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Monday, October 28, 2013

Made for each other -- Marriage Retreat

Made for each other....Lesson 1

Genesis 1:27

What does this mean? God is formless so he has no body. We are made in Gods image....his spiritual image. God made us different male/female but we are equally The age of God! A man only reflects one part of God and a woman reflects the other part. Together we reflect the full image of God.

Do I see how much we need each other? What makes the heart of my spouse come alive? What makes the heart of a woman come alive and what makes the heart of a man come alive?

Woman: romance, irreplaceable role, unveiled beauty! My wife want to be pursued and romanced. To feel like she is priority!

Song of Songs 1:15-17; Judges 4:17-21...there is something fierce in the heart of a woman and it was created by design. Fight together, my wife wants to be apart of the adventure and a part of the battle.

Psalms 45:11

What makes the heart of a man to come alive? A battle to fight, an adventure to live and need a challenge, a beauty to rescue.

1 Chronicles 12:8 a man wants to be a warrior and needs a battle to fight.

2 Timothy 4:6;

With out a beauty to rescue we just become lonely men fighting alone.

Made For Each Other...Lesson 2

There is a difference between temptation and sin. 

How gentle am I being with my wife? I have to learn how to treat her with sensitivity and compassion. Am i meeting my wife's needs and making sure that I am everything she needs.

Ephesians 5:25; Galatians 3:26

When Jesus looks at me he does not see my sin he sees his bride. I need to view my wife in the same way. I need to over look her imperfections. Love covers a multitude of sins. If I love my wife I should see her blameless and pure.

Things I love about my wife: she is very giving physically, deep convictions, strong willed.

Ephesians 5:28

We take care of our bodies so well because we know our needs. I can't put this scripture into practice unless I know my wife's needs.

1 peter 3:7 Weaker does not mean inferior. God has a special heart for the weak. Why would my prayers be hindered? You can hurt Gods daughter and be ok with him! My role as a husband is defined by the needs of my wife. I need to learn how to live out my role through meeting her needs.

I need to know my wife like I know my own body.

Proverbs 31:28-29 do I arise and call her blessed? Encourage my wife daily! My wife is not perfect but she is perfect for me. 

Ephesians 5:25-28 I am responsible for washing my wife in the word. I am her primary discipler! Everyday I need to be involved with how she is doing. I need to take responsibility.

Colossians 3:19

I cannot be harsh but never should be passive. Genesis 3 the first temptation for Eve was to want to be like God and mans first temptation was to be passive and not lead. A dame had a leadership role before the fall. He named the animals and Eve. Mans struggle from the curse is passiveness.

What makes a woman's heart come alive is when we are being the men that God calls us to be!

Made For Each Other.....Lesson 3

What makes God's heart ignite? The aspects of God found in women.

Like a woman God is intensely relational. Women say 20k words a day compared to 7k for men. Emotionally God is more like a woman than a man. 

1 John 4 God IS love. Not just a description or adjective but a definition! 2 Corinthians 13:14 God wants to envelope us. To consume us. Psalms 139:7 there is great security in God because he is everywhere, in control of all things!

Like a Woman God longs to share adventures with us! Miracle of feeding the 5000. Jesus could have snapped his fingers and feed everyone but he didn't. He asked Andrew what do you have? God wants to take us with him on this adventure. He will use what ever we have to do amazing things! Not matter what we have God can use it!

Genesis 2:18 helper in the Hebrew means partner companion, life saver, life giver. This word is used again in the bible other than for women is for describing God himself.

Psalms 27:9 God is also described as our helper!

Like a woman God has a captivating beauty to unveil!

God created woman to be beautiful and wonderful. Sex was created by God and God created woman to be alluring! A woman is beautiful because God is beautiful. Do you think when we finally get to see God how stunning he will be! Look around at the beauty he has made on earth and we get a small glimpse!

Revelation 22:4 no one has ever seen the face of God but one day we will!  Psalm 63:1-7

The truth about money!

