God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, January 11, 2010

Godly vision for a new year!

Zechariah was called by god to inspire gods people to rebuild the temple. There was much opposition from neighboring countries. The temple was started and then stopped and then delayed, but Zechariah new that the temple had to be completed and God's will must be done!

Zechariah 4:1-6

Not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the lord. When we do God's will we have to rely on him. We will have obstacles and set backs but with gods power we can accomplish all things!

Zechariah had a vision to see what was to come and the angel of the lord asked Zechariah what do you see?

So I will ask, what do YOU see? What plans do you have for fulfilling God's will in your life? We have to have vision for what God can do in our lives and then we have to be willing to let God use us!

Not by might and not by our own power but by the strength of the spirit of the lord! As long as God is with us we will be able to complete the task!

Psalms 46:1-11

Vs 10 Be still and know that I am God! God will do the work if we surrender to him and his will!

Zechariah 4:7

Gods spirit moved mountains. Some of us are over whelmed with the mountains in our lives! We have to see that God has the power to overcome what ever struggle, trial or tribulation we may be facing in our life!

Today, what is your mountain? We can name all the problems we have and believe that this the reason for the struggles in our lives but the real mountains we have to overcome are internal! The true battle is how we deal with our problems internally! Bad things can and will happen, however, it is how we react to them that changes the outcome.

Pride, impatience, selfishness, envy, greed....etc are the mountains that we face and they are all internal sins.

Matthew 21:21-22

Have faith and god and throw that mountain into the sea!

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