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Monday, April 19, 2010

Remember the Lord

As an early Christian I thought life would become easier as a disciple. Things in my life were changing I had repented from several character sins and I was a new being in god!

Do you remember how you felt as an early Christian? What was your outlook on life.

Some times we loose the zeal and fervor for God we had at baptism. The worries of this world, the temptations and our sinful nature creep back in and we in essence forget our first love which is our relationship with god.

All of us go through situation that challenge our faith.

The book of kings was written while the Israelite were in captivity to Babylon. The Israelite were subject to the the Babylonian culture. Everyday the Israelite were subject to the Babylonians and to there idol worship and paganism.

Babylonians worship several gods. Baal and Mot. Baal was the storm god and Mot was the god of death. They believed that when it rained it was from Baal and when there was a drought Baal was away fighting Mot.

1 kings 17:1-24

Elijah takes a stand against Baal and the Babylonia authority. Baal was the god of rain and of fertility. Elijah was not just challenging their idolatry but the existence of their gods as a whole.

Vs 22 this is the first time someone was rising from the dead in the bible and  God challenges there god Mot in this. He shows that he is the God that gives life and controls death not Mot

Kings 18:21-46

For the years that lead up to this confrontation between the almighty God and the idolatry of Babylon, the Israelite felt abandoned by God! God had never left. God was always there.

When we hit these points in our lives where we feel defeated and as though God is not with us, we have to remember our lord and the power he has too overcome any situation.

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