The truth about money!

The truth about money is that it does not really belong to me.

Job 41; psalms 24:1; Haggai 2; Deuteronomy 8:17-18

God is the owner of everything! He has never been the former owner of anything!

Principal #1: God owns everything and I am just his money manager.

A money manager manages the money and uses it in the best interest of the owner. God has in trusted me with his property to glorify him with!

At some point the money manager will be held accountable for the way he manages the money. How does God feel about my use of his money?

Principal #2: it is a joy to manage Gods money.

2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Obedience is when you do something that you don't want to do. When we give out of obedience there is joy in being obedient.

Exodus 36:6; 2 Corinthians 9:10-15

Giving is not the luxury of the rich. No matter what income level you may be on or how much do or don't have, everyone is able to give! Even in poverty it should be a joy to manage Gods money and to give.

2 Corinthians 8:1

Giving and grace are connected. Our giving should be a reflex response to Gods grace. My I tire motivation for giving should come from gratitude for Gods grace! When I give out of grace there is true joy!

God as the owner and possessor of all things is not asking us to do anything that he has not already done himself. God has giving us everything through Jesus Christ and I was purchased as a price!

The Treasure Principal: how to unlock the treasure

The Treasure Principal: how to unlock the treasure chest.

Philippians 3:20

Heaven is not my home. What is my address? Hebrews 11:13, 2 Corinthians 5:20. Do I really believe that my citizenship is in Heaven! Hebrews 11:16.

My heart will always go where I put Gods money.

Matthew 6:21 where your heart is there your treasure will be also. What we care about we invest in, right? It is not where your heart is your treasure will be. It is the exact opposite. Where is my treasure, that's where my heart will be! Give first and my heart will follow!

What or who am I investing in?

Roadblocks to giving: stress, doubt, selfishness, pride!

Mark 10:17 the rich young ruler was not able to give up his stuff. Although he was devote and obedient to scripture his heart was in his possessions!

True joy is only found in giving!

4 keys to pray about:
God is the owner, heaven is my home, where my treasure is there my heart is found, live for eternity and not my time on earth!

Fw: Made for each other -- Marriage Retreat

Made for each other....Lesson 1

Genesis 1:27

What does this mean? God is formless so he has no body. We are made in Gods image....his spiritual image. God made us different male/female but we are equally The age of God! A man only reflects one part of God and a woman reflects the other part. Together we reflect the full image of God.

Do I see how much we need each other? What makes the heart of my spouse come alive? What makes the heart of a woman come alive and what makes the heart of a man come alive?

Woman: romance, irreplaceable role, unveiled beauty! My wife want to be pursued and romanced. To feel like she is priority!

Song of Songs 1:15-17; Judges 4:17-21...there is something fierce in the heart of a woman and it was created by design. Fight together, my wife wants to be apart of the adventure and a part of the battle.

Psalms 45:11

What makes the heart of a man to come alive? A battle to fight, an adventure to live and need a challenge, a beauty to rescue.

1 Chronicles 12:8 a man wants to be a warrior and needs a battle to fight.

2 Timothy 4:6;

With out a beauty to rescue we just become lonely men fighting alone.

Made For Each Other...Lesson 2

There is a difference between temptation and sin. 

How gentle am I being with my wife? I have to learn how to treat her with sensitivity and compassion. Am i meeting my wife's needs and making sure that I am everything she needs.

Ephesians 5:25; Galatians 3:26

When Jesus looks at me he does not see my sin he sees his bride. I need to view my wife in the same way. I need to over look her imperfections. Love covers a multitude of sins. If I love my wife I should see her blameless and pure.

Things I love about my wife: she is very giving physically, deep convictions, strong willed.

Ephesians 5:28

We take care of our bodies so well because we know our needs. I can't put this scripture into practice unless I know my wife's needs.

1 peter 3:7 Weaker does not mean inferior. God has a special heart for the weak. Why would my prayers be hindered? You can hurt Gods daughter and be ok with him! My role as a husband is defined by the needs of my wife. I need to learn how to live out my role through meeting her needs.

