God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, January 25, 2016

Come GROW with Us

Come GROW with Us

Joseph had a real relationship with a real God
  • Genesis 39:1-20. 
  • When temptation came, he's in a land where no one else knew God, nor worshiped Him, he Knew God was real. He spent time with Him not only when he needed God but also when he didn't. 
  • He knew it pleased the Lord to love Him and worship Him. 
  • We need to live our lives with God being real! Make the Lord known in the way you live your life and you'll talk about Him to others. 

Joseph was happy in the hands of that real God
  • Joseph is grateful for all the blessings. When temptation came around, he mentioned all he was grateful for. 
  • Pride can kill gratitude; it's easy to see all the thing you've done and therefore "deserve". But we don't see that from Joseph. Gratitude is the opposite. Joseph didn't blame the Lord for his misfortune. 
  • Perspective makes it hard to trust the outcome. When we are enslaved, in jail, or hardships, it's difficult to trust and be happy with The Lord's purpose. Later he was able to see the bigger picture and why the Lord allowed him to go through hardships. 
  • Joseph didn't need to know the promise but The Promiser. Trust God's plan when He calls us to go through hard times, when he asks more of me than I'm prepared to give. 
  • God's ultimate plan has nothing to do with this life. It's all in HEAVEN! 
  • I might say: "God why do you think so much of me that you've put me through this?" You know the Lord has overcome, has fought for me and when this story ends, cans I envision myself in Heaven. Heaven is His ultimate plan! 
  • "Come what may Lord." Anyone can have this faith and trust in the Lord. 
  • If I can't live happy in God's hands, with no matter what comes, then I'VE GOTTA KNOW GOD BETTER!
  • His long term plan is for us to make it to Heaven! 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Single in Christ

Single in Christ

God promises those of you who remain single in Christ better blessings than those who are married and have children!

Gods family grows not by sexual reproduction but through spiritual birth in faith! Marriage is temporary, marriage to jesus is eternal. To be single in christ is not to fall short of Gods best.

Isaiah 56:4-5 spoken to eunuchs. God promises those who remain single in christ better blessings than those who are married and have sons and daughters. This is not how we feel on the possibility of being single is it?

Genesis 1:28; 5:21; 26:3; 1 Samuel 24:21; Deuteronomy 25:6; ruth 4:9-10; Judges 11:36-38 -- physical offspring matters but it will come in Gods way and in Gods timing. God used marriage and offspring to preserve the names of the Israelites. Like today marriage and children were of great importance.

Isaiah 53:5-10

Jesus was a single man faithful to God to his death. Jesus had spiritual offspring. Spiritual offspring takes precedence over physical offspring through Jesus example.
John 3:3; Galatians 3:7;26; 1 Peter 1:2-3

1 Corinthians 4:15 Paul was a great father and never married. 1 Thessalonians 2:7
Matthew 22:30; 12:48-49; Luke 11:27

The church/kingdom last for ever, our physical relationships on earth are temporary. A great mother in Gods eyes is the the woman that hears the word of God and obeys it. The great father in Gods eyes is the same!

Matthew 19:8-12; 1 Corinthians 7:1-3;32-35; Matthew 22:30

Faithfulness to Christ is what will define my life! Not my marriage, not my kids, not my job and not my money. My relationship to Christ is ultimate and will define me regardless of my situation.

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A New Year: The Hope of Glory

A New Year: The Hope of Glory

The book of Kings has a narrative of "Hope" and "Glory" for Israel and how it was shattered. Israel was a nation formed by God to be a different nation separate from the rest of the world. Israel never truly for filled this calling and became like other nations and God ultimately ended up wiping Israel out.

Israel thought if we are suppose to be Gods people then why was the temple destroyed and why did he allow the nation of Israel to fall? God made a promise to David about the kings of Judah in 2 Samuel 7:11-16.

