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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pick Up Your Mat and Walk; Free Bible Study

Mark 2:1-12

It says many people came to Jesus. These people came to Jesus for many reasons. Some where skeptics and critics like the Pharisees, others wanted to see miracles and entertainment and then there was the Paralytic who just wanted Jesus to heal his physical condition.

We come to Jesus for many reasons too. Sometimes our reasons are righteous and noble and yet other times we have ulterior motives. Jesus accepted all of them and it says that he "preached the word".

Vs. 5 – Jesus noticed their faith!

What did the Paralytic do that was so faithful?

The faith of the Paralytic and his friends were relentless in their pursuit for healing. They would stop at nothing to get to Jesus. No crowds, no obstacle or any other thing would keep them from trying to reach Jesus.

Notice it was the Paralytics friends that were with him and not his family! Sometimes spiritually we need these type of friends in our lives to have faith for us and help us get closer to God. Friends like these are only found in the church.

Which is more important? Spiritual Health or our physical health?

Jesus healed this man spiritually and said "your sins are forgiven". The paralytic did not come to Jesus for forgiveness of sins, he came to him to have Jesus heal his physical disability and yet Jesus new what this man needed the most.

Sometimes we can loose sight of what is really important in life and that is having a relationship with God. Satan wants to distract us with worldly things and he wants us to put more value in our physical condition than our spiritual condition.

Vs. 6 – Why were the Pharisees so upset? They were the authority of the day and repentance and forgiveness of sins came in the form of sacrifices that were brought to the temple and the religious leaders. There was a lot of penance that came with forgiveness and Jesus challenged this by forgiving sins immediately. Jesus forgives freely and we do not have to earn his forgiveness!

Vs. 11 – Jesus commanded the paralytic to "get up and take your mat and go home".

What would have happened if the paralytic decided not to obey Jesus and refused to get up. He had every excuse why to do it. He could have been faithless that Jesus could save him. There were a lot of people around and if he could not get up the would ridicule him....etc! When Jesus commands us to do something we need to obey. Faith without deeds is dead the bible says in Hebrews. The paralytic had to believe with faith and then act with his own will to be healed.

What spiritual disability do you have that needs to be healed? What would Jesus heal you from and say, "get up take your mat and walk"!

Just like the paralytic we have to make a decision to pick up our mat and walk!

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