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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Satan's lies!

> Satan's lies!
> Romans 7:21
> When times are good we need to remember that evil is right there with us. Satan does not retreat...he doubles up the attack!
> 1 Chronicles 20 shows the accomplishments David had and chapter 21:1 shows that Israel fell to satan! He is always attacking!
> 1 Peter 5:8 this is the image of Satan that we have and only associate this with when he is attacking the weak. When Satan attacks the strong he wants to out wit us and deceive us.
> By his nature Satan is a liar John 8:44. There are lies that Satan has been telling since the beginning of time! Lets look at some of those lies.
> Luke 4:1-13
> 1st, lie is to tell us that we need to take care of my self. God will not take care of us. Vs-3 turn that stone to bread knowing Jesus temptation.
> God had a plan for Jesus to eat but His plan involved fasting for 40days. After the desert Jesus ate so much that people accused him of being a glutton.
> God has a plan to meet our needs while Satan whispers lies in our ears that we need to take care of our selves!
> 2nd, Satan offers us the world when the world is not his to give! When have I ever seen anyone focus on this world or the things of this world and actually see that person get anything of true value!
> Jesus chose God and worshipping him over a lie. The world was not Satan's to give.
> 3rd, Satan will use the truth of scripture to tell a lie. That's what good liars do. They sprinkle a bit of absolute truth weaver in a lie!
> Jesus did not argue the truth of the scripture but address the lie by using another scripture! All scripture is true and will not disagree with other scriptures.
> The better I know scripture the better I know what the lies are.
> Romans 6:1-2 how much sin is too much? When will grace run out? The answer is the same as Jesus gave to Satan in the desert.... Do not put The Lord your God to the test!!
> 1 Corinthians 15:55
> If Satan does not have power over us in death the he has no power over us at all.

Let's Make A Deal

> Let's make a deal
> It's in our nature that we like to make deals. We like to negotiate.
> Sometimes we think we can bring our negotiation into our spiritual life. We think that we can compromise our convictions or the truth. We cannot negotiate with God.
> 1 Kings 2:2-5; 3:1-10
> Salmon compromises and makes a treaty with the king of Egypt. With his borders secure and Egypt no longer a threat in his mind he makes this compromise.
> How often do I compromise my convictions with the intent of taking a short cut with good intentions but yet negotiating with sin.
> A deal with sin will always one acknowledge haunts.
> 1 Kings 7:7-8
> Solomon is in deep. He has to keep his alliance with Egypt. Not making his Egyptian wife a priority meant risking his relationship with Egypt.
> How quickly does one compromise sends us down the wrong path to the point that we wake up and find ourselves completely off course.
> Sin wants more and more until it has everything!
> 1 Kings 11:1-11
> The little deal he made years ago is killing Solomon now! The little compromise that he made with good intentions is the thing that is tearing him away from God!
> Solomon's life ends in ruin because of that one decision!
> 1 Kings 11:14-18; 40
> Egypt is the one who helps raise up a man against Solomon and Israel....leading eventually to Jeroboam who split the kingdom of Israel in two! Sin does not stop until it has everything. What we believe is a small negotiation becomes a bigger and bigger consuming compromise until it becomes the end of us!
> In every measurable way David was the greater sinner than his son Solomon. David committed murder, adultery...etc. The difference is that David stayed close to God and repented by changing his actions, by cutting off those compromises and realigning himself with God.

A Jesus Perspective

> A Jesus Perspective
> I need a Jesus perspective in my life everyday. Not just in times of trouble or despair.
> Jesus perspective had no racism in it. No pride in one culture or race.
> What would Jesus say to anyone who has financial problems, health problems...etc
> Philippians 4:7
> 5 perspectives to discuss today!
> 1 Peter 2:11-12
> Any crisis we face on earth does not change anything for us eternally!
> #1 this world is not my home!
> We need to be reminded that we live in a broken world. Our world is not meant to be perfect. We get mad and upset when bad things happen. We think that we deserve all good things!
> #2 Everything in this life is temporary!
> 2 Corinthians 4:18
> Jesus understood that this life was meaningless with regards to sufferings and blessings. True blessings and peace comes only in heaven.
> What am I investing in? What has taken priority in my life. I should not be consumed with the next 50years but the next 50,000 years which is not even true eternity!
> #3 Putting hope in money is bad!
> 1 Timothy 6:3-12; Matthew 6:19-24
> #4 Focus on the blessings!
> 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
> #5 God is our only hope and he is always with us!
> Philippians 4:4-7

