God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, July 31, 2017

Gifts Are More Important Than Roles

Gifts are important over roles 

1 Corinthians 12: 13-26 

Every role is important in the body; every role is important. 

Every part matters!! 

  • eagerly desire to grow our gifts!! 

"In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. A deacon must be faithful to his wife and must manage his children and his household well. Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus."
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭3:8-13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Love is Messy - Unconditional Love is Messier

Love is Messy - Unconditional Love is Messier

The concept of unconditional love is great and ideal for those of us that have proclaimed Christ as our Lord, but it can also be a daunting and quite perplexing at times. 
Most of the time I don't realize how conditional my love for others is. And when I get hurt because my conditions have not been met, disappointment sets is, resentment and bitterness can quickly creep in. When I least expect it, i have shut down, and shut out the people I am supposed to "love" so much. 

I then resort to self help books, seeking knowledge and self empowerment... and then I realize, 

No amount of sacrifice, knowledge, power, money, etc., will ever bring peace that comes from true love... we may deceive ourselves into thinking that we've "gained" or attained something, but God reminds us that we gain "nothing" seeking out these things. 
Scripture reminds us that true knowledge is attained only when we seek out God's heart -- "... God IS love." ~ 1 John 4: 8

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 NIV

Here I Am Send Me

Here I Am Send Me - Philip 

God truly is in control... Acts 6

  1. Make yourself AVAILABLE Acts 8: 5-8

We must make ourselves available: when the right opportunity presents itself, we have to be available! 

Where is God wanting to send me this morning? How am I making myself available to be used by God? 

Why did God use Philip to go reach out to this influential person? 
God doesn't want titles, he wants a heart... he uses people that are willing to be used. 

Acts 3:8 - we have to be willing to sit down with others and take time out of the business of life to help others. 

  1. You must be FLEXIBLE 

We should be ready when and for whatever God sends me. 

John 12: 24 - sometimes we have to go through hard time in order for God to use us. 

  1. You have to be Knowledgeable 

We have to be in the word - talk about the word, and live it out!! 
 Read God's word, learn, apply!! Ask questions!!! Jesus was brilliant with the way he asked questions. 
Philip asked questions if the eunuch, then led him to Jesus!! 

Let's have the spirit of Philip "Here am I, send me!" 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Here Am I Send Me - Phillip

Here Am I Send Me - Phillip

Acts 6, Not the apostle Philip. The Philip that was put in charge of ministering to the orphans and widows. He was willing to go anywhere and do anything for God no matter how big or small!

Acts 8:7-8;26-27

Philip made himself available to be used by God. Whether is was caring for orphans and widows or following the spirit and converting dignitaries and heads of states!

Are you available to God to be used in any way God calls you to? Make yourself available! God can use anyone and often times uses people of low stature to accomplish extraordinary things! Philip had no name, title or position!

Do you want to be used by God?

2 Corinthians 12:9; it's not about how weak and powerless we are but about how strong and powerful God is!

Acts 3:1-10 we serve and help the people around us with what we have. All you need is a serving heart!

Phillip was flexible. We must be flexible! The spirit leads and we should be flexible and follow. Phillip left everything and went out to an isolated desert road to reach out to one soul.

John 12:24 hear and I send me requires self denial. When we make Jesus lord and we put to death our sinful nature and our own wants and desires we can be used in a very powerful way for God!

Acts 8:30 Phillip knew the word of God. He was knowledgeable in the scriptures to be able to share the God
Spel with the Ethiopian eunuch! How knowledgeable are you? Can you teach someone what the scriptures say about Jesus, salvation, and Gods will? Read, learn and apply!

Here am I send me!

2 Kings 7:3-11

2 Kings 7:3-11

Desperate men. Death at every turn. Before life with God and before salvation we were also doomed. Any direct we took would end in death with out God. If your a desperate man or woman trapped on both sides then this is a story for you! God used his full power to save Israel from an inescapable situation.

Romans 10:15

When you're in a dark place and you receive good news it is beautiful! All these men had to do is move towards salvation. If they had not gotten up and went to the enemies camp they would have died steps away from the miraculous salvation that God provided! We cannot earn our salvation; how ever if we sit and do nothing God will not save us. We have to accept the message. We have to move towards God!

God didn't make it hard. He made it easy but he still required them to step towards him. What moves do I need to start making today towards God? Repenting of sin in my life or changing my attitude towards God? What challenges do you need to overcome?

We all need good news! These men are rescued and quickly realize that this good news is too big to keep it to themselves! They immediately shared it with the people around them! It's the same way when find God. We have found forgiveness in an amount that is far beyond what we need. We need to share the good news! Everyone needs the good news of God! Everywhere we go we are surrounded by spiritually starving people longing to be fed. Here am I send me!

The power of testimony!

The power of testimony!

1 Thessalonians 2:8

Gods word is limitless in its power! Gods word never returns empty. And yet Paul refers to Gods word as "not only". Gods word is full of power, has all authority, and never returns empty; however, sharing your life with someone has an equally powerful impact!
Gods word manifest in us and in our testimony. Gods power manifest in us and our testimony! Paul recognized this biblical truth.

Sharing the gospel of Christ should be coupled with sharing your testimony. The scriptures come alive when they are proven true in your life!

Keys to a testimony:

Who were you before you met God?
How did God break into your life?
What was key to changing my life?
Who am I now with God and what is he doing in my life?

Rehaboam: All or Nothing

Rehaboam: All or Nothing

1 Kings 11: 11-13

2 chronicles 10:12-15, 18

  • Partial Obedience Won't Cut It                      1 Chronicles ** Deuteronomy 17:14 -17 
       2 Chronicles 12:1, 11-12  Rehoboam was not completely evil; he was a man of partial obedience: submission to custom, but not to God's word. 

What areas in my life insinuating it self into my life? Do I hear what I want to hear? Or am I listening to God's word? 
Partial obedience does what it wants to hear; dilutes the word of God into cultural religion. Dilutes true worship - it's about others; not true Christianity = is about self. 
Partial obedience acts hastily; Following God when you're in need and rejecting God during good times. 
Partial obedience = partial blessings

2 Chronicles 12:2, 5, 8

If we are not fully obeying God, we are enslaved to sin! 

Acts 26:14 

Partial obedience will show up in our family life. 
We have a hard time loving; we demand things of others with hypocrisy. Our spiritual lives will also suffer - weakens relationships, we resent those that are the opposite of us. 

We need to obey fully!! Mark 10: 29-30

John 19:17-30 Jesus obeyed until the very end; taking care of others until the very end!!! 
Jesus's Full obedience brought about eternal life for us! Being made perfect by God!!!