God's Free Word Book Store

Thursday, January 10, 2013


New Years Midweek Service.


Acts 2:1-47

What better way to start off the years than with the good news of Jesus and Salvation. The whole reason we gather together is to worship God and remember the promise of God through Jesus.

As the first church was started, this is what was preached. The good news that Jesus was the son of God and that he offers salvation. The response from the early disciples were to be devoted. Devotion is the call today as well! Do you understand what devotion to God really means?

It is an unrelenting passion that does not give way. It's is really running the race and not growing weary! If you have true devotion then you will not let up. It's about attending to the one you love continually. Devotion never quits. Devotion is about loving people so much...even people that don't love you and other sending your son to die for them so that they may have salvation.

God is the ultimate example of devotion! 

Devotion cannot have two masters. You can't be devoted to Jesus and then Flirt with the world.

2 Corinthians 2:11

Jesus is not other only one that wants our devotion. Satan wants devotion as well. We have a choice. Am I going to be devoted to God and his will or to the world and its desires? Titus 3:3-15

Take movies for example: no one would go see a love story where one person is half way devoted to the other. We long for complete devotion from others. God is no different he wants complete devotion!

In Acts 2 we see that the early believers were devoted to each other as well. They stayed devoted to fellowship, the teaching, breaking of bread and to prayer and then ultimately they were devoted to God!

So why would we want to be devoted to God?

Joel 2:12

God is gracious, compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love! Why would you not want to be devoted to a God like this?

If I was to remove all of the convictions, courage and wisdom that God has given me in my life, over the years, where would I be today? Gods grace has been pored out on me with out measure! Genius is 6:6 says that good hurts for us and feels pain for us. Don't ever think that God does not care for us or understands what we are going through. Why not be devoted to a God like this?

There is nothing on this earth that deserves our devotion more than God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!

1 Chronicles 28:9-10

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