The Truth

> The Truth
> Truth is disappearing! Today truth is not something we believe is absolutely true. We are conditioned to expect broken promises and half truths.
> Mark 10:13-16
> Jesus would always call attention to the truth..."I tell you the truth". Jesus highlighted what was important to get people's attention.
> Jesus points out how little children receive gifts. I must receive the gift of the kingdom of God the way a child does! A child receives any gift regardless of what it is with pure joy!
> When an adult gives a gift there is an underline responsibility to give a gift back. Adults feel a responsibility or guilt to have to earn it or repay it. Children do not feel obligated. They except the gift without guilt or compulsion!
> Children are excited about the gifts they receive and they tell everyone about it!
> I have received the greatest gift from the greatest giver! Am I grateful for the gift of salvation. How am I showing my gratitude?
> Mark 10:29-31
> I cannot out give God. My sacrifice will never earn me anything. Regardless God is going to bless me with so much more than anything I could hold on to. Letting go of what ever I am afraid to let of go is what God is asking of me. As a result God will bless me.

The Full Measure!

> The full measure!
> Ephesians 3:14-19
> It was Paul's prayer that we might be filled to our full measure of Gods love! How much time do I spend praying for others?
> Do I feel like I am filled to the full measure of God?
> Being filled to the full measure has three requirements!
> God power!
> God insight!
> God moment!
> Do I want to be filled to the full measure of God? Am I tried of feeling or living half empty? God want to change me continually from the inside out.
> Vs. 17 - it starts from the heart!
> The world does not live for the glory of Christ...the world lives for itself! Am I living to glorify Christ or living to satisfy myself?
> With out Gods strength we cannot have Jesus in our hearts and without Jesus in our hearts we cannot be rooted in love!
> Pray for a God moment in my life...vs. 19-21

Demas Syndrome

> Demas Syndrome......scriptures on Demas.....Philemon, Colossians, 2 Timothy
> Demas was with Paul and was noted in Philemon and Colossians as a brother of God and in the faith. In 2 Timothy Demas leaves God to chase after the world!
> Why do we chase after the world? We want to change some circumstance. We want ideal lives. We don't need to change our circumstances but flourish in the life that we are in.
> 1 John 2:15-17
> The things of this world may help make you better off but it can never make better men. The world is competing for my love. God on one side and the world on the other side trying to push for my life. Either God is either pushing the world out or the world is pushing God out!
> We are all investing in a failing company. We either buy more and more stock in the world or we realize that the earth and the things of this world will all pass away!
> Is there anything that brings me more joy in life than my relationship with God?
> Is there anything I'm not willing to give up for God?
> To love perfectly means to hate perfectly! God loves perfectly and he also hates perfectly! If you really love something then your really hate anything that threatens that love!
> If I don't hate sin then I am not loving God.
> What is my definition for success in life? Do I value more the definition of success defined by the World?
> I need to live on this earth with eternity in mind!
> Everything I do on earth will either bring joy or regret!
> Am I caught in the Demas syndrome and don't even know it?

Why Family?

> Why Family?
> From the beginning "Adam and eve" two become one. Think of the power in two becoming one, united, unity....etc
> Abraham was blessed through his children.
> God chose to be know as the "father" of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
> Before time even began....there was family in heaven. Father and Son in holy union. In Genesis it says " let US make man in our image."
> Gods plan is that we have a family like his. But this does not mean that our physical family is perfect. Dysfunction is inherit in family. Our spiritual families and relationship with God is meant to fill the gap!
> Why family....because God loves family. Family is what God compares his relationship with us and the church.

Aim For Perfection.

> Aim for perfection.
> Basketball analogy....no matter how far away the basket is you aim for it. The further away the basket is the harder the shot. But I shot will never be made unless we aim for the basket!
> Two opposing truths? Proverbs 26:4-5 for example. Faith vs deeds is another example.
> Am I suppose to be perfect? Should I simple live my life on faith alone.
> Matthew 5:43-48
> Do I am for perfection in every area in my life? Aiming for perfection seems almost unchristian and works based.
> Jesus does not call us to be perfect because he thinks we can be perfect but because without aiming for perfection we are destined to fail.
> Am I aiming for perfection?
> The standard is perfection and the bible has teaches the an opposing truth that when we do fail we grace is there but the standard is still perfection!
> What is my standard and what am I aiming for?
> 2 Corinthians 13:11
> Every time I aim for perfection I will never reach perfection. But isn't that the point?
> 1 John 1:5-7
> Walking in the light does not mean that you are perfect and without sin. Walking in the light ensures that when we fall short Gods grace covers us with the blood of Jesus!
> What areas in my life do I settle for less than perfection. Where I except "just good enough"?