2 Kings 17:7-20 God explains the reason Israel had no hope and no glory but this was only momentary. God had a plan all along to restore Israel and create a spiritual kingdom that will never be destroyed!

Starting new is not just about starting over and moving forward but it is also about looking back and thinking about what needs to change and looking at what areas I need to grow in. This is what God was trying to get Israel to do in writing the book of Kings.

The book of Kings is a history book, but a theological one. Many of the Kings mentioned in the book of Kings are mentioned not because of physical success as leaders but for either spiritual successes or fallers. Jeroboam is spoken about over 21 times and referenced as the King that caused the people of Israel to sin.

4 kings in Judah were considered righteous and considered to be like King David. Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah. These kings were considered righteous because they repented, listened to those God put in their lives, they acted on faith, and they were all reformers and called Israel to change.

Like Israel, we need to understand the reasons for our past failures. What spiritual goals did you have last year for your self that did not happen and why?

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Striving With His Strength

Striving With His Strength

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Just as Gods presence came in the form of a cloud and dwelled in the temple that Solomon built, Gods presence lives in me today. I have become the temple of God. Ephesians 2:22 the spirit continually builds us into a dwelling for the Holy Spirit.

Numbers 11:11-17; 24-25; God heard moses and chose leaders to help him lead the people of Israel.

Galatians 5:25 The spirit is moving and wants to do some awesome things and It is my job to just keep in step with Him! How is the spirit moving in my heart and my life?

1 Corinthians 12:4-7 What gifts has the spirit given me and what is the spirit calling me to do?

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Get Unstuck

Get Unstuck

Hebrews 12:1-2 Fixing our eyes on Jesus is the answer. Repenting of sin is the answer. Sin entangles us. Man was not meant to be the detangler. Jesus is the ultimate detangler.

Ephesians 3:20-21 Jesus can do more than we ask or imagine! Do you really believe that? This is true in ever Christian. It starts with looking to Jesus and relying on his power and strength!

We need Christ focused discipline! Our discipling needs to direct people towards Jesus. Who is Jesus? Humble, meek, powerful, selfless, authoritative, full of grace and mercy, the truth, servant, leader, obedient to his father, compassionate, loves unconditionally, forgiven, healer...etc. We need to call each other to be like Christ!

Proverbs 29:18 -- when our eyes are not fixed on Jesus we cast off Gods word and get entangled in sin.

Going from a man centered to a Christ centered life is the key. We have to start viewing each other the way God does. Ephesians 1:4-5 The creator of the universe chose me! 1 Corinthians 1:27; Acts 2:38; 2 Peter 1:3-5; 1 Corinthians 2:16.

How do you view the brothers and sisters in your life? Do you believe in them the way Christ believes in them!

Christ Focused Discipling:

Asking questions that lead a person away from their problems and back to Christ.Ephesians 4.

Hebrews 10 -- consider how to spur them on towards love.

Suggest what life would look like without the problem.

How would a day look walking with Jesus.....walking in step with the spirit.

Not everyone connects or grows the way we do, but Christ can help everyone mature, grow and "solve problems".

What am I looking for in my brothers and sisters? Am I looking for ways that they are like Christ?

1 Samuel 17:32-40 Saul was discipling David from his perspective and not from Gods perspective! David looked for Gods perspective and look to God to give him the ability and strength to do what God was calling him to do.

We need to lead from a step behind. If your in the front they see you instead of Jesus. Lead by serving and helping if they fall down. We can't fix everyone right now. God is the one who has to power to fix and change people and it is on His time!

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A Transformed Mind!

A Transformed Mind!

45% of Americans make New Years resolutions. A survey of the Americans that make resolutions found that the majority do not for fill those resolutions through out the year. Why? You can change the physical temporary but long term you have to change and transform your mind.

Romans 12:2 God calls us to be transformed. It is possible to change your mind! How do you do this?

I need to Rewind. Take a step back and review and look at the things that need to change. Evaluate the things in your mind that need to change and what you need to do to change your thinking. We need to reassess and vaulted the good things and the bad things.

