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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jeremiah 44

Jeremiah 44:1-30

Vs 2 ~ Don't take Gods discipline lightly! Remember it and allow it to remind you of the consequences of sin. Allow it to help you learn from your mistakes and avoid discipline and hardship in the future!

Vs 3 ~ Gods anger is always justified. It is always a righteous anger so accept it for what it is. We have no reason to blame God!

Vs 4-6 ~ Gods warning to Israel last over 800 years. With patience and love God tried to reason with his people. His discipline was gradual and escalated to the point of Israel's complete destruction because they refused to obey or repent!

Vs 7-11 ~ Some people will never change but yet that did not deter God from being patience, full of grace and mercy. At some point enough is enough and God will punish us for our sin but every example in the bible of this is always a case of rebellion! 

Vs 15-19 ~ Sin distorts our judgment and clouds our vision to see the truth. When we give into sin it numbs us of the truth and hardens our hearts. Stubbornness and rebellion are the sons of temptation and sin. My heart can grow just as hard if I do not put to death my sinful nature. Israel had given into spiritual immorality for so long that they were completely confused in their wickedness and perversion!

Vs 24-30 ~ What a scary thought to see men with no regard or fear of Gods authority and power. How stupid it is to even for us to fathom fighting against God. You can't do it! God will break you! Humble yourself before The Lord and submit to him as your master and you will live! The story of Israel's unfaithfulness to God and Gods reaction towards sin and rebellion should send a clear massage that my relationship to God should not be taken lightly! Everyday that I wake with breath in my lungs and life in my body will be a day that I will serve God and obey his commands!!!!

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