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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kip McKean Biogrophy

I sent the comments below in response to an article I found on Kipmckean.com titled "The Biogoraphy of Kip McKean." Some revisions have been made to my original post.

Kip, I have a lot of respect for you and what GOD has allowed you to accomplish for Him. I've met you several times and have always felt your sincerity, love and passion for God.

I have to admit that your article saddens me and my heart is troubled as a result of it. There is no doubt in my mind, that you have been hurt and wronged in the events that took place that you describe above, however, I cannot ignore the undertones in your article. Based off what I have read above it seems that there is a lot of bitterness towards the people that you feel have wronged you and although I understand your desire to want to "set the story straight" I don't see how this benefits anyone? It comes across more as gossip rather and a "calling out" of those that have hurt you rather than a humble response.

I have been a disciple for 21 years and I have never heard any derogatory remarks about you from any leadership of the ICOC and there has always been a call to evangelism and God's mission for us to seek and save the lost. Additional, I see no difference in my convictions, the convictions of my church which is to deny my self daily and take up my cross and to spread God's Word than I do in your convictions expressed in your biography. The ICOC or at least the church that I attend has never stopped calling each member to be sold out for God and a true disciple of Jesus.

After reading your article, one question I am left with, though is to what extent do you accept responsibility for the break up and events described in your story? You mention your humility several times but never give any specifics on what fault you have played in all of this. I know we both agree that no one is faultless except our Lord Jesus Christ. It concerns me that there is no mention of your role in the way our movement split, the allegations in the Henry Kriet letter which identified some serious problems with abuse of power and any other issues that were address in your article. It seems that the reader is only left with seeing that you were right and all the leaders of the ICOC were wrong. Normally when a Biography is written is done in an unbiased way showing the good, bad and the ugly. It troubles me that this was not the response you chose to give.

In closing I hope God blesses you and the ICOC with much success in evangelizing the word for Jesus. I also am glad to see that your first principals study series for non-disciples has not changed and we are unified in God's word with regards to salvation and our call to evangelism. I will keep you in my heart and prayers and I hope that through GOD we can see to fruition a world saved for Jesus!

To God Be the Glory!

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