God's Free Word Book Store

Friday, September 26, 2014

Jude 1:10-13

Jude 1:10-13

Vs 10 – This kind of speech is fueled by ignorance and pride. Misunderstand or misinterpreting God's word can lead to this type of abusive speech. To understand God's word we need to always strive for a humble heart. We need to be open to what Gods word says even when we don't like what we are hearing. When we refuse to approach God in this way we are just like reasoning animals and our ignorance will destroy us.

Vs 11- Jude provides several examples to help us understand the true meaning of the people he is talking about.
  • What was the way of Cain (Genesis 4:1-12)?
  • What was Balaam's error (Numbers 22:21-41)?
  • Why did God destroy the people involved in Korah's rebellion (numbers 16)?
  • What did these three have in common?

All three are examples of what happens when man opposes God and and tries to seek their own interest. Jude is telling us that when we do not follow Gods word and his will for our lives, we are like the men he describes in vs 10 and also like Cain, Balaam, and Korah.
  • Each of these men allowed pride to lead them into sin.
  • Cain and Balaam were given the opportunity to repent; however, Korah and his entire family was destroyed along with the rest of the men that went along with him in the rebellion.

Vs 12 – Not only are not to be like these men, Jude also warns us that men like this maybe among us causing division and keeping us from being connected with God.
  • Blemishes at your love feast.
  • Eating with us and without being noticed.
  • Clouds without rain. Useless in God's kingdom. Showing themselves to be of value but not having any intention of contributing or helping.
  • What does he mean by twice dead?

Vs 13 – Jude continues to describe these men in ways that say they look good on the outside but there hearts and actions tell a different story.
  • Wild waves at sea foaming up shame.
  • Wandering stars.

God has reserved the blackest darkness for men who chose to live like this!

Jude 1:8-9


Vs 8. What does it mean to slander a celestial being? I think it means to take the Lords name in vain. To curse God or use Jesus Christ is profane way. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are to be revered and His name is holy!!

To use Gods name in vain is sign of disrespect. Out of anger and frustration we say "God Damn" and "Jesus Christ". Where did this habit come from? In Frustration And out of habit I say the "God". This habit needs to stop immediately.

We have been given the power to rebuke the devil ing Gods name. Why would I ever want to use it in any other way and show disrespect!

Vs. 9 Even Satan was given some respect and Michael did not slander him on his own but used Gods name to rebuke him. God is holy, pure and without sin! It makes sense that His name is the only name in which we should respond to evil!

Even the more powerful arch angel Michael did not deal with Satan directly but used Gods name and his power to deal with Satan. How much more should I call on Gods name to fight my own battles with the devil. I am not nearly as strong as Michael (2 peter 2:10-11) and it is foolish to think that I can handle this enemy on my own!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jude 1:3-4


  • Vs. 3 Jude suggest not only do we rejoice in our salvation but that we must content for our faith as well.

    • Christianity is under attack. The bible is under attack. There is hypocrisy everywhere! As a disciple of Christ I need to defend my faith by living a life worth of the gospel. People are watching me and the example that I set plays a huge role in how the people around me view God and Christianity!

  • Vs. 4 Jude describes wolves in sheep's clothing. People who look, dress, and talk like they are Christians or believers. People who know the right things to say. Know how to act and carry themselves but really are godless men.

    • Why are they godless men?

      • Men that take the grace that Jesus so freely gives and then use it to justify the sin in their lives.

      • Instead of accepting Gods grace and mercy and repenting of their sins, they use it to continue to sin and manipulate God's word.

        • This is scary to think about. Although I go to church and read my bible, at any point I can become like these godless men.

        • Repenting is the key. If I deliberately keep on sinning and I don't go after changing my sinful nature, then I am no better than they are.

        • I know God does not call me to be perfect; however, he does call me to change and repent. I need to get serious about the sin in my life and to stop making excuses for it!

Jude 1:1-2


  • Vs. 1 Jude was the brother of James an the brother of Jesus. Jude did not believe Jesus was the Christ and the Son of God until after Jesus rose from the dead.

    • None of the countless miracles Jesus did in his life was enough to convince Jude to believe in Jesus. It wasn't until after he had seen the suffering Jesus went through, the pain his mother (Mary) had endured, and then the resurrection of Jesus from the dead that he truly believe.

