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Monday, February 22, 2010

Imitating One Another Through Christ

God created all of us to imitate Jesus Christ and to imitate others as they imitate Jesus!

1 Corinthians 11:1

Paul taught the early Christians to follow him as he followed Christ!

This does not mean that we copy each other or mimic each other, but we need to imitate the godly qualities that we see in each others life. The difference is imitating the godly qualities and trying to copy a personality or a specific action.

God has given each of us talents and gifts that other people can imitate in us.

Like wise following someone and discipleship is not copying or mimicking someone.

1 Corinthians 4:14-17

Every single one of us should be an example for others to imitate. Just as timothy imitated Paul and Paul called the Corinthian church to imitate timothy as they both strived to initiate Jesus.

What godly qualities would your friends want to imitate in you? If it is hard for me to answer that question, then I am not living and modeling my life after Jesus.

A man who's life and godly doctrine are inline is a man that people can imitate and who's life gives examples to others on how to live like Jesus.

We need to surround our selves with godly spiritual people that can help us mature spiritually.

Proverbs 11:14

The proverbs are full of scriptures that speak of getting advice and how that will lead you to sound judgment.

This is the key to imitating others as they imitate Christ by asking and seeking advice from godly people who have been successful spiritually in handling a given situation.

To ask for advice we have to lower our pride and act on humility!

Hebrews 6:12

Again the bible calls each of us to rely on each other and to seek out godly people that we can follow and imitate!

Help is in the church through godly people but you have to be willing to get help with what ever your issue or struggle maybe. Follow them as they follow Christ!

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