God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, February 17, 2019



Recap from the message Sunday

Ephesians 3:20

Christ's sacrifice once for all!

Hebrews 10:19-25

Three "let us" in this passage! What are they? Let us draw near to God! Let us hold unswervingly! Let us consider! I believe all three of these are connected and build off each other! We're not going to spur one another on towards love and good deeds unless we solid in our convictions and draw close to God! So how do we draw near to God, hold unswervingly, and spur one another on?

Vs. 19 "since we have confidence to enter", why is confidence important? Confident in what? Confident in approaching God, confidence that Gods spirit is in me, confident that my sins have been forgiven! Confident that Jesus is the answer! Do you feel confident?

What steals your confidence?

"Let us draw near to God" Vs 22 "cleanses us from a guilty consciences". That's why confession is so important. You can draw near to God with a guilty conscience!

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess" vs. 23 notice it says profess! Why is that? That is why we need to share our faith! And not just with nonbelievers but with other brothers! Our conversations should be deep! When you stop professing your faith and what you believe that is when you start listening to all the noise around you and Satan will use that errors your convictions!

"Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds" this is the goal right?! Who are you spurring on? Who are you allowing to spur you on? We don't like the word spur do we? Why couldn't it have said "just gently suggest and then let me make my own decision". We need to be spurring each other on and we need to be willing to be spurred. This is a healthy aspect of a godly relationship! We need to be in each other's lives! Share about Chris.

But it also says encourage! How do we encourage one another? Share about Rhett. For one we don't stop meeting together!

And lastly it says, "as we see the day approaching"! Jesus is coming back! We have to keep an eternal perspective!

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Different for Jesus

Different for Jesus

John 1:1-3

Jesus wasn't from real life! He is from heaven! Flesh and blood Jesus looked like he was from earth and his organs were human but Jesus was definitely different!

John 2:21-22; 3:3-4; 4:13-15; 32-33 Jesus was speaking their language but he was speaking in a heavenly dialect! Because we have a hard time understanding heaven bound Jesus we think he has no understanding of our lives!

While Jesus was from heaven he was also fully human! Jesus understands real life!

John 19:25-27; Matthew 22:30

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How to make a good marriage better!

How to make a good marriage better!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Your spouse is not your enemy. We all have a common enemy that is out to destroy our unity. You and your spouse are on the same team. Working together as a perfect team. Just as God designed it! Satan's goal is to divide the one team that God created and make two opposing teams at odds with each other!

Being like Christ in following his example of humility is the key to a successful marriage! Do you want to be as humble as Jesus in your marriage? Every relationship gets off course and has bumps and arguments. You have to determine what your priorities are? Do you want to when an argument or do you really want to be like Christ?

How does the humility of Christ help a marriage? Humility tries to bring out the best in each other! Philippians 2:3-4; Romans 12:1 Humility can abound in our relationships when we take the focus off of our selves and focus on the other.

Humility seeks out and values our spouses perspective! Proverbs 18:2 humility puts effort and time in listening rather than taking.

Humility embraces the golden rule of marriage! Matthew 7:12 humility causes you to treat your spouse the way you want to be treated! The golden rule of marriage is to change anything about your self that your spouse wants you to change! Humility allows you to change what you need to change. Ask your spouse, "what is the one thing that you would like me to change at this point in my life?"

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How to make a good marriage better!

How to make a good marriage better!

Proverbs 5:18 your wife should be appreciated and you should be thankful for her!
Ephesians 5:28 your wife more than anything else needs to be lead! As a marriage couple we are one body! Our wives need to be lead! As the head we need to care and protect the body!

If your sex life is lacking it is probably because you are not loving and leading your wife! Loving and leading your wife is the determining factor in most wives for feeling satisfied in their relationship! Proverbs 30:21 "an unloved woman who is MARRIED!" 1 Corinthians 7:5

Keeping courtship is a challenge the longer you have been married! Revelation 2:4 remember your first love and remember what you did at first! Leading in humility and leading spiritually is what our lives need!

