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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Satan's lies!

> Satan's lies!
> Romans 7:21
> When times are good we need to remember that evil is right there with us. Satan does not retreat...he doubles up the attack!
> 1 Chronicles 20 shows the accomplishments David had and chapter 21:1 shows that Israel fell to satan! He is always attacking!
> 1 Peter 5:8 this is the image of Satan that we have and only associate this with when he is attacking the weak. When Satan attacks the strong he wants to out wit us and deceive us.
> By his nature Satan is a liar John 8:44. There are lies that Satan has been telling since the beginning of time! Lets look at some of those lies.
> Luke 4:1-13
> 1st, lie is to tell us that we need to take care of my self. God will not take care of us. Vs-3 turn that stone to bread knowing Jesus temptation.
> God had a plan for Jesus to eat but His plan involved fasting for 40days. After the desert Jesus ate so much that people accused him of being a glutton.
> God has a plan to meet our needs while Satan whispers lies in our ears that we need to take care of our selves!
> 2nd, Satan offers us the world when the world is not his to give! When have I ever seen anyone focus on this world or the things of this world and actually see that person get anything of true value!
> Jesus chose God and worshipping him over a lie. The world was not Satan's to give.
> 3rd, Satan will use the truth of scripture to tell a lie. That's what good liars do. They sprinkle a bit of absolute truth weaver in a lie!
> Jesus did not argue the truth of the scripture but address the lie by using another scripture! All scripture is true and will not disagree with other scriptures.
> The better I know scripture the better I know what the lies are.
> Romans 6:1-2 how much sin is too much? When will grace run out? The answer is the same as Jesus gave to Satan in the desert.... Do not put The Lord your God to the test!!
> 1 Corinthians 15:55
> If Satan does not have power over us in death the he has no power over us at all.

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