God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, April 12, 2010

This Earth Is Not My Home

Heaven is our final destination! This earth is not our home and therefore we should not treat it as such.

When you focus on heaven you want to do more here on earth! Heaven and the thought being in paradise with our lord should motivate us to honor him and do all we can here on earth!

John 12:23

Jesus understood and taught this concept. If you want to save your life in the next world, you have to loose your life ( or sacrifice your worldly desires) in this world.

When your thoughts go to heaven then you will have impact here on earth. This world is not our home and we need to remember where our true home is.

As Christians we don't think of heaven as much as we should. We think about our spiritual trials on this earth and our lives as Christians in this world. We need to focus on heaven!

Genesis 25-28

Jacob was give a name that meant deceiver. At his birth they basically named him liar.

Jacob lives up to his name and lies to his brother and father. He continued to lie and this mam that was named deceiver becomes a liar.

Jacob was on the run and trying to escape from the consequences of his lying actions when he finds and comes in contact with God.

God showed Jacob a glimpse of heaven and it changed his life! Jacobs heart changed from that point on in his life.

Genesis 29:13-29

Jacob was fleeing and Laban excepted him because of what Jacob shared with him about his trip. Maybe because of the experience Jacob had with God and the way Jacob shared that with Laban.

In his past Jacob deceived for what? Mostly for financial gain and power (I.e. Birth right). It safe to assume that Jacob struggles with greed and cheating. He was willing to steal from his brother and deceive his farther for money. Yet because of Gods intervention and Jacob seeing a glimpse of heaven, Jacob was asked to work for seven years for Rachel and he did it through honesty and hard work.

Ironically Jacob was lied to by laban and told to work another seven years for Rachel. Jacob could have demanded that labin honor their previous agreement but he didn't. Jacob choose to honor laban's request and work another seven years. Jacob was not the same man that he was before he saw a glimpse of heaven!

When we see what the true wealth is in heaven. We no longer care about worldly things. Satan wants us to focus on the here and now and not focus on the things to come?

Where is your focus at? Heaven or earth?

What does it mean to focus on heaven?

We need to recognize our urges for heavenly longings. Our desire for more is a desire from God, yet far to often we try to satisfy that desire with wordly things. The longings that we have for more and a restless contented spirit should be directed towards Heaven and our reward that is waiting for us. If we fill those longings with worldly objects we miss the opportunity to long for heaven.

As Christians we tell our selves to stop wanting. We want to reject our worldly desires and we concede to just give up on our desires. This is the time to not stop our desires of wanting but to realign our desires with heavenly things.

God planted desires in us that cannot be filled with earthly things. If we fill our lives with worldly things in the hopes of reaching happiness, we will become completely frustrated! We were not made for this earth or earthly things. We were created for heaven.

Heaven is were our focus needs to be. We need to think about what heaven is really like. The bible gives us glimpses of what it will be like but part of the intrigue that god has created is that we don't know what it will be like for sure. What we do know is heaven will give us rest for our souls and be completely the opposite of the world.

Revelations 4:1-11

Heaven is so far beyond our imagination and will be more than we could ever expect!

The biggest thing our farther says about heaven is that we will be with god!

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