I need to know my wife like I know my own body.

Proverbs 31:28-29 do I arise and call her blessed? Encourage my wife daily! My wife is not perfect but she is perfect for me. 

Ephesians 5:25-28 I am responsible for washing my wife in the word. I am her primary discipler! Everyday I need to be involved with how she is doing. I need to take responsibility.

Colossians 3:19

I cannot be harsh but never should be passive. Genesis 3 the first temptation for Eve was to want to be like God and mans first temptation was to be passive and not lead. A dame had a leadership role before the fall. He named the animals and Eve. Mans struggle from the curse is passiveness.

What makes a woman's heart come alive is when we are being the men that God calls us to be!

Made For Each Other.....Lesson 3

What makes God's heart ignite? The aspects of God found in women.

Like a woman God is intensely relational. Women say 20k words a day compared to 7k for men. Emotionally God is more like a woman than a man. 

1 John 4 God IS love. Not just a description or adjective but a definition! 2 Corinthians 13:14 God wants to envelope us. To consume us. Psalms 139:7 there is great security in God because he is everywhere, in control of all things!

Like a Woman God longs to share adventures with us! Miracle of feeding the 5000. Jesus could have snapped his fingers and feed everyone but he didn't. He asked Andrew what do you have? God wants to take us with him on this adventure. He will use what ever we have to do amazing things! Not matter what we have God can use it!

Genesis 2:18 helper in the Hebrew means partner companion, life saver, life giver. This word is used again in the bible other than for women is for describing God himself.

Psalms 27:9 God is also described as our helper!

Like a woman God has a captivating beauty to unveil!

God created woman to be beautiful and wonderful. Sex was created by God and God created woman to be alluring! A woman is beautiful because God is beautiful. Do you think when we finally get to see God how stunning he will be! Look around at the beauty he has made on earth and we get a small glimpse!

Revelation 22:4 no one has ever seen the face of God but one day we will!  Psalm 63:1-7

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Parable of the Lost and Found

The Parable of the Lost and Found

Opening Questions:

Have you ever lost something that was very important to you? How did you feel during the time you were looking for it? What efforts did you take to find it? If your search was successful how did you feel once you found it?

Brenda Caunter's missing wedding ring ← http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc80dn3LZq4

Today we are going to read about two people that lost something that was precious to them in a few parable Jesus told. In the stories we will get to see God's heart for us and how much he truly loves us.


Luke 15:1-10

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them."
Then Jesus told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.' I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

The Parable of the Lost Coin

"Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins[a] and loses one. Doesn't she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.' 10 In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

  • Who were the Pharisees, Tax Collectors and Sinners?
  1. Pharisees and teachers of the law (self righteous religious leaders of the day).
  2. Tax Collectors (Dishonest and corrupt).
  3. "Sinners" (non-pharisees who did not follow Jewish law).

  • What do you think about the way the Pharisees and teachers reacted towards Jesus association with the Tax Collectors and "Sinners".
  1. They thought they were better than them.
  2. They looked down on Jesus because of his association with them.

  • Who does the sheep and the lost coin represent in the parable?
  1. All of us. We are all lost and in need of a shepherd.

  • How persistent were the owner of the sheep and the woman in finding what they lost?
  1. Completely focused.
  2. They did not stop searching until they found what was lost.

  • How did they react once they found what they lost?
  1. Full of joy.
  2. Called friends and neighbors to celebrate.

  • These parables gives us a glimpse into God's heart on how he feels when we are lost or go astray. What do you notice about God's heart in these parables?
  1. A God who longs to have a personal relationship with every person in this world.
  2. A God who is obsessed with finding every lost person.
  3. A God who rejoices over a person who turns towards him.
  4. A God who is compassionate
  5. A God who values each of us and views us as significant (leaving the 99 for the 1).

