God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, January 22, 2013



Story recently about a woman in Belgium that was following her GPS and ended up 900 miles away in Croatia lost. She blindly trusted her GPS.

A construction crew showed up and destroyed the wrong house because they had the wrong GPS coordinance!

People in life are looking for direction. What am I following? How am I going to get there? This is not a knew thing...from the beginning of time man has been looking for something to follow.

Joshua 24:14-15

Joshua at the end of his days...wants to set Israel on the right path! He gives them a choice of two different directions. Serve God or tradition! What path am I on today? It's easier sometimes to trust in our past and in traditions of our past rather than trust in God!

James 1:22-27

We have to intently look at Gods word and then DO WHAT IT SAYS! The bible is our GPS and does not recalculate. The directions that we receive is faultless and true. It will not leave us lost or uninformed!

A lot of us have our religion past down to us by our parents and regardless of what back ground we have or from where we come from. Our religion is worthless unless we live it out.

Where does what you beliefs come from? We cannot rely on anyone else for our convictions. They have to be grounded and rooted in Gods word. Spending time studying out the scriptures for our selves is the only way to accomplish this! 

Joshua 24:14-15

Am I going to serve the Gods of my past or am I going to serve The Lord? The call is the same today. Satan tries to deceive us and trick us into thinking that the way of the world has something better to offer.

1 Peter 4:1-6

These are the Gods of the land that we live in. Debauchery, greed, selfishness, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry! Satan loves to make these things exciting and glamorous.

How glamorous was the pain and damaged that these Gods have caused my family? How exciting is regret, self hate, shame, guilt and tortured souls? A life filled with these things lead only to death and destruction.

If I chose to suffer in sin the way Christ did; by putting sin to death...denying myself and taking up my cross, then sin cannot control me. I am done to it! Sin wants to in slave me.

If life to the full is not enough for me...it's not because it is not enough! It is because we are not content with what we have!

Joshua concludes..."as for me and my house we will serve The Lord!". We have to chose God because we love him, because we cannot live with out him. When we make a decision to serve God, it has an effect on the people around us. When Joshua made this decision, it impacted his house hold.

Luke 8:19-21

This was not Jesus turning his back on his family, this is an example of Jesus leading his family by example in Gods word. 

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