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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Kings of Judah; King Josaih!

Kings of Judah; King Josaih!

1 Corinthians 10:11

2 chronicles 34:1-2

Became king at 8yrs old. Josiah did amazing things for god and was one of the most righteous kings of Judah. Josiah had a horrible example in his father and he lived in an evil period of time.

2 chronicles 34:3-7; 15-19 at 16 he started seeking a relationship with God. He took action and built convictions in Gods word and commands! In Josiah's day the whole nation of Judah was immersed in idolatry and false Gods. An entire generation lived without the Gods word and the Bible was lost for generations!

We live in an evil day as well! 2 Timothy 3:1-3; 4:3-4 our world has rejected god! Our wold is no different from one generation to the next. If we just follow the pattern of the world around you, you will end up a wicked man of woman. How did Josiah break the cycle?

2 chronicles 22-33 Josiah sought God, became broken over his sin, humbled himself before God and took action to repent! He also called the people around him to do the same! Because of his leadership and convictions he helped change the destiny of a nation!

What does it take for us to seek God? It's never too early to run to God and it's never too late to turn to God either! What are you seeks my after? Where do you spend your time and money on? There is a different between looking and seeking. Seeking implies a relentless pursuit of something. You don't stop until you find it!

What are you seeking after? We seek after many ungodly things sometimes and that is the definition of idolatry! Putting anything before God! Seeking the Lord is hard!

It's hard to seek the lord and obey Gods word.

God worked through Josiah and he can work through us as well!

2 Chronicles 34:33 when Josiah ended his life he lived a testimony of one who radically changed the nation of Judah!

Don't be discouraged by living in an evil world! Be encouraged to seek God with all your heart and change your destiny and the destiny of the people around you!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Generational Christianity

Generational Christianity

Psalms 78:1-7; psalms 145:3-6

God plan has always been for one generation to pass on God's word to another generation.

What happened when God had to chose a home for his son to be raised in? God had to pick a family to raise his son to become the savior of the world. Who have you entrusted your kids to? Do you not scrutinize everyone before you entrust your children to them? What did God see in Mary and Joseph? Sobering thought to think about.

Luke 1:26-38 Mary's reaction tells the story of who she was and why God chose her! "What ever you want God", isn't that the attitude that Jesus had in the garden 33 years latter? Where did he learn that? Joseph also agreed to accept Mary as his wife even though she was pregnant. Matthew 1:20-25

Joseph and Mary both had a go anywhere, do anything for God. As parents for the messiah, they help raise Jesus the way that God intended for them to raise his son! Who taught Mary and Joseph this kind of obedience to God? Generation to generation. We also know that the book of James and Jude were written by Jesus's half brothers. Jesus left a legacy in his own family.

Satans plan has always been to divide families and to stop generational Christianity.

Galatians 3:26-28 we all have cultural baggage that we bring into the church but with God we are all one. Christ brings us all together and connects us to our spiritual family. Colossians 3:11-16

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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Family Matters

Family Matters

Parenting in general:

Deuteronomy 6:1-3; Isaiah 66:13; Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:21; 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8; Titus 2:1-8

There are not a whole lot of scriptures in the bible about parenting. There are many examples of bad parenting. Many wicked kings of Israel ended up having children that God raised up and became righteous men of God. God can use any parent; however, God does promise that if we instill biblical principals in our children that they will not turn away from them.

Being a perfect parent is impossible. It is not conceivable and God does not put that expectation on us. Growing and changing is the expectation. Regardless of the mistakes made, God expects us to continue to grow and change. Repentance is the expectation!

Parenting teens and young adults:

Lecturing less, listening more. Influencing and coaching. We accomplish this by our example more than by our words. Teens still need boundaries but it is a tricker proposition when they get older. You can't control a teen. You have to let them live life in some ways. When we are too controlling you get rebellion. Some times you just have to change your approach and then change your approach again if you have to.

To be honest we don't trust our kids. But we need to communicate to them, "I trust your heart but not your experience".

You have to pick your battles more. Determine what is really important and focus on those things and relax on the rest. The relationship you have with your teen is changing and will continue to change into adult hood. Embrace the change, don't fight it. As parents we are the ones who have to adapt.

"A man convinced against his will holds the same opinion still" -- this about that! Ask a lot of questions. Stop lecturing and listen more.

You want your kids to have the convictions you have without going through the heart aches you went through to get them. But sometimes that is not realty. They each have their own path.

Three things adult children need from us -- freedom, friendship, and love! Giving advice only when asked unless you cannot in good consciences not say anything. Ask for permission to give advice even in that situation. Advice from a parent comes across more as criticism instead of advice.

Think about what makes up a good friendship and keep that in mind when trying to be a good friend to your adult child. Our kids never out grow their need for support and love from their parents. Unconditional love is always going to be a need they have.

You have a life time to influence and it goes back to your faithfulness.

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Acts 20:28-31

I cannot help others if I am not watching myself both emotionally and spiritually. Keeping watch over yourself is the most important thing you can do in shepherding with anyone else. Watch the flock. Keep your eyes open and protect the church.

Ten things that will help you keep the right perspective.

