Why did Jesus pay? We cannot avoid doing what is right because it upsets people but we cannot intentionally alienate people because we don't want to do something. Jesus paid so that he was not a stumbling block. There was no consequence in paying the tax but there was a consequence in not paying the tax at that time. 1 Peter 2:13-15

Who did the temple belong too? Jesus had every right to be angry about the religious leaders even requesting that he pay the tax. Jesus chose to submit to their authority.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Hero Makers

Hero Makers

Making disciples! We are to be used by God to encourage people around them and call them to become hero's for God.

Jesus came, lived and died so that we could become what God always intended for us to be!

Mark 12:29-31

Discipleship is complete surrender to God. Complete love for God. Complete obedience to God! With all your heart, mind, soul, and strength! Nothing is left out!

1 Timothy 4:12-16

How was Timothy feeling that made Paul write these versus? Maybe he felt that he was too young to lead. Maybe he feeling inadequate or unequipped. Maybe he was feeling discouraged. Timothy had a desire to be righteous and to be pure and Paul
Admonishes him to do those things.

2 Timothy 2:15-16

Timothy was facing challenges and paul continues to encourage him in these areas in his life. Paul tells him not to be ashamed. Not to get sucked into godless chatter like rumors and myths.

As we try to help others and teach each other to be better followers of God, to become Godly hero's, we need to encourage and admonish they way Paul spoke to Timothy.

2 Timothy 2:22-24

Hero making and discipleship is about helping the heart change! Like mark 12:29-31 to change the heart we have to change all four — heat, mind, soul and strength.

Heart - how we feel
Mind - what we think
Soul - what we desire
Strength - how we act

Questions that address the heart and get to the root of what the problem is and how to overcome it.

What do you think?
What are you feeling?
What do you want?
What do you need to do?

Our motivation to change comes from the cross — 2 Timothy 2:11-13

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Everything Changed!

Everything Changed!

The bible loves the idea of change. God is unchanging but loves when we change!

Isaiah 61:1-7

Isaiah inspired by God and full of the holy spirit prophesied hundred of years before Jesus that He would come and change the world forever!

Jesus changed everything!

John 9:1-12

"The man called Jesus"; When we first encounter Jesus this how we know Him. The man called Jesus. We know him from a distance.

The blind man does not even ask to be healed. The people around him were discussing his blindness and judging his life. Jesus just breaks into this mans life and tells him everything is about to change!

What part did this man play in his healing? He had no faith. He never asked for help. He had no knowledge of Jesus. The only part he played was being obedient! Jesus stuck mud in his eyes and told him to go wash it off and he did!

Do we acknowledge our blindness and need for help?

John 9:13-34

Jesus is a prophet! The Pharisees tried to argue and disprove Jesus and His authority. You can argue doctrine and theology but you cannot argue change in someones life! The fact that the man was blind and now he can see is not subjective and open to an argument.

The blind mans parents are more concerned about what the religious world thinks and what they might do to them. The blind man is the complete opposite. He is fearless and resolute on what happened in his life!

John 9:35-41

Lord I believe! The blind man goes from addressing Jesus as "a man", "the prophet", to "Lord and savior"!

Lordship is total surrender! Lordship means everything has changed! You no longer make decisions based on self. You no longer serve your needs. Your life has meaning that does not evolve around you!

The blind man's life is changed forever! He leaves healed because of his obedience, humility and surrender! For the Pharisees they leave un changed. Steeped in sin and unwilling to accept Jesus as their savior!

How do you view Jesus in your life? Like the blindman or like one of the Pharisees?

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The Art of Intimacy

The Art of Intimacy

Validation -- Proverbs 4:7 though it cost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 20: 5 the purposes of a wo/ mans heart are deep waters and man of understanding draws them out

• Validation is NOT...
"you're right" about "someone's self esteem" "being fearful of speaking the truth"
• Validation IS...

saying "you are important"

"You are more important than proving I'm right"
Learning how NOT to be a defensive listener
Saying I GET YOU
you're not alone "I respect you"

Why is validation important: we all want to be heard.
• Roadblocks

"They will take advantage of this
"This is SO not how I talk (flowery, touchy geeky)
"This takes too much time"
Fear - it is not

Definition of empathy: understanding the meaning someone makes, putting oneself in your partner's shoes, feeling what they feel (Philippians 2:3-4).

