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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Lead by the spirit

Lead by the spirit

As christians our goal should be to be moved and guided by the holy spirit! When the holy spirit moves it is often unexpected. The holy spirit often times leads us in to areas or in a direction that is unexpected!

Acts 8

Phillip is one of the first missionaries. Philip was scattered and sent to an unexpected place! Philip and the other disciples that were scattered were sent in all directions. It appears to chaos but the holy spirit is using this chaos to send disciples to places the spirit wants them to go. This scattering came from persecution and the death of Steven. Hard times!

The spirit lead him to preach the gospel to Samaritans! The holy spirit wanted to go to Samaria. Philip was just the vessel that was use to accomplish what the spirit wanted to do!

Sometimes the spirit calls you to go to places you may not want to go! What is it about Philip that made him the person to be use by the spirit? Philip was not interested in going where he wanted to go. He submitted to follow the spirit to where the spirit wanted him to be.

Following the spirit is following the light. Following the fire! We are walking in the dark! We need the spirit to give us direction in our life! To follow the spirit we have to die to ourselves! The disciples were scattered like seeds from the hand of the farmer by the holy spirit!

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