God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Demas Syndrome

> Demas Syndrome......scriptures on Demas.....Philemon, Colossians, 2 Timothy
> Demas was with Paul and was noted in Philemon and Colossians as a brother of God and in the faith. In 2 Timothy Demas leaves God to chase after the world!
> Why do we chase after the world? We want to change some circumstance. We want ideal lives. We don't need to change our circumstances but flourish in the life that we are in.
> 1 John 2:15-17
> The things of this world may help make you better off but it can never make better men. The world is competing for my love. God on one side and the world on the other side trying to push for my life. Either God is either pushing the world out or the world is pushing God out!
> We are all investing in a failing company. We either buy more and more stock in the world or we realize that the earth and the things of this world will all pass away!
> Is there anything that brings me more joy in life than my relationship with God?
> Is there anything I'm not willing to give up for God?
> To love perfectly means to hate perfectly! God loves perfectly and he also hates perfectly! If you really love something then your really hate anything that threatens that love!
> If I don't hate sin then I am not loving God.
> What is my definition for success in life? Do I value more the definition of success defined by the World?
> I need to live on this earth with eternity in mind!
> Everything I do on earth will either bring joy or regret!
> Am I caught in the Demas syndrome and don't even know it?

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