Perspective taking
A visceral response to another
• The Importance of Timeouts

Diaphragmatic breathing - with arguments, we need to breath to calm down. Our fight or flight response causes adrenaline to rush into our body and our brain. Our heart rate speeds up, and we start to perspire.

Our body warns us that we should not be in that situation - it may be a good time for a timeout. *** put a time on the timeout (it takes 20 minutes for the adrenaline to leave the body).

"I can feel myself getting worked up, can we take a timeout."
Give the space the other person need.
If we ask for a timeout, we need to use our timeout!
If you take the timeout, you need to be the one that initiates when you come back for resolution.
Follow up with another couple, let them help. We all need support.
Do these things safely!

How to validate -- reflect, ask questions, confirm, and empathize! Proverbs 2:2

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The Art of Sexual Intimacy

The Art of Sexual Intimacy

How does God view sex and how does he want us to talk about it? Sexuality is designed by God to help us know him more fully!
Ezekiel 16:4-37; Ezekiel 23:3b; 23:7-8; 20-21 God describes his relationship with Israel in sexual terms we can identify with.

God knows that we can relate to sexual intimacy and uses it to describe how he wants us to love him. The passion level of our love for God should just as passionate if not more.

Knowing God protects our hearts! Knowing God guards and guides our sexuality! Knowing God brings a powerful passion of the body and control over the flesh. We have to stay in Gods word daily to help keep Satan from corrupting our sexuality. Romans 1:22-24;28; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5; 2 Peter 1:3-4; Ephesians 4:22


1 Corinthians 7:3-5 this scriptures talks about delegated power. The word "Duty" creates an incorrect definition. The overall meaning of the passage is not about making demands sexually but looking to serve one another sexually and meet needs. 1 Corinthians 7:33-34; Genesis 24:67. We are made stewards of our spouses bodies and are called to return them to God in a better condition than we received them.

For people who have been hurt sexually... Psalms 10; 147; Jeremiah 33; Amos 9 -- Sexual sin in marriage -- masturbation, pornography, Relational impact, personal impact, spiritual impact.

It takes work to build emotional intimacy that can lead to great sexual intimacy. The same with intimacy with God. Psalms 139; Deuteronomy 33:1-2; Isaiah 41:13; 49:16; 40:11 God knows us intimately and sets and example for us to reach that level of intimacy we need to have as couples!

Intimacy in marriage -- verbal, relational, physical, sensual, sexual.

Levels of intimacy -- clinches, facts, opinions, hopes and dreams, feelings, fears, failures, weaknesses, needs.

Risks of intimacy -- exposure, fear of their response, fear of loss,


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Stranger Things

Stranger Things

If something is strange it does not automatically make it interesting. When something is strange and is also filled with wonder it catches our attention and makes us ponder things! The bible is full of stranger things in the bible that are filled with wonder!

One of the stranger stories in the bible is the story of Jacob wrestling with God.

Genesis 32:22-32

Never give up! This is what the story is all about. The story does not say that Jacob did a good job of wrestling but simple says he never gave up and never quit! Sometimes not giving up is all you can do and it is enough in Gods eyes!

Heaven is all about not loosing and giving up until the end. It does not matter how you get their or how successful in your spiritual life you are. Its about finishing the race and not giving up!

All Gods expects from is is to not give up! We are not promised easy, we are promised honor through perseverance. You win the race by finishing the race.

God rewards those who never give up. The world does not always reward perseverance. Giving up is acceptable and justified. But God always rewards those who never give up! God rewarded Jacob as well. Jacob was named the deceiver for most of his life was given a new name and identity! 

Luke 18:1-8

Perseverance is connected to faith! 

Because Jacob never gave up his name was changed and he became the father of a nation of Gods people.

Have you giving up on God? Have you stopped wrestling? Do you need to get back up again? Persevere and God will bless you!

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