Three things that no woman can resist! Three P's!

Praise her often! Song of Songs 6:4 make a list of what you appreciate about your wife. Tell her often! Hebrews 3:13 praising your wife often helps you see what you are blessed with and changes your heart to grateful and appreciate the gift that God has given you!

Protect her! If your wife is not protected, you get neglected! 1 Corinthians 13:7 you need to discover where your wife needs to be protected! Psalm 23:1 if your are the good shepherd to your wife she will lack nothing! Do you refresh your wife's soul? I should not be putting my burdens on my wife. God is my example in protecting my wife!

Pamper her! Treat her as the weaker partner and the daughter of God that she is! Your spouse is on loan from God to you!

Your spouse is your doorway to having a little peace of heaven on earth!

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The SUPERiority of Jesus!

The SUPERiority of Jesus!

Jesus is superior to angles! Hebrews 1:1-4 Jesus is the radiance of God's glory! What you have in Jesus is more powerful than any angel that could be watching over you! Hebrews 3:5-6 Jesus is superior to any man or leader that has ever walked the earth!

Jesus is superior to any high priest that has ever lived! Hebrews 4:14-15 Jesus is seated in heaven interceding for us and telling God he knows what it is like to be them and to be tempted and let their sins be forgiving through me! Hebrews 4:16 because of Jesus we are able to approach Gods throne with confidence! Hebrews 7:23-24 Jesus is the solution for eternity!

Hebrews 7:27-28 Jesus is the superior sacrifice! Hebrews 10:1-12

Jesus is the superior covenant! Hebrews 8:6-12 the covenant of the law was much more than an agreement! Breaking the covenant was cause for death! The covenant that Jesus has made with us is superior!

Jesus is superior to put your faith in! Hebrews 11:39-40 faith in Jesus is what binds us all together in unity regardless of culture, race, political views, etc...

Jesus is superior at saving! Hebrews 2:2-4; 7:25

Jesus is superior at giving rest! Hebrews 4:7-11

Jesus is a superior motivation! 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Hebrews 3:12-15; 4:12-13; 5:11-14; 6:1-3; 9-12; 10:19-25

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All eternity is determined by how you answer

All eternity is determined by how you answer this question!

The question is not who do you want jesus to be? Or who do you think jesus is. The question is who is jesus (truth) and who is he in your life!

When you correctly identify who jesus is he in return shows you who you really are (i.e. peter) simon means a reed and peter means rock

John the baptist raised from the dead — thats pretty amazing!

Takes courage and relationships and God to reveal who jesus is

Why is that important for him to be lord and not a teacher

Examples: nicodemus thought we know you are a good teacher...etc

If jesus is not the son it is impossible to be born again.

Is Jesus lord of your life or just an influence?

Last supper — all disciples called jesus lord and judas called him Rabi

A teacher has no ability to save

New years resolutions — how are they going? What has changed? Jesus is lord is the only thing that will sustain you.

Judas did not want jesus to die but he didnt make jesus lord of his life. Money, greed was his God. What have you put before God? Judas was tormented over it.

Its intentional — you have to make jesus Lord

Who do people say you are? Are you a fan or a player? Example Alabama — i'm a fan. The players sweat it our training each week preparing for the game. I just show up on saturday to just watch. And i have an opinion on everything that happens and critical

Conclusion — if jesus is not lord of your life do you really know him? If you dont what are you going to do about it?

Not revealed by flesh and blood. You will never know Jesus through head knowledge. He has to be revealed in your life!

People gave jesus honor but neglected who he truly is and underestimated him.

Because of the revelation of who Jesus is, it defines who peter is. Peter gets a new name! In understanding who Jesus is you are able to understand who you are truly meant to be!

Peter means rock. Peter becomes a ROCK, unmovable and unshakable because of knowing Jesus.

Share about who i am (sinful nature) and who God has made me to be!

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