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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Obeying The Commands of God

Exodus 25 - God gave instructions on how to build the Ark and how to build his temple. It was designed for God to walk with his people. God humbled himself to fit in a box and to be cared by man. God gave specific instructions on how to carry the Ark. The poles where to remain in the Ark at all times and where not to be removed. No one was allowed to touch the Ark itself or they would die.

1 Samuel 4 - the Philistines capture the Ark. In the same way Satan is always trying to take God from us. The Philistines tried to use the Ark or to use God and it did not work. God brought curses down on the Philistines.

1 Samuel 6- the Ark is returned to Israelites.

1 Samuel 7

2 Samuel 6

The Israelite were excited about bringing the Ark to Israel. Uzzah died because he did not obey or honor Gods commands concerning the Ark. Where did the idea of putting the Ark on a cart come from? This idea came from the Philistines. It was easier to have the Ark on a cart and pulled by oxen rather than being carried by 4 men as God had commanded.

How many times do we try to dilute the word of God and obey only partial commandments because we think it's too hard?

God calls us to worship him and honor him in the way he wants. Satan wants us to think that it is okay to dilute the word of God and conform to the world.

Stop conforming to the world! The world tells us it's okay to be decetful, to stretch the truth. To listen to questionable music or watch movies filled with sexual imorality. As christians God calls us to become the likeniess of  Christ!

1 Samuel 6:9 - when we conform to the world then we say what David says here. How can I be righteous. Gods commandments are too tough. I can't have a pure dating relationship without committing sexual imorality. How can I be honest when it may hurt me financially...etc

Satan wants us in this position, he wants us to conform to the world and not decide to do things Gods way. Gods way through his commands are the way to true blessings!

1 Samuel 6:10-11

The Ark was left with Obed-edom and he was blessed! Eventually David resided to conform to God instead of the world. Vs 12-14 David decided to carry the Ark the way god commanded it regardless of how much it cost or how much of a burden it may have been..... As a result David became one of the greatest kings ever known!

John 14:15; 21; 23

What can we give God? Does he need us? God wants our hearts. He wants us to devote our lives to him. To honor his teachings by living a life emerged in his words and his commands! We express our love to God through obedience.

John 14:21

Every time we obey we express love to God! Ways that we can honor God and show him love:

1 Corinthians 6:
Philippians 4:8
Proverbs 3:9
Ephesians 5:25
Ephesians 4:29
Deuteronomy 6:1-25

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