    • Christ power is in His resurrection! My power comes from Jesus death and resurrection.

      • If Jesus had not died I would not be saved.

        • I would not be able to conquer my sinful nature.

        • There would be no forgiveness.

    • Like Jude I was not convinced by all the blessings God had given me or the miracles he had done in my life. It took the power of the cross to break my heart and to really see who I was before God and how much I really need Him.

  • Vs. 1 Jude is speaking specificity to Christians. Fellow believers in Christ. Brothers.

    • Like Jude, I have been called to know Christ.

      • It is sobering to think about this. Out of all the people in the world, many of which do not know God, God chose me and called me to follow him!

      • What a privilege it is to be pursued by God and chosen by Him!

    • Jude reminds us that as brothers in the faith, we are loved by God and kept in a relationship with him by or through Jesus.

      • How often have I taken this simple fact for granted.

      • Without Jesus I would not be able to have a relationship with God.

  • Vs. 2 Jude offers a blessing of mercy, peace, and love to his readers.

    • We all want the same things. To have mercy, live in peace, and to be loved.

      • Only through Jesus and our relationship with God can we truly have mercy, peace, and love.

      • Nothing the world has to offer me will ever compare with the abundance of these three things I have in Christ!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Fwd: Sermon notes today

We need faith to be confident.

Hebrew 11:1

How to be confident. Three things that destroy our confidence:

1. Doubt vs TRUST when we don't trust, we are sinning against God.

2. Guilt from sin vs 🌟CONFESSION. I need to confess the things I'm feeling guilty about so that I can connecting with God.

3. Lack of ability vs🌟HUMILITY it means you're putting yourself in a position to learn. Learning how to be humble and ask questions.

It's not about working harder but learning how to work smarter. If we lose the heart to be a Learner, we loose the opportunity to connect.

Galatians 5:6

Religious people try to prove how they are close to God and not on how they're working on the areas they need help in their lives to be closer to God and helping other draw closer to God.

Many times when we are religious, we are unloving. When people really want to seek God, they seek love.

When we don't have faith, it's hard to:

Be honest
Show respect


Hebrews 11:6

God wants to know two things:
🌟do you believe that I'm real?
🌟he wants us to have a real relationship with Him.

 Spiritual growth happens when we have faith and take action.


Hebrews 10:38
🙏Study the bible (Be eager)
🙏 Prayer (Be honest)
Uncover sin
Express emotions
🙏 Resolve Relationships (Be loving)
🙏 Start building something new (Have impact)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Living Eulogy.

A Living Eulogy.

We are all going to die. We are all going to have a tomb stone! We need to think about what kind of life do I want to live before it is my last? This is a question we should ask often. We should measure our progress I. These goals and make adjustments if need as we travel along our journey!

Psalms 90:12

We are all alive today! We want a life that glorifies God. Alive that The Lord can be proud of.

Paul's living eulogy...

Acts 20:17-38

Paul says "you know how I lived"! Our lives are witness to who we truly are! What more could have been said at Paul's funeral? Paul's signal focus in life was to do what God had called him to do. What is my signal most important focus in my life?

God has specific plans for each of us. Am I living out Gods will in my life? As Americans we need to redefine what a successful life is. Sometimes our view gets distorted by the world. Gods definition of a successful for filled life into live a life like Paul...faithful to the end!

Paul never viewed himself as being perfect but as one who never neglected to tell the truth! We cannot shrink back from telling the truth. I need to also live my life in truth as I speak the truth in love. I have to have both the truth on my lips and the truth in my life.

Paul through his life lead people to Jesus and not to himself. Paul was a pilar in the faith but through humility refused to promote himself and exalted Jesus above himself in everything he did.

Paul finished his life strong and refused to give up. Through the power of Christ he persevered and stayed faithful.

In Paul's life he gave more than he received. This is an example of a for filled life. To give more than we receive! It's is easy to give more when we are receiving more. Gods plan and design is to give more than you receive. It's on me to make sure that the balance between giving and receiving is in line with Gods view. The more I get the more I should be giving. 2/1 ratio giving/receiving!

I can never out give Jesus. Jesus lived his life this way...giving everything!