- our role is to equip people to do their part (equip the saints for?...works of service). We need to help people help the, selves and then help other people.
- we have different overlapping roles. It's ok. God made us different for a reason and uses us all differently.
- you have to fight being self righteous. Never look down on anyone no matter what the situation may be.
- there are always two sides to every story. Be very slow to react until you know both sides.
- it's not always "everyone". It can feel that way but ask questions find out who specifically.
- know the difference between scripture and opinion.
- be willing to try new things. There is not a one size fits all solution.
- we can't help everyone. Sometimes we are not equip to help in certain situations or people just don't want help.
- people can and do change. Don't give up and have faith.
- the majority of the people in your church are probably doing ok. Not everyone is struggling.

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Friday, May 19, 2017

Mothers Day

Mothers Day

Mother's Day can be a very emotional day and a struggle for most people. People that have lost their mothers or grandmothers. Although we celebrate mothers and the gift that they are from God it can be hard for some people who are still grieving and mourning. Grieving is an emotional event created by God to allow us to process pain and suffering.

God devoted a lot of the psalms for lamenting.

Psalms 13:1; psalms 22:6; psalms 55:4-7; psalms 69:2-3; psalms 88:3;6;13-14

In life there will always be tragedy and suffering, why is there suffering?
- other people! Everyone has free will and people chose evil over good!
- our own sin. We cause suffering in other people.
- our bodies. Our bodies are determination and were not meant for eternity. They will cause suffering!
- Satan!
- God. Ultimately God allows suffering. It may come from other sources but God has the power to stop it.

Deuteronomy 32:39 ;1 Samuel 2:6; Isaiah 45:7

It's uncomfortable sometimes to think about why God allows suffering in the world.

What are the benefits of suffering?
- develops moral character.
- draws people to God ( psalms 119:71 )
- the way we Handel suffering draws other people to God.
- develops compassion for others and enables us to help others.
- makes us more like Jesus
- makes us more grateful
- better understand Gods love for us.
- forces/allows you to live a life of self denial.

Looking backwards we can always see how God has been working in our lives even in suffering. How do we react in the moment? What do we do when bad things happen? Anger, pride, fear?

Look at the way the psalmist cries out to God. Psalms 13,43,60 you can feel the passion, grieve and suffering. They petition God in there times of need and they express confidence in God and praise him! In suffering we want two things. We want it to end as soon as possible and we want understanding. Why is this happening to me? The psalmist cries out to God in expressing their pain and they move to faith and trust in God. This is what God wants from us in suffering.

How do you move toward faith and confidence in God? Psalms 62. God is strong and loving! A complete faith trust both; that God is strong and loving!


Suffering is unavoidable. You may not know why you are suffering. God is with you (psalms 62:11-12). You need to move from hopeless desperation to security and trust! Psalms 126:6

Even Jesus had to suffer to become what God wanted him to be!

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Disciples of Jesus

Disciples of Jesus

Jesus prayed all night before selecting his disciples and created a group of twelve disciples. Luke 6:12
Jesus met in groups and spent time with his disciples. What did he do with them? He gave them instructions. Matthew 21:6; Disciples do what Jesus tells them to do. Serve one another, deny self, seek the lost...etc

Mathew 23:1 Jesus taught his disciples and they listen to his words. Luke 8:9 they didn't just hear the words. They talked about what it meant. John 4:8 they bought food together and ate it together. Mark 11:19 they traveled together out of town and spent time together. John 4:2 they baptized together. Luke 11:1 they prayed together. Matthew 18:1 they argued almost themselves and were not perfect. They were full of sin just like everyone else.

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Treasure in jars of clay.

Treasure in jars of clay.

Matthew 11:1-4

John the Baptist, the one called to prepare the way for the Lord was now questioning him. Why? Jesus didn't quote scriptures that validated who he was. He showed John his life. His ministry. The things he was doing on a daily basis! My personal ministry says a lot about who I am and what I stand for.

Matthew 11:7-9

Originally Johns mission was so ver clear to him in the beginning! Maybe things did not happen the way he had envisioned. Doubting God is a temptation that does not escape anyone.

2 Corinthians 4:1-4 ;5-7

We are not guaranteed blessings. We cannot loose heart and have to focus on the ministry of Christ in all situations! We have treasures in jars of clay. The jars are not attractive to the world and made of a fragile material that the world rejects but these jars are filled with treasures from heaven! Grace, mercy, salvation, forgiveness, true love, unconditional love, security in God...etc.

John 12:23-26;27-28

Much will come out of our sufferings and sacrifices than any material blessings that we may receive. If we die to self we live in Christ!

2 Corinthians 5:11-15;

2 Corinthians 6:3 would Christ discrete my ministry? What would he discredited it for? What is my ministry lacking that would not please God?

2 Corinthians 6:4-11 this is our treasures in jars of clay. Matthew 6:19-21 Jesus talked about treasure often because he knew our hearts would be constantly pulled in a worldly direction. If my treasure is truly in jars of clay then my heart is going to be grounded in a relationship with God!

If there is anything in my life that is keeping me from finding the treasure that God has giving me then it needs to be removed!

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