God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Building Gods Kingdom through love

2 Timothy 1:1-8

God does not want us to have a spirit of timidity when it comes to the good news and testimony of Jesus Christ!

God wants us to have a spirit of love and confidence. Our love should be evident to all people!

Our challenge as Christians is to learn how to love the way god intended us to love! Gods definition of love and the worlds definition of love are two totally different things.

1 John 4:7-11;16

God is love! To truly define Gods love you have to look at what God has done for us. He is always faithful, always there for us, he never has nor will let's us down. He sacrficed his one and only son for us so that we would not meet destruction!

Our challenge in building the kingdom is to love one another in the same way God has loved us! Then and only then will we people be able to see Gods spirit in us. Our example to the world is through our love.

The world teaches us that love is conditional. If you love me and treat me the way I want, then I will love you...etc

1 Corinthians 13:1-8

Love is more important in Gods eyes than any wordly accoplishment we can obtain or achieve!

This is the Godly definition of love. Do you love your brothers and sisters, your neighbors, your family the way this scriptue defines love?

The best way to measure your love for someone is to ask them. Ask your family and friends if they feel loved by you in this way?

Matthew 22:35-40

The bible hangs on two things. Loving God and loving other people.

John 15:9-14

Loving God has to do with being obiedent to his commandments. We cannot love God unless we love other people!

Being obiedent to God is also connected to denying our sleves. Denying our selves what we want by following gods will for our lives instead.

Love is having a "one another relationships". Being deeply in love spiritualy for each other and being envolved in each others lives! Having compassion for people in the world. How can God use you in someone elses life? What impact spiritualy can you have in someone elses life.

1 John 2:9-11

God sees our hearts. We may be able to fool each other but god knows our motives and actions. We cannot walk with God and be in the light unless we love our brothers and sisters!

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