God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, May 21, 2014



Things change. The current becomes the past and things fade. Things important today are not always as important in the future.

Spiritually we are called by God to remember! 232 times the bible uses the word remember!

Deuteronomy 6:20-25

Every one who physically were there in Egypt is now dead. Moses challenges the next generation to pass the stories on to their children. To never forget and remember!

Why do we remember? Is God the great I Am or the great I was? How do I view God? As the I Am or I was? Our challenge is to remember and believe that it can happen again today and then remember the new miracles. Remembering spiritually is a building process!

God never intended for us to remember so we could look back and long for the "good ole days". Not to live in the past, but to be inspired about the great things to come!

Gods name "I Am" is the answer to any faithless question we have. I'm not able....God says "I Am"!

Romans 8:11

We learn about what God has done in the past to inspire us about what God can do in the future!

What miracles have happened in my own life. What miracles is God doing today? What areas of my life do I need healing in? Have faith, remember and be inspired!

Romans 8:12-15

The same power and spirit living in me is working in the present and not the past! How do I live like this and show that I believe? By repentance!

Something's change but God is not one of them. The same God that was working in biblical times is the same God who is working today!

Tools for overcoming temptation.

Tools for overcoming temptation.

The word!

2 Timothy 3:16-17

God wants to equip me with the right tools. It's not just about having tools, we need to have the right tools and know how to use them! Knowledge is not enough either! I have to make the connection from my mind to my heart!

Ephesians 4:12 am i allowing people to teach me.
1 Timothy 4:7 put in the time to train myself.

Relying on God!

Relying on God!

Luke 4:1-13

Jesus could have turned the stone into bread or anything he wanted to. When satan tempted Jesus with this basic need, Jesus very carefully answered satan with Gods word!

Hunger is a need and we prepare our selves for it by packing a lunch, having money...etc. we prepare and have taught our selves in our minds to for fill this basic need.

Sin is an impulse many times and we prepare to satisfy our sinful desires in much of the same way. Jesus purposely suppressed and denied his basic need of hunger. Jesus had self control!

I need to realize that I have these desires and needs and I need to have a game plan to deny them at times!

Part of this preparation has to do with not relying on my self! Self reliance will only lead me to for filling my sinful desires and needs with out considering God.

Deuteronomy 8:1-3

God knows what he is going to do for us....he wants us to hunger for him and not rely on self!

When we rely on our selves God is going to humble us until We turn to him! Part of relying on God is relying on the brothers that God has put in my life! Am I open with them about my sin? No!

It is about making Jesus lord!

Emotionally connected to God!

Emotionally connected to God!

When we don't deal with our emotions, we have moods wings, we escape through sin, we get stuck!

Psalms 7:1; psalms 9:1-2; psalms 18:1-2; David expressed his emotional through psalms. When we get emotionally connected with God then we are able to connect emotionally with other people.

Psalms 16 when we feel emotionally connected to God and see others get emotionally connected with God we are able to connect emotionally to each other!

Find your Wilderness

Find your Wilderness

Matthew 4:1-11

God is a renewable power that never goes empty! The call of the wild spiritually that can only be quenched by God!

The wilderness is our mission in life. Jesus was lead into the wilderness! Our wilderness is life's struggles and challenges. Satan is out to attack us and destroy us.

Enter the wilderness with God and his power! I have been chosen for this purpose to battle the evil one and to be victorious! Life's struggle is not our only foe. Gods word is my weapon to fight with! Am I using Gods word to fight?

I should not be scared to take the hard path! I should not be scared of the wilderness because this is where God works the most! Have faith and rely on God!

Strong powerful men of God never ask "if" but "how"!have faith and just do it!

When Jesus left the wilderness he was on fire and went on to do some really miraculous things! That same power lives in me!

Tempted or tested?

Tempted or tested?

Matthew 4:1-7

The spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted?

Tested or tempted? Tempted is to be enticed to sin or to do something bad. Tested is an opportunity to prove what you have learned. Jesus was tested but the devil and Jesus was found strong and fully capable of living a sin free life.

Am I being tempted or tested? I am going to be tested and either found to be a man or a mouse...lol the power, the same spirit, everything that was in Jesus lives in me know! I need to man up when dealing with sin in my life!!

Jesus had to obey the father just like we do. God had a plan for his life and Jesus obeyed and submitted himself to God in the same way he is calling me to obey and submit as well!

Jesus used the bible to defend himself from temptation!

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

I am not the exception. I need to battle sin the way Jesus did. Not the way Israel did. These people (the Israelites) failed because they did not have Jesus! I have Jesus and the power to be victorious over my sin!

Jesus was not willing to put God to the test an yet we try to test God everyday by giving into sin!

Satan's offer

Satan's offer

Matthew 4:8-11

Satan offered Jesus all of Satan's dominion (the world) for worshiping him instead of God. Satan was offering Jesus all that the world has to offer...the very things that I chase after every day in our pursuit of "success."

Worldly success is a lie that will only pull me further away from God!

No matter how much wealth or success I accumulate it will all be worthless in the end! The most valuable asset I have is time. What am I doing with the time that I have on earth? Am I using the time that God has given me to glorify him?!

What am I serving? What am I worshiping? My job? Money? My selfish desires?

Jesus as the role model.

Jesus as the role model.

Colossians 3:3 Our spiritual story starts when we are baptized. Our new beginning! We have the opportunity to write a story that is pleasing to God! What story am I writing?

Matthew 4:1-11

Jesus relied on God with all his heart. He also knew what his purpose was. He saw the bigger picture so that sin did not have the same appeal. He knew what was more important and he knew the true value of his relationship with God.

We cannot fight temptations with the weapons of this world! You can't fight pride with pride. You have to fight pride with humility and humility will always win. The same goes for other sins as well.

1 Corinthians 2:2 all we need to know is Jesus Christ and his crucifixion. The early Christians did not have the bible. The message was one message. Jesus is the Christ and he died for me.

Romans 8:35-39