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Monday, February 1, 2010

Self Control: Bible Study

Galatians 5:22-26

This is what the spirit brings! If we keep in step with the spirit this is the attributes we will have. How many times do we not listen to the spirit when it comes to practicing self control? It is so easy to not be self controlled, but God calls us to live a life of self control

1 Thessalonians 5:5-8

Anyone that is a christian does not live a life in darkness!

Titus 2:1-5

Another example of Gods commandments regarding living our life with self control. As we grow older and more mature as Christians sometimes we stop growing in self control. We may practice self control with what we call major sins (drunkenness, adultery, impurity...etc), but what about the "little sins" like Inpatients, quarrels, greed...etc?

Titus 2:11-12

We need to say no to ungodly things. God doesn't just tell us to be self controlled but he gives us his spirit to help us be self controlled, but you have to allow the yourself to be led by his spirit?

Self indulgence is contagious and self control is contagious. Studies have shown that people with a lack of self control have a negative effect on other people, like wise people mimic the people around them and a person that exercises self control will have a positive effect on the people around them!

Bad company corrupts good character! What we see and what we hear can have a profound effect in our lives. It is important spiritually that we guard our hearts from ungodly influences!

Galatians 5:16-19

Living by the spirit removes the desires of the sinful nature. Self indulgency is contageous.....who are you hanging out with? Do your friends hold the same christian values and principles that you do? Do they challenge you to be like Jesus?

We are in a battle between the will of our sinful nature and the will of spirit!

Exodus 23:2

1 Corinthians 15:33-34

Do not be misled....bad company corrupts good character!

John 13:14-16

Why should you read the bible daily? Why should you attend church every week? Why should you practice self control? Because of Jesus! Jesus is the perfect example of a life filled with self control! This is the example we shuold model our lives after!

Proverbs 16:32

We have to be men of god that practice self control!

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