Isaiah 44:18 We all have blind spots. There are areas in your life that you just cannot see and understand. I need people in my life that can help me find these blind spots and areas in my life that need to change! We need to help others get focused on Jesus and we need others to point us back to Jesus as well.

What area of my life can pride take me out spiritually? What are my blinds spots and who am I talking to and asking to help show me my blind spots in my life? Pride keeps us from renewing our minds.

Metanoia = means to change one's way of life resulting in penitence or spiritual conversion. Repentance starts with changing your mind. 2 Corinthians 7:10

I need to rewire. Romans 12:2 I need to break the patterns in my life that causes sin. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

The Greek word Metanoia is found 56 times in the bible. One person repents and changes their minds and call others to repent and changes their minds.

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Being Led by the Spirit!

Being Led by the Spirit!

Romans 8:9-16 The spirit of God, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of Him who raised him from the dead. The world spirit is used several ways in this passage but they all mean the same thing. If you know the father and know God then you know the spirit. It's important to see how all three deities interact and are interchangeable.

The spirit is described in the context of families: children and fathers, brothers and sisters. Being lead by the spirit is being lead to Gods family. We were lead to God as our father. I need to continue to be lead to God in every area of my life. Everything should in my life should point to God, Jesus and the holy to spirit.

I did not receive a spirit that makes me a slave or gives way to fear. I was not given a spirit of timidity or weakness but of power and strength! God has chosen me with all of my mistakes and all of my weaknesses!

The spirit testifies that I am Gods son and a child of God! The spirit sets us free to cry out and call on our father!

Romans 12:3-10 The spirit leads us to a body of brothers and a body of believers. The spirit is trying to lead me to devote my self to brotherly love. In order to be led by the spirit I have to have sober judgment and not to think of myself above others.

The spirit brings us together and as a whole we portray the image of God! The Holy Spirit is not leading me to do anything that is contrary to Gods word. We can follow the spirit and test the spirit by Gods word.

How do you know if you are being lead by the spirit? Romans 8:12-14 says "Therefore". Therefore, what? If your lead by the spirit you are a sin killer. You are a killer of the flesh! The spirit will never lead you to the flesh. As a man we have a killer instinct and we need to use it to kill the flesh. To put to death the sin in our lives!

Today what sin is alive in my life? What sin is thriving, vibrant and robust in my life? KILL IT! We do it with the sword. The word of God! You want to fight? You want to be a man? Then be led by the spirit and put to death the sin in your life!

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Presenting Everyone Mature in Christ

Presenting Everyone Mature in Christ

Who needs discipling the most. Who need maturity in Christ? Ephesians 4:11-15 Everyone needs to grow. We all need someone in our lives to challenge us and to call us higher. If I really believed this then I would be laying my self bare and calling on my brothers to help me!

Discipling is not meant to be just relative to problems in our lives. I should be seeking discipling from my brothers to be proactive. All proactive and all reactive is dangerous. Being a disciple means that we seek discipling daily and in all situations.

Reactive discipling only happens after sin. Proactive discipling helps prevent sin and creates spiritual growth. All sins can be forgiven but not all consequences can be avoided! Un checked sin in my life WILL LEAD TO DEATH!

1 Corinthians 4:17 is an example of primary discipleship. Someone that we connect to one on one. Timothy and Paul had this type of relationship. 1 Corinthians 11:1 the person that God is using in my life is not meant to be perfect. I should follow what every aspect of his life that represents Christ.

We all have large amounts of needs regardless of whether we think we are in sin or not. True character growth will not come until we admit our needs and the need for discipleship! Timothy had Paul, Silas, his mother...etc. Timothy had multiple relationships that led him and called him higher. 2 Timothy 1:5, Acts 17:14, Acts 19:22, and Acts 20:4.

What is my life filled up with? Proactive or reactive discipling? I need to seek both!

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