  • The religious establishment (Pharisees & Teachers) called people to conform to their traditions and practices and rejected/excluded those who did not. What do you think Jesus called people to?
  1. He called people to a relationship with him.
  • God meets us where we are at.
  • He wants our hearts – a heart that is obedient to him but not self righteous. Humble!

Jesus shows us a God who goes all out to find us and have a relationship with us. Yet, we can be reluctant to give our hearts completely to him.

  • What are some things that stop us from giving our hearts completely to God?
  1. Busy schedule (share about work/school)
  2. Religious traditions (share about not just becoming religious)
  3. Not wanting to change our sinful ways (Share about pride, ,selfishness, rebelliousness...etc)


  • Where are you at today? Are you a lost sheep or maybe one that has gone astray a bit?

Luke 15:10 In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

  • God is relentlessly searching for us and does not want anyone to go astray. God longs to rejoice with us when we turn our hearts towards him and repent.

  • What do you need to repent of today? Are you willing to repent and give your heart completely over to God?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

1 Samuel 18:10 Why would God Send an Evil Spirit?

  • I've struggled over this my self several times. There are a couple of things that I think hang us up on this.
  • 1.)We have an incorrect definition of evil. What is the true definition of evil/sin? In essence evil/sin is the absence of God inst it? You've probably heard this analogy before. Scientifically there is no darkness. You cannot measure darkness. What there is, is an absence of light. When you try to measure darkness you are really measuring how much light is not present in something. I believe it is the same with evil/sin. To say something is evil/sin is to say that God is present.
    2.)We have a hard time understanding why if God is the creator of all things is there evil/sin in the world. Evil/sin is really a by product of God creating righteousness. As soon as God said "this is right" he created the wrong way or sin. His purpose was not to create sin but to create righteousness. I hope i'm making sense...lol
    So back to your question: Why would God send an evil spirit to someone? Did God really send and evil spirit? If God turned his back on Saul and walked away what would Saul be left with using the correct definitions above? There is also more to the story. Saul was really the one turning his back on God by not obeying Gods commands. Saul was allowing sin in his heart and as a result he was drifting further and further away from God. Isaiah 59:1-2 says that our iniquities (sins) separate us from God.
    God allowed Saul to be giving over to an evil spirit (Saul's own evil desires) which is what Saul was choosing anyways by not wanting to follow God and wanting to kill David.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Treasure Principal

The Treasure Principal


The kingdom is not something that I add to my life. I give up everything in my life to enter the kingdom!

Over 15% of what Jesus talked about while on earth was related to this topic

Luke 3:7-14

Three principals...share with the poor, be honest, be content. All relating to Money. Why money? How we handle our money is central to our faith. There is a fundamental connection between our spiritual life and how we deal with money.

The difference between Cain and Ables gift was that Able gave the first and best of what we he had. Both gave to God but only one was pleasing to God!

My heart follows my treasure. Your treasure is your ledger and your measure.

Principle #1: Pride

Duetoronomy 16:16-9; Exodus 23:15; 19, 1 Chronicles 21:24....No one should come to God with nothing to give!

Romans 11:13; Galatians 6:4; James 1:9....we should take pride in our gift.

Principle #2: Trust

Luke 19:5-10

Zacchaeus's approach to money in his repentance proved where his heart was at.

Haggai 1:6

Principle #3: Conviction

Acts 19:19....value of the scrolls were close to 5 million dollars. The value of the scrolls did not deter their convictions.

Principle #4: A pleasing gift

Mark 12:41-44

An African making 3.00 a month wishing he was Chinese making 3.00 an hour and the Chinese man wishing he was American making 23.00 an hour and the American saying it's just not enough to give to The Lord!!

Matthew 19:21; 13:44-46

"In his joy" he sold everything he had to buy the field and the treasure!

Matthew 6:19-21; Proverbs 23:5....either it leaves us while we live or we live it. When we die!! Jesus wants us to store up treasure in heaven!

